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Re: Favorite joke from "Reconfigurement"

Posted: 01 Sep 2022, 14:12
by queen anirah
Who handles the financial matters in a monastery? That's nun of your business. At first I didn’t get the joke but then I read it again and understood. Hilarious!

Re: Favorite joke from "Reconfigurement"

Posted: 05 Sep 2022, 01:01
by Mechito Mecherchito
At the beginning I laughed at this joke - "We can't pick up a newspaper - yes, baby boomers still do that! or go online (hey, we are not dead!) without being reminded of this fact.''

Re: Favorite joke from "Reconfigurement"

Posted: 06 Sep 2022, 17:47
by Krispies
Akinola John wrote: 04 Jul 2022, 05:32 Yes, I agree with you. My favorite joke is also "Who handles the financial matters in a monastery? That's nun of your business." I find it quite funny and interesting.
It's honestly a very funny joke 🤣🤣🤣

Re: Favorite joke from "Reconfigurement"

Posted: 08 Sep 2022, 07:11
by George Baker
I didn't have a favorite joke in this book, but the humor was excellent.

Re: Favorite joke from "Reconfigurement"

Posted: 11 Sep 2022, 11:51
by Alexis Kraus93
"Who handles the financial matters in a monastery? That's nun of your business." I still chuckle when I remember this one. Totally did not see it coming when I was reading.

Re: Favorite joke from "Reconfigurement"

Posted: 12 Sep 2022, 12:31
My favorite joke was, 'How does the Vatican want you to send charitable donations? Paypal! I laughed hard at that.

Re: Favorite joke from "Reconfigurement"

Posted: 13 Sep 2022, 11:06
by Phooko Tebogo PC
Two financial advisors are in a bank when armed robbers burst in. While one of the robbers takes money from the tellers, the other robber proceeds to take wallets, cell phones, and other valuables from customers. In the midst of the chaos, the first advisor slides something into the second advisor’s hand. Without looking down, the second advisor says “what is that”, the first advisor grins and replies- that’s the hundred dollars I still owe you.

It still cracks my ribs😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣

Re: Favorite joke from "Reconfigurement"

Posted: 18 Sep 2022, 01:12
by Rohit Khanna
The nun joke was definitely one of the best ones in the book. The regular use of jokes and puns throughout the book really made the book a fun and easy read.

Re: Favorite joke from "Reconfigurement"

Posted: 19 Sep 2022, 00:31
by Okafor David Okechukwu
Akinola John wrote: 04 Jul 2022, 05:32 Yes, I agree with you. My favorite joke is also "Who handles the financial matters in a monastery? That's nun of your business." I find it quite funny and interesting.
That was a really funny joke 🤣🤣🤣

Re: Favorite joke from "Reconfigurement"

Posted: 19 Sep 2022, 10:06
by Zainab Wasif
Broadly speaking, human beings may be divided into three classes: those who are toiled to death, those who are worried to death, and those who are bored to death.”

Re: Favorite joke from "Reconfigurement"

Posted: 20 Sep 2022, 02:25
by Loniya Chabili Mubanga
Not sure if it's a joke but when he said "...excuse my french! We all hate taxes right!" I found that funny because yes indeed, we all hate taxes lol

Re: Favorite joke from "Reconfigurement"

Posted: 20 Sep 2022, 13:17
by FunkyFlowerLady
all the jokes were so good. the puns and dad jokes kept me from getting bored with the subject. my favorite one was- "after I spoke with my financial advisor, I slept like a baby. I woke up every hour and cried!" kind of self deprecating but so funny.

Re: Favorite joke from "Reconfigurement"

Posted: 22 Sep 2022, 10:44
by Sibongile Sifuya
My favorite joke from Reconfigurement was " Two small mosquitos ventured out of the woods and killed a black Bear. The youngest of the mosquitos said to the other," Let's drag him back into the woods." "No way", said the other mosquito. The big mosquitos will take him away from us and suck him dry."

Re: Favorite joke from "Reconfigurement"

Posted: 23 Sep 2022, 08:45
by Cherrie Rosaldo
Some of the jokes are corny but I appreciate the effort. :D

Re: Favorite joke from "Reconfigurement"

Posted: 23 Sep 2022, 15:46
by Carly Sprout
At the end of chapter 3, there's a little joke:
"After many years of trying to find steady work, I finally got a job as a historian, only to realize there was no future in it"
I love a good, well-placed dad joke.