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Re: Assessment and personality tests

Posted: 12 Sep 2022, 17:20
by Fanny Lebura Ueh
I have taken the Meyers Briggs and the Enneagram tests and found that the results were helpful.

Re: Assessment and personality tests

Posted: 15 Sep 2022, 10:34
by Fams Pee
Though I haven't taken any of the tests, I jotted down some of the links like the TRAITIFY, PLUM, and the 123test for work value assessment. I hope to observe the tests later. Seeing that the author has tested most of those sites, it seems they'll really help.

Re: Assessment and personality tests

Posted: 16 Sep 2022, 04:50
by Savina Visintin
I took a personality test some time ago and loved it. It revealed things about myself that I did not know and showed me my strong points and weaknesses. I find personality tests amazing!

Re: Assessment and personality tests

Posted: 16 Sep 2022, 06:34
by Hubre De Klerk
I have done quite a bit of different personality tests, but until now not the Meyer-Briggs one. I finished it just before replying here and I am surprised at how accurate it is and how much details it gives back that it picks up from your answers! I do believe one can grow a lot in relationships and work, especially if you work on your strong points that are thrown out.

Re: Assessment and personality tests

Posted: 16 Sep 2022, 12:44
by Aarya Gondkar
Lmao, every one of us has taken Buzzfeed's 'which character are you?' quiz at least once in a lifetime. I did, take the mbti personality test but it yielded different results different types so now I'm just a confused duck.

Re: Assessment and personality tests

Posted: 16 Sep 2022, 15:26
by Lauren_Lewis
Yes, I have taken a few personality tests before and find them fun and intriguing. Though, like the author mentioned, they're not always very accurate.

Re: Assessment and personality tests

Posted: 16 Sep 2022, 17:31
by Rohit Khanna
The Myers-Briggs test is definitely one of the more popular ones. I tried it a long time ago, but won't mind giving it another shot to see if there has been some change.

Re: Assessment and personality tests

Posted: 17 Sep 2022, 05:24
by Hannah Mae Fabro
I haven't tried any personality test. But I think it is exciting because it will helo me have a better and deeper understanding of myself. I might try that soon.

Re: Assessment and personality tests

Posted: 19 Sep 2022, 00:43
by Okafor David Okechukwu
The concept of personality tests is rather weird to me because I don't believe there are tests that would show the personality of the person. This is why I did not take any of the tests

Re: Assessment and personality tests

Posted: 20 Sep 2022, 00:56
by Loniya Chabili Mubanga
I don't like personality and assessment tests because they can limit how you approach life. When you're told by algorithm (that's is apparently smarter than you) you tend to start thinking of life in those lines. Sometimes these tests aren't accurate, matter of fact they don't tell the whole story. Relying on such tests and quizzes to make important life decisions such as the career you'll choose is unwise.

Re: Assessment and personality tests

Posted: 20 Sep 2022, 08:33
by Kendal Low
I haven’t ever taken a personality test of any sort before but I think I’d definitely like to out of curiosity. However, I don’t believe one test can be crucial in helping you decide what you should do for the rest of your life.

Re: Assessment and personality tests

Posted: 20 Sep 2022, 11:39
by Madelineren
I did not take the tests but I saved the resources. I am very happy in my career and did not feel the tests currently applied to me.

Re: Assessment and personality tests

Posted: 20 Sep 2022, 13:25
by FunkyFlowerLady
I have taken MBTI and enneagram tests before, but making a career choice based on them is kind of unreliable, considering personality tests don't really know you and are just having a generalizing opinion which can sometimes damage your desires, as in they tend to get more like a self-fulfilling prophecy the more you test yourself and analyze the results.

Re: Assessment and personality tests

Posted: 23 Sep 2022, 14:03
by Monica Bindiu
I've never taken a test like that but I'd love to because I think it could help me a lot to figure out my next career steps as well as to get to know myself better.

Re: Assessment and personality tests

Posted: 24 Sep 2022, 11:55
by AmberLiz
I have taken the Myers-Briggs Personality test multiple times over the years, and I have never been overly surprised with the results. One thing I have noticed when I do them, for me personally, is when I look at the breakdown of my personality traits, I am typically either around the 50/50 mark, or it is a drastic 90/10 comparison where I lean heavily one way or the other. Overall, I haven't found it too helpful for me, but when I compared results with friends, it has brought up some good conversations.