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Re: What did you try before The Maestro Monologue?

Posted: 08 Jul 2022, 01:29
by Chidera agbata
Before now I've been battling with being self independent and confidence, but it has not really been easy. I think with this book, I have drafted out ways to make things right

Re: What did you try before The Maestro Monologue?

Posted: 10 Jul 2022, 03:40
by ShaniaGordon1
I forgot the title of the book I have read before this masterpiece. It's honestly a hard copy one which also helps me a lot. However, I cannot really discard the impact this book has on me. It was a pleasure to try many of its activities' the quotes and the biblical verse are indeed flattering.

Re: What did you try before The Maestro Monologue?

Posted: 10 Jul 2022, 08:47
by Zubby24
Before reading the maestro monologue, I always tried setting goals, and showing a positive attitude towards any thing I do.

Re: What did you try before The Maestro Monologue?

Posted: 10 Jul 2022, 16:57
by Olomofe
One thing I have come to realize even before I came accross this is that I do see each human being to represent a world. Just like mad person also live in a different world.

indeed many concept in this book consolidated most of my belief about life

Re: What did you try before The Maestro Monologue?

Posted: 11 Jul 2022, 02:14
by Itz Savaga
This book introduced me to a new world of possibilities. I'm currently on the journey of defeating the imposter and becoming the absolute best version of myself.

Re: What did you try before The Maestro Monologue?

Posted: 11 Jul 2022, 06:28
by Blossy20
Before I read this book, I used to practice positive affirmations. It did not work. I am grateful I read this book.

Re: What did you try before The Maestro Monologue?

Posted: 12 Jul 2022, 11:54
by Daniel Oluwabiyi
Before reading this book, I usually procrastinate serious matters and deal with the simpler ones first. I worked by saving my energy for the hardest. One thing I realized was that simple problems never end. The book made me deal with the serious ones first. Life has gotten better for me since then.

Re: What did you try before The Maestro Monologue?

Posted: 17 Jul 2022, 12:09
by Rex Rexy
Before I read this book, I used to let people's negative opinions and criticism weigh me down. They don't bother me anymore. I used to struggle with inferiority complex. Now, I am brimming with self confidence after I read the book.

Re: What did you try before The Maestro Monologue?

Posted: 17 Jul 2022, 22:17
by Kieran Anslow
Before I read this book, I used to look in the mirror sporadically and say positive things to myself. It involved a lot of work and after reading this book, I've not come across anyone that has tacked the issue perfectly.

Re: What did you try before The Maestro Monologue?

Posted: 21 Jul 2022, 14:00
by Ebele Ekelobi
I use to have the victim mindset and blame everything and everyone around me before I came across this book, but the book has taught me to take my life into my own hands.

Re: What did you try before The Maestro Monologue?

Posted: 30 Jul 2022, 16:51
by Emidio Inocencio
I read other books but I would achieve the results I wanted. And that frustrated me. But this book is a game changer for me.

Re: What did you try before The Maestro Monologue?

Posted: 02 Aug 2022, 05:23
by The Nabongos Duchess
Before reading this book I concentrated on prayer but now I know what I can add to prayer by claiming by my mouth that I am smart and not an idiot.

Re: What did you try before The Maestro Monologue?

Posted: 14 Sep 2022, 20:14
by Hager Salem
In my recent years, I worked hard on my positive mindset. I think this can completely change your life. life won't change, people won't change, But how you feel and react towards things can definitely change.

Re: What did you try before The Maestro Monologue?

Posted: 04 Nov 2022, 00:22
by Thompson Grace
My defense was scheduled a week before I picked this book. Initially, I was so scared of standing before the crowd and this fear overwhelmed me that I couldn't focus and study. I casually picked a copy of this book that I was able to spot the intruder.

Re: What did you try before The Maestro Monologue?

Posted: 07 Dec 2022, 05:11
by Park Cherri
I do talk down at myself, try to muster fake confidence but that leaves as soon as I’m exhausted. It can be tiring. But now, I can do it the right way.