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Re: Life is benevolent. Do you agree?

Posted: 15 Dec 2022, 09:19
by Emeka Emordi
I agreed with what the author said. It is just in tune with the law of attraction. Life is kind. It only depends on how we see it. Can it be that most people that experience bad things are not wishing themselves well? To some extent, I will say yes. However, many factors affect what we experience in life, our thought is number one of them.

Re: Life is benevolent. Do you agree?

Posted: 22 Dec 2022, 08:44
by Rose Tamuno
Robert Obikanyi wrote: 18 May 2022, 05:39 This author indicates that life is continually watching us and reacting to our thoughts. So, according to my understanding, life should go on as we expect it to -- favourably. But that is not how life works. It has many positive aspects that we enjoy, as well as numerous negative aspects that we do not enjoy or desire.

Can we truly say that life is kind?
I do not believe your life is better wallet or kind. Life is an inanimate and abstract term that we can move into what we want it to be. Life just doesn't happen to people who people dictate what's your life look like.

Re: Life is benevolent. Do you agree?

Posted: 30 Dec 2022, 08:08
by Flourish Sunday
That is obviously highly relative, in my opinion. Depending on the angle from which one views it. Yes, especially if they were born with a silver spoon in their mouth. No, according to some. However, I believe that life has somehow given of itself in a variety of ways. A sensible choice must be made.

Re: Life is benevolent. Do you agree?

Posted: 03 Jan 2023, 04:56
by Fanny Lebura Ueh
Saying that life is good is oversimplifying, in my opinion. One cannot deny that there are circumstances that occur regardless of what we have done or how our character is, even though I agree that our choices have a significant impact on how we experience life (i.e., if you make excellent choices, you will reap the rewards of your actions). These unpleasant experiences are an inevitable part of life, and overcoming them enhances one's understanding of the human condition.

Re: Life is benevolent. Do you agree?

Posted: 12 Jan 2023, 14:55
by Blessing Otuokere
Though life can occasionally be cruel, I believe that it also humbles us all. For me, life kills those it doesn't break, and it breaks everyone else. However, life's negative aspects force you to recognize its positive ones, which are what make life so beautiful.

Re: Life is benevolent. Do you agree?

Posted: 15 Jan 2023, 14:40
by Riya Sarkar
ZhanLu wrote: 18 May 2022, 18:31 Is life benevolent? That is a good topic for debate. I don't know if I can agree with the author that 'life is benevolent', because in my perspective, I feel that life is cold. It is neutral. Yes, neutral would be a good word to describe life. It doesn't care if we are experiencing the positive aspects and it sure does not care if we are struggling. Most of the good and bad are born due to our choices. But, sometimes we are helpless to the good and the bad that life dumps at us while it watches coldly from afar. Life is a rollercoaster. But, it definitely is not benevolent, that is for sure.
Yes, totally. Life is neither benevolent nor malevolent.

Re: Life is benevolent. Do you agree?

Posted: 23 Feb 2023, 11:03
by Chris Rich Nwaka
That is very much relative, in my opinion. That depends on the angle from which the situation is viewed. Yes, for certain people, especially those who were born privileged. No, not to others. But I believe that life has mysteriously offered itself in a variety of packaging. One must make wise decisions.