Themes in the book

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Missing Person
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Re: Themes in the book

Post by Missing Person »

"Inverted Racism" In Watch Dogs:

I hated the themes in Watch Dogs: Abnormal Beginnings. The key theme was racism, but I hated the way that theme was expressed. I like to describe Watch Dogs' take on racism as "inverted racism". I feel that the idea that a minority group - made up of individuals whose individual superpowers make them far more powerful than normal people - can somehow be oppressed by the physically weaker majority is patently absurd.

The best example of "inverted racism" I can think of is a comic book called Black by Kwanza Osajyefo, a story about a world in which only black people have superpowers. If black people had superpowers, let's say on the same level as Hancock or Invincible, then some of these superpowered black people would attempt to conquer the United States and turn themselves into royalty. But Black plays out in a completely different way and tries to portray black superpowered people as somehow persecuted, which doesn't make any sense to me. In my opinion, the abnormals in Watch Dogs should have become the ruling elite and the normals should have been the class that was hunted down and discriminated against.

But even though such a scenario, in my opinion, would have been far more realistic, I think it would have been too inconvenient for Mike L Junior's story. I felt that the Mystics of Fortune, was a far more accurate portrayal of what would happen if there were a minority class of superpowered individuals. In some cases, the mystics actually owned normal human slaves if they were powerful enough and organized their own private armies of mystics. Some abnormals in Watchdogs such as Duncan have mind control abilities and described themselves as royalty. I think Mike Junior tried to have his cake and eat as well. In other words, I think he tried to have it both ways: superpowered people being a dominant class whilst also simultaneously being a subservient class of people. It makes no sense that there are abnormals so powerful that they can start their own fiefdoms and yet abnormals are also hunted down by normal humans called "slayers". I found this part of the story to be unbelievably stupid.

If we project the logic of "inverted racism" to human history, we would, for example, have found records of Native Americans actively hunting down and enslaving the white colonialists who owned guns and advanced fleets of ships fully loaded with dangerous artillery weapons. And we would have seen a genocide of European settlers committed by a small number of Native American tribes. These Native American tribes would have tried to extract some resources such as gold using European slave labor for, maybe jeweler, or for paying for Native American soldiers in the armies they were using to conquer other Native American tribes.

I've seen some books on Native American history that argue that one of the reasons that American colonialists were able to conquer Native American territories was the fact that the Native Americans had a lot of tribal warfare and did not present a united front against the colonialists. But I think Native Americans would have firmly held onto all of their territories if they used guns instead of bows and arrows to fight of the European invaders. I think the deciding factor in the war between American colonialists and Native Americans was the technology of weaponry. I'm also fairly certain that the Native Americans would have chased the European colonialists all the way back to Europe if they had superpowers like the abnormals in Watch Dogs.
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Post by Jatto Onimisi »

The prevailing theme, for me, was that of a collapsing society despite the technological advancements.
Chinemezu Okafor
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Post by Chinemezu Okafor »

Racism is a predominant theme in the book, however the themes of war, perseverance, humanity and technology are also present.
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Post by Itz Savaga »

Aside from the theme of racism which is undoubtedly the major theme of the book, the themes of war and kindness also stood out for me.
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Post by Jordan Abio »

This was something I noticed about the abnormals. They were persecuted because of a genetic condition. Being born abnormal is not their fault in any way, but the segregation they endured is something I dislike. A significant theme is determination, which helped them overcome their obstacles. Racism, as well as other themes such as drive, tenacity, and prejudice, play a significant role in this work.
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Post by Goodness C N »

Racism is a very controversial and vital issue in today's world. I'm glad the other brought that to light. The concept of determination was also a welcome development. Great work by the author.
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Post by TusharJoshi »

While judgment and racism may be the underlying themes of the book- it is the underrated theme of determination and perseverance that actually stood out!
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Post by Carson25 »

In addition to racism, which is a theme that is well-depicted in the novel, war is another issue that is well-depicted.
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Post by third agbata »

I observed discrimination and crisis to be one of the themes in this book
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Post by BruceP »

As you noted, there were numerous themes in this novel. In the story, I discovered a conflict theme in addition to racism. Between the characters, in particular, this was the case.
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Post by Rosemary Owolabi »

I will say the theme that stands out predominantly in this book is their survival mode. Everyone wants to survive and be relevant.
If you are having a bad day, let people see that you are having a good day...Spread good vibes, people are going through a lot already. :tiphat:
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Post by Ailakhu Yusau Aizhebiomon »

For me, patience, racism and discrimination, doggedness and vengeance are themes of this book.
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Post by Abdulsabur Aisha »

Discrimination against people with special features, vengeance and patience are the themes I noticed in this book.
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Post by Jelly_J »

Mainly racism. There are other subthemes like perseverance, vengeance, discrimination, conflict and survival.
Elisa Joy Ocasla
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Post by Elisa Joy Ocasla »

Being judged on their uniqueness is something that has prevalent in this work. Discrimination, bigotry, and a smidgen of warfare have also been noticed. This is indeed a good book that will teach you so much.
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