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Re: Themes in the book

Posted: 04 Aug 2022, 11:08
by abstactlemon
I enjoyed the themes of prejudice and racial discrimination as it was very akin to real world issues.

Re: Themes in the book

Posted: 05 Aug 2022, 07:58
by Ruthwriter
Racism is the obvious theme of the book. it's a pity that people with one kind of abnormality face so many challenges and persecution from the normal ones. aside from this , I also see themes like war, struggle, and determination.

Re: Themes in the book

Posted: 06 Aug 2022, 12:40
by Bri Denzel
The theme of racism definitely stood out for me in the book. Other themes such as war and patience were equally prominent.

Re: Themes in the book

Posted: 07 Aug 2022, 03:42
by Joyce Nwaogazie
Some of the themes present in this book were discrimination, patience, love, and treason. More were racism, survival and unrest.

Re: Themes in the book

Posted: 07 Aug 2022, 16:51
by Danny reviews
The themes that emerged for me were the themes of war, racism, and survival. The presence of conflict also struck me.

Re: Themes in the book

Posted: 08 Aug 2022, 04:22
by Danny reviews
I found racism to be the main theme here. But I also saw the themes of war, survival, segregation, and discrimination.

Re: Themes in the book

Posted: 09 Aug 2022, 08:09
by Kendam
Racism is definitely one of the main themes in the book. War, patience, strong will, and determination are some other themes I noticed.

Re: Themes in the book

Posted: 10 Aug 2022, 15:42
by Eze Michael
In my opinion, the themes that are within this book are racism, change in era, discrimination, and perseverance.

Re: Themes in the book

Posted: 11 Aug 2022, 20:41
by Babalola Oluseyi
I noticed that those viewed as abnormal faced discrimination. There were tones of racism throughout the book. Other themes I noticed were war, determination, and perseverance.

Re: Themes in the book

Posted: 12 Aug 2022, 08:29
by Missing Person
I hated all the themes in Watchdogs :x I disliked how all the racial discrimination in the book was directed toward abnormals, who are obviously genetically superior to normals. I felt that this was the logical equivalent of reading a story about rich people being discriminated against by the poor by being rich.

In the X-men comic books and their movie adaptations, even though the mutants are genetically superior to normal humans, they often have physical abnormalities that turn them into social outcasts or pariahs. And in some cases, there are mutants like Magneto who try to use their power to take over the world. I think in real life, most of the mutants in X-men and most of the abnormals in Watchdogs would be worshipped as Gods and treated like royalty. I think Watchdogs takes X-men's most unrealistic themes and ideas and amplifies them.

The two themes that I hated the most were the idea that the world would enter a post-apocalyptic scenario for no other reason than human selfishness and the idea that crowds of people would suddenly start fighting each other for no reason other than the fact that they live in a post-apocalyptic world.

Re: Themes in the book

Posted: 13 Aug 2022, 18:47
by Alexis Kraus93
I did notice the prejudice and judgment the characters faced because of their abilities. This is reminiscent of what many people face due to racism, bigotry and other discriminatory vices. I think war, conflict, vengeance, and persistence are other prominent themes in the book.

Re: Themes in the book

Posted: 14 Aug 2022, 03:04
by Samson Friday
Racism has always been a problem, even in this fictional world. Apart from that, war was another huge theme in the book.

Re: Themes in the book

Posted: 14 Aug 2022, 12:38
by Joy Baridi
Racism, segregation, hatred, fear, loyalty, and perseverance are some the themes. This book contain so much more, but I cannot mention all of them here.

Re: Themes in the book

Posted: 18 Aug 2022, 14:26
by Ana C Barrantes
Persecution goes hand in hand with racism, and I also think it is a central theme to the book.

Re: Themes in the book

Posted: 19 Aug 2022, 06:00
by Jennifer-Annie Abdul
War is a major theme in the book. In addition to that are discrimination, segregation, determination, and perseverance.