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Re: What Intruders Can You Relate To?

Posted: 16 Jun 2022, 07:02
by Elijah Bongfa
The major intruder I think I can relate to is procrastination. But I am now gradually overcoming the procrastination.

Re: What Intruders Can You Relate To?

Posted: 16 Jun 2022, 22:42
by Raquel Sojo
For me, my biggest intruder is fear, especially fear of criticism, and letting it freeze me. Also, procrastination, even though in my brain I constantly go over my to-do list. And the worst, was the imposter syndrome, which made me abandon countless projects just because I didn't believe I was good enough or capable enough.

Re: What Intruders Can You Relate To?

Posted: 17 Jun 2022, 07:57
by Moses mark joe
Procrastination seems to be a more common problem than people think. My intruder is me always despising myself.
Its really a huge mountain that obstructs my advancement

Re: What Intruders Can You Relate To?

Posted: 17 Jun 2022, 11:58
by Zolex Paula Avina
One of the intruders I have frequently identified with, even from childhood, is procastination. I find myself a compulsive person so it's usually difficult for me to make a plan and stick to it. I'll always want to push it, even just a little, forward when the T-time comes.

Also, I am easily bedeviled by the intruder representing negative thoughts either developed on my own, or from the opinions of others. It's a problem I'm currently striving to solve.

Re: What Intruders Can You Relate To?

Posted: 17 Jun 2022, 21:59
by kajal31
My intruder is self-doubt. I always think that I am worthy and unique, but when I am going to achieve my goal, I doubt myself, which shatters my confidence. I am improving this by reading books and practising confidence in uncomfortable situations.

Re: What Intruders Can You Relate To?

Posted: 18 Jun 2022, 01:43
by Chidera agbata
My intruder is feeling worthless because I made a mistake I couldn't fix. But I've got to deal with it.

Re: What Intruders Can You Relate To?

Posted: 18 Jun 2022, 02:26
by nidhi_27
My intruder makes me compare myself to others, making me feel very low about myself. I am always thinking what others think about me. But actually it's my intruder that makes me do it. I have to keep reminding myself that nobody cares about someone else neither should I care about other's opinions.

Re: What Intruders Can You Relate To?

Posted: 18 Jun 2022, 03:40
by CatNationhood
Mine is procrastination. This monster has almost destroyed my life. While I take full responsibility for my inability to master both my time and myself, this intruder that I fed with excuses and laziness kept growing. Anyways, I plan on getting to work and booting that out of my life for good.

Re: What Intruders Can You Relate To?

Posted: 18 Jun 2022, 06:28
by Uwe Neufeld
Got a lot of intruders. Can't deal with all of them at once. Procrastination is certainly one of them. Till I'm completely free it will take time. I'll read the book once again.
Author Rob White deserves a great Thanks.

Re: What Intruders Can You Relate To?

Posted: 18 Jun 2022, 09:29
by Avina
I am a victim of many intruders some of which were mentioned in the book and others that are not. However, tbe intruder I most relate to is negative self perception. I am very quick to identify the negativity in my life and tend to dwell on them.

Also, I have this tendency to procastinate important and less important actions and activities in my life such that has direly affected my development as a person.

Re: What Intruders Can You Relate To?

Posted: 20 Jun 2022, 14:42
by Shelby Ayres
I personally have had intruders infiltrate my life and ruin my self-worth and the positivity I try and keep. It is really difficult to have everything torn down and have to rebuild time and time again.

Re: What Intruders Can You Relate To?

Posted: 20 Jun 2022, 16:09
by Limpho Mojakisane
LadyWhyte3 wrote: 02 May 2022, 01:52 Procrastination. It's a very subtle intruder that worms its way in and sticks for a very long time. I've had a battle with procrastination for years. While reading this book I realized I can not win this battle if I continue to regard procrastination as part of me. It is an intruder and must be driven out.
Funnily enough I also experienced the same thing. I learnt that this is an intruder that most of us battle with and this monologue has greatly helped me to identify it and therefore work on driving it out of my life.

Re: What Intruders Can You Relate To?

Posted: 26 Jun 2022, 03:54
by Glorious Jack
My intruders are procrastination and a low self esteem. I have to remind myself every half hour that I am not a waste of space.

Re: What Intruders Can You Relate To?

Posted: 02 Jul 2022, 12:31
by Wildflowertheorist
For me it's both of them procrastination and discouragement. Criticism leads to low self esteem and a bad mood.

Re: What Intruders Can You Relate To?

Posted: 02 Jul 2022, 13:08
by Jenifer Payton
I also experience procrastination a lot in my life with school. I often leave a lot of work until the last minute. I always get it done but it always stresses me out and after reading this book I realized that I need to start cutting back on how much I procrastinate.