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Re: Most heart touching event in the book

Posted: 27 Apr 2022, 15:07
by Nwaka Chukwuemeka
I was touched when Brandy's mother sacrificed herself for the safety of her daughter. I was also touched by the death of Eric's wife. furthermore, how Brandy was pushed out was heartbreaking, and the sudden change in Brandy's life after the death of her mother.

Re: Most heart touching event in the book

Posted: 29 Apr 2022, 01:36
by Good Writer
It was when Brandy mother was kill, it was indeed a tragic moment.

Re: Most heart touching event in the book

Posted: 29 Apr 2022, 08:28
by Nwankwo Perpetual
It is heart breaking for me to put myself in Brandy's position. Seeing ones mother die without being able to save her is a terrible experience. The way Brandy's mother sacrificed her life is a noble thing. It really luminates how great a mother's love it's

Re: Most heart touching event in the book

Posted: 29 Apr 2022, 10:10
by Esty_gab
Having to watch your own mother die right in front of you could be the most emotional thing to experience. I can't imagine myself experiencing that. That was the most emotional moment for me.

Re: Most heart touching event in the book

Posted: 29 Apr 2022, 11:33
by Sseatvet1
(spoiler) There were a few really touching events that made the story whole, with the most heart touching I believe was when Brandy found out who her real father was. Throughout the book she had trouble with loving Eric or speaking kind words about him, so I believe her heart was filled when she found out her true father was who she looked up to and took care of her through all the years.

Re: Most heart touching event in the book

Posted: 30 Apr 2022, 02:41
by Aarya Gondkar
The most heart-touching event in the book for me was the death of Brandy's mother, when she gave up on her own life by hanging herself, instead of outing her dear daughter. The mother was a strong character throughout the book and that's why her death shook me. Moreover, her daughter Brandy witnessed her death, which makes it even sadder.

Re: Most heart touching event in the book

Posted: 30 Apr 2022, 03:38
by Leasa Ana Maria
I was really sad when Eric's wife died. Also, the scene where Brandy's mother died was heartbreaking.

Re: Most heart touching event in the book

Posted: 30 Apr 2022, 18:11
by James Ndumia
I find it very emotional how Brandy had to witness the hanging of the mother and this was after the killing of Eric. The loss was too hard for her to bear for the parent-to-child bond is very strong to be severed especially with a brutal murder of the parent.

Re: Most heart touching event in the book

Posted: 30 Apr 2022, 18:38
by Elendu Divine-Treasure
I tried holding my tears when Brandy's mum sacrificed herself for Brandy's safety. Nothing hurts than seeing your loved ones die in your presence and you couldn't do anything about it.

Re: Most heart touching event in the book

Posted: 01 May 2022, 00:51
by Siphesihle Prince
I'm not sure if a death scene is considered "touching", but the Scarlett Mistress' death was immediately appalling and emotional to me even though we were not given much depth to her character since she appears in the introduction of the book. The loyalty she had built for those in her crew is evident to bear, so just imagine the internal suffering they endured when they had to watch their co-captain hanged in front of them with nothing they could do about it.

Re: Most heart touching event in the book

Posted: 01 May 2022, 01:49
by nwanasebuka
My mother, like many others, is my biggest love in this world. I was most moved by the fact that she had to see her mother's murder with her own eyes. I could feel her anguish. No one should have to see such a heinous event.

Re: Most heart touching event in the book

Posted: 02 May 2022, 01:27
by Christabel18+
That has to be the scene were brandy's mother had given up her life for her daughters sake.

Re: Most heart touching event in the book

Posted: 03 May 2022, 09:27
by Elijah Binfa Bongfa
To me, I think the most heart touching event in this book is the Eric's death.

Re: Most heart touching event in the book

Posted: 03 May 2022, 13:25
by Kings1999
The most heart touching moment for me is the scene where Brandy loses both parents, and is forced to pretend to be a slave. I really felt for her.

Re: Most heart touching event in the book

Posted: 03 May 2022, 15:54
by Soraya Bayah
I felt worried when Davonte was kidnapped right after they knew she was Captain Joshua's daughter. It broke my heart to think that he might never get to meet his long-lost daughter. Other instances affected me, but this one was worth mentioning.