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"All children intuitively know they are overflowing with talent and oozing with potential..."

Posted: 26 May 2022, 12:49
by Scott
While reading the book, I highlighted this quote that I really like from page 4:
Rob White wrote:All children intuitively know they are overflowing with talent and oozing with potential, and they fully intend to express it. However, things happened, and they forget all about it.
Do you agree with this quote? Is it something you also find relatable?

Did you find that reading The Maestro Monologue helped you rediscover your inner child?

Re: "All children intuitively know they are overflowing with talent and oozing with potential..."

Posted: 26 May 2022, 17:28
by Rob White
Yes, indeed... all children are absolutely oozing with potential. While writing this book that become so much more apparent to me. Kids are Maestros. There is no doubt about it. They orchestrate themselves marvelously as they negotiate their way through their tiny, little but magnificent worlds.

If it weren't for the 60,000 NOs, which we all agree to encounter during the Terrible Two's through age 5, oh my goodness - can you imagine what we would do with our lives. Mind-blowing!

Forgetting they we are "The Maestro," here to conduct our daily affairs so we might orchestrate incredible destinies - for certain, that is part of the sacred contract we signed before taking human form :) That's the challenge. To once again remember what we forgot about ourselves when we gave birth to the Intruder, who never stops reminding us that we are flawed. Call an MD (a Marvelous Denial)... that's the game of life :) Rob

Re: "All children intuitively know they are overflowing with talent and oozing with potential..."

Posted: 26 May 2022, 17:28
by Magdalena Richter
As children we are bombarded with the question "What are you going to be when you grow up?" The answers are more outrageous the younger the child is. I think that we are more inclined to reach towards our full potential as children, when we do not know or understand our limits. As we grow older we abandon the idea that "we can achieve anything we want". The novel helps the reader rediscover what went missing when a child's dreams are crushed by society or by your "intruder". Really loved the novel and it was very enlightening.

Re: "All children intuitively know they are overflowing with talent and oozing with potential..."

Posted: 27 May 2022, 06:48
by Spencer Maina
100% fact. I am an example; right now I cant do the things I used to do confidently as a kid. Example, singing

Re: "All children intuitively know they are overflowing with talent and oozing with potential..."

Posted: 28 May 2022, 13:11
by Rob White
I love that you loved my book, Magda. And what I most love about you having read my book is that you came to a very powerful conclusion: You discovered "what went missing" when your dreams were crushed during childhood moments of fear and doubt. That discovery is key to breaking free from the unwanted mental house guest (the Intruder), so "The Maestro" may, once again, reign free, and you can "be" all you've always wanted to be :) Thank you Rob

Re: "All children intuitively know they are overflowing with talent and oozing with potential..."

Posted: 30 May 2022, 10:33
by Hue-Morningstar
Young children live in freedom of fear. They do not have to think. Acting without thinking of the consequences. Doing what make them feel happy rather than doing what will make them feel appreciated. No competition exists among them. Each working his or her best. Mistakes are not a thing to cause them worry. They accept it for the sake of learning, though easy to forget the same teachings.Worrying is the root of fear. Children worry less often. This lets them have a clear mind.

Re: "All children intuitively know they are overflowing with talent and oozing with potential..."

Posted: 30 May 2022, 12:29
by Gabriela Contreras
I absolutely agree, we often see children paint, sing, run, be free, happy, and full of potential. But something happens, someone says something, the bubble burst and where does all that potential goes?

Re: "All children intuitively know they are overflowing with talent and oozing with potential..."

Posted: 30 May 2022, 15:45
by Gabija Ticho
I am doing much inner work so I feel that I am uncovering more and more of my talents. The good thing is that even If you grew up and forgot everything amazing about you, you still can make your “inner child” alive again.

Re: "All children intuitively know they are overflowing with talent and oozing with potential..."

Posted: 31 May 2022, 03:06
by Tamorie Hargro
Gabija Ticho wrote: 30 May 2022, 15:45 I am doing much inner work so I feel that I am uncovering more and more of my talents. The good thing is that even If you grew up and forgot everything amazing about you, you still can make your “inner child” alive again.
Gabija, I feel like I am doing the same thing! I believe children know from the start that they are made for great things, and they are only able to come into their true potential either as a response to criticism of their talents or the genuine support of their talents by the adults around them. When I was younger, I had that support, but procrastination largely took over each of my favorite (and most skilled) things to do. Now, I love knowing--like you--that I can try again, and that I always can.

Re: "All children intuitively know they are overflowing with talent and oozing with potential..."

Posted: 31 May 2022, 08:48
by Hazel chizhwende
I agree
As a child I used to believe I was so talented, but as life starts to pick up and you start to meet all these challenges you start to think you're not that talented

Re: "All children intuitively know they are overflowing with talent and oozing with potential..."

Posted: 31 May 2022, 09:21
by Rob White
I am so delighted, as author of this book, that you, Hazel, and all of you folks have participated in this conversation about the incredible potential we all possess, as children... and then forget! You've all been an absolute pleasure to communicate with. the onlinebookclub community is a healthy contribution to humanity. Congratulations :) Rob author: The Maestro Monologue

Re: "All children intuitively know they are overflowing with talent and oozing with potential..."

Posted: 31 May 2022, 15:01
by Emmanuela Amasiobi
I believe all children have great potentials and are blessed with amazing talents to do great wonders.

Re: "All children intuitively know they are overflowing with talent and oozing with potential..."

Posted: 01 Jun 2022, 03:29
by Brett Linette
I think children are so used to being asked what they want to be when they grow up that it makes the possibilities seem endless.

Re: "All children intuitively know they are overflowing with talent and oozing with potential..."

Posted: 01 Jun 2022, 06:43
by Frank Mutuma
I totally agree with this. Behavior can be learn, unlearned or reinforced. Children are born with an open mind but influenced by their surrounding. Growing up i loved art and would draw but told by close to me it was i useless skill and i needed to spend my time in the sciences. I no longer draw

Re: "All children intuitively know they are overflowing with talent and oozing with potential..."

Posted: 01 Jun 2022, 12:59
by Solstice2005
I personally think it's very true, all kids have a knack for activities until something changes their outlook towards them. A proper skill is developed with practice, but every child has the ability to be "good" at any activity.