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Re: "All children intuitively know they are overflowing with talent and oozing with potential..."

Posted: 22 Jul 2022, 11:55
by Tessy Bullion
I agree with the quote you provided. Moreover, I would be lying if I said that this book did not help me discover my inner child. It made me realized that I have missed it so much.

Re: "All children intuitively know they are overflowing with talent and oozing with potential..."

Posted: 22 Jul 2022, 12:39
by Cocobutta
It’s amazing how when you are a child you believe you can do anything as long as you set your mind to it. The world feels like it belongs to you and is yours for the taking but as we get older, we get more cynical, doubt ourselves more, etc. it’s important to stay connected to that inner child that believes that we are good enough.

Re: "All children intuitively know they are overflowing with talent and oozing with potential..."

Posted: 30 Jul 2022, 12:40
by Julia_Review
As kids we are discovering the world without predetermined beliefs. As we grow up, we fall in the comparison trap and begin to divide things in useful or not, trendy or not. And sometimes our talents just do not seem so attractive anymore.

Re: "All children intuitively know they are overflowing with talent and oozing with potential..."

Posted: 31 Jul 2022, 07:21
by Faatimah Noormahomed
I definitely think it's true! As children all we want to do is explore and learn new things. I think at some point we become conscious of the fact that we are being studied and judged by others, and this affects how we learn and what we believe we can do.

Re: "All children intuitively know they are overflowing with talent and oozing with potential..."

Posted: 02 Aug 2022, 05:17
by The Nabongos Duchess
It's true that kids are maestros.They have so much in their inside and nothing holds them back when it comes to expressing it.Once they grow up and the intruders come in they forget about it.

Re: "All children intuitively know they are overflowing with talent and oozing with potential..."

Posted: 19 Aug 2022, 07:26
by Mary Lou Mills
Whenever I see the word 'all' my mind wanders to look for the exception. I do have to agree though that children are hopeful and I'd like to give them more hope. Wouldn't it be wonderful if all children were born into a welcoming, secure environment?

Re: "All children intuitively know they are overflowing with talent and oozing with potential..."

Posted: 19 Aug 2022, 20:32
by Joanne Ike
What a line! Whenever I ponder on how my life shaped itself to be what it is now, this very quote is the perfect explanation. It was nice to make the discovery that I am not alone in this. I don't know about others but this line describes me. As a child, I just knew I was meant for something great. I was going to be a writer and I think I wasn't terrible at it. But alas, life happens. Well-meaning people throw unsolicited advice your way and tell you to grow up. At some point, I guess you do. That desire for greatness just transforms into regret and then dulls over time.

Re: "All children intuitively know they are overflowing with talent and oozing with potential..."

Posted: 14 Sep 2022, 21:41
by Hager Salem
I like that children would have no limits in their dreams, But I also believe that dreams change with age. not only the ability to courageously dream, But the nature of the dreams. Mostly the person gets to know himself better and redirects himself according to that.

Re: "All children intuitively know they are overflowing with talent and oozing with potential..."

Posted: 04 Oct 2022, 13:38
by Agbata Donald 1
It is 100% correct. Children will want to be whatever thing they are ok with. But the truth is that, while they grow, they will begin understand the reality of life. And so, they will do away those thoughts

Re: "All children intuitively know they are overflowing with talent and oozing with potential..."

Posted: 03 Nov 2022, 23:40
by Thompson Grace
I agree with that. Children have a lot of unique talents, potential, and skills. But they don't necessarily forget it but there is no one to guide them through the process, I would say.

Re: "All children intuitively know they are overflowing with talent and oozing with potential..."

Posted: 18 Nov 2022, 15:05
by Proof Readar
I agree with this. I am once a child and I've been teaching children. I discovered that children do believe that they can achieve anything, especially those things the people before them lack in their lives. This child mentality is very necessary for a solid foundation against tomorrow's challenge, and parents need to identify the area a child is oozing confidence and provide the necessary resources to aid the development of that talent. This book provoked deep thought indeed. Thanks to the author!

Re: "All children intuitively know they are overflowing with talent and oozing with potential..."

Posted: 02 Dec 2022, 17:25
by Proof Readar
This is true. Back then as children, we ooze with a lot of talents and the possibility of becoming anything we want. As we grow older and face our lives realities some ambitions begin to drop. this book helps me to discover these and I can now find myself where I can regain the age-long talent and passion in me.

Re: "All children intuitively know they are overflowing with talent and oozing with potential..."

Posted: 07 Dec 2022, 04:54
by Park Cherri
Personally, I know it’s true. When we are children, we believe we will become this and that because we know we are capable, then challenges came on, we forgot about it. This is where the actions of intentional parents come in.

Re: "All children intuitively know they are overflowing with talent and oozing with potential..."

Posted: 07 Dec 2022, 04:55
by Park Cherri
Personally, I know it’s true. When we are children, we believe we will become this and that because we know we are capable, then challenges came on, we forgot about it. This is where the actions of intentional parents come in.

Re: "All children intuitively know they are overflowing with talent and oozing with potential..."

Posted: 30 Dec 2022, 08:10
by Flourish Sunday
The choices seem limitless to children because, in my opinion, they are so accustomed to being asked what they want to be when they grow up.