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Names in the book

Posted: 01 Apr 2022, 01:36
by Owuamanam Eberechukwu
One of the chief things that interests me in books are names. I love it when authors use peculiar and resounding names in characterizing their book. I also feel Dan Hendrickson used names wonderfully. Example is the name of the pirate ship “Red Witch” the name really triggered more interest in the book. Does characterization and names affect your enjoyment of a book or not. And what do u think about names in books.

Re: Names in the book

Posted: 01 Apr 2022, 02:00
by degoodwriter
I don't find anything special with the names in the book. It was just like every other name. Names like Eric are names people are conversant with

Re: Names in the book

Posted: 01 Apr 2022, 02:00
by Kelyn
I don't think that it affects my enjoyment of the book as in lessening it, but unique names definitely add a layer of interest that otherwise wouldn't be there. On the other hand, characterization very much affects my enjoyment of any book I read. Poor characterization or character-building skills on the author's part can kill an otherwise fantastic book.

Re: Names in the book

Posted: 01 Apr 2022, 02:03
by Chesko
I fully agree. The names in the book were done perfectly, especially the names of the ships. For instance, it felt good reading that Captain Joshua and his crew were aboard The Morning Star. They were really cool names.

Re: Names in the book

Posted: 01 Apr 2022, 02:35
by Pauline Parnell
Each character is referred to in a unique way by the author. As seen by the novel's title, Brandy was dubbed "the Pirate Princess", Eric Erasmus was dubbed "the plague", Katrina was dubbed "the Scarlet Mistress". The characterization did not affect my enjoyment of the book. In fact, it assisted in my understanding of the story.

Re: Names in the book

Posted: 01 Apr 2022, 02:43
by Huini Hellen
One of the toughest tasks that author's often face is assigning names that portray characters' traits and which will enable readers to relate to. Although there is nothing significant with common names like "Eric", others like 'Red Witch' often help the reader to create vivid images of each personality in the book and associate it to the roles they play.

Re: Names in the book

Posted: 01 Apr 2022, 03:56
by Beauty Kalu22
The name makes the storyline more captivating I must say. There's a ring and compelling sensation when you read something like the Scarlet Mistress. I definitely enjoyed the names employed by the author in the book.

Re: Names in the book

Posted: 01 Apr 2022, 04:54
by nwankwo chibuchi
I think the names in the book were really remarkable. My favourite from the book were ‘the plague, the scarlet Mistress, the pirate princess.

Re: Names in the book

Posted: 01 Apr 2022, 05:24
by Amynwankwo_
Of course attributing special names to people, places or events help them stand out and stick to your mind. Generally, I don’t think names affect my enjoyment of a book but when authors do stuff like that, I find it really cool. It also helps the readers create an image in their heads.

Re: Names in the book

Posted: 01 Apr 2022, 05:35
by Ayomikun Babalola
It doesn't particularly lessen the experience for me. But I would prefer unique names that are easy to remember, like Katrina the Starlet Mistress, rather than complicated unrealistic names.

Re: Names in the book

Posted: 01 Apr 2022, 05:41
by Laww
Even though some names help capture the reader's attention, using many names in one particular book may confuse the reader to discerning the actual flow of events. However, if the characters were given names that describe their nature, I would agree with this inclusion.

Re: Names in the book

Posted: 01 Apr 2022, 05:58
by Kirsi Cultrera
I think the names in this story are beautiful and fitting to the story. They are also very much needed in the sake of plausibility; what would a pirate story be without fitting pirate names, like the Plaque and Scarlet Mistress? Did anybody notice that the ship’s name, Red Witch, matches with Brandy’s real hair color?

Re: Names in the book

Posted: 01 Apr 2022, 09:26
by Amy Luman
I do really like good names. Davonte was such a good one and original, you don’t hear it often. In contrast, John is so generic. It’s like by then the author had given up trying to be creative.

Re: Names in the book

Posted: 01 Apr 2022, 12:01
by Nwadinso Michael
In my opinion, the author did a good job in the characterization of this book. The names in the story are quite unique and beautiful.

Re: Names in the book

Posted: 01 Apr 2022, 12:53
by Amiczy Heaven
I do not think names mean much, I would still enjoy the book no matter what anything was called.