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Reconfigurement outside the US

Posted: 01 Jul 2022, 08:15
by Meenahhhh
The book is primarily written and addressed to readers who live in the United States. Could the lessons in the book be applied where you live? And how?

Re: Reconfigurement outside the US

Posted: 01 Jul 2022, 10:49
by Nyam Bura
From the sample I have read, it is already possible for me to see how I can apply this information in my life. Even if I don't live in the U.S, we are all going through the same financial crisis and we all wonder about the future. I believe this book can help anyone no matter where you live.

Re: Reconfigurement outside the US

Posted: 01 Jul 2022, 11:26
by Amberly Ayra
I am Mexican. In Mexico the mentality is different. People do not usually think about the future, nor do they look for options. I think part of it is due to lack of motivation. Books for more diverse audiences are needed. That is why I think that a Spanish translation would be a good option to share a positive message.

Re: Reconfigurement outside the US

Posted: 01 Jul 2022, 13:24
by Emerizx
In Nigeria, people tend not to pay attention to their future structuring. The truth of the matter irrespective of the country, people spend their entire life operating only on the present without thinking about their future goals.

Re: Reconfigurement outside the US

Posted: 01 Jul 2022, 19:21
by Marsha JJ
In addition to being applicable to those currently outside the U.S., reconfigurement could also include plans for U.S. citizens to consider an expat retirement strategy. Many people are considering options that may be outside of their own country due to various factors such as expense, weather, lifestyle, and health care options elsewhere. Then of course, there's the gelato in Italy to consider....

Re: Reconfigurement outside the US

Posted: 01 Jul 2022, 22:10
by Jen Nghishitende
This is a very good question as I was wondering the same thing too as I live outside the USA. But the topics covered in the book are really universal - planning, a career you love - having fun while at it - retirement - all things that should apply to us all really, wherever we may find ourselves!

Re: Reconfigurement outside the US

Posted: 01 Jul 2022, 23:44
by Mildred Echesa
This book is applicable to persons outside the US. Being in a job you love and planning for retirement is something significant to everyone around the world. Personally in my country Uganda, most people find themselves retiring with no money but several taxes to be paid. They therefore start living in the villages where standards of living are very poor. I bet reaching this book would largely open minds of several individuals, and they would plan for their future; hence they do not suffer during retirement age but have the best time of their lives

Re: Reconfigurement outside the US

Posted: 02 Jul 2022, 00:53
by Kirsi Cultrera
I think the principles of this book can be useful for anyone around the world. Different countries have different social security systems, some vary more than the others, but at the end, what applies everywhere is that individuals need to take charge of their own future. This book seems to be a good one in providing tools for that.

Re: Reconfigurement outside the US

Posted: 02 Jul 2022, 03:12
by Ebi Robert
The book very much applies outside the US. Using Nigeria where I am from, there are many retirees who return home without a proper plan. There is need for some sort of education for such persons. This book qualifies as one. The planning advice is one that can be beneficial to everyone out there, even outside the US.

Re: Reconfigurement outside the US

Posted: 02 Jul 2022, 03:31
by Pauline Parnell
Definitely, retirement plans are trendy in the Caribbean. We are urged to save during our working years to have a hassle-free retirement. This book examines retirement's before- and after-plans.

Re: Reconfigurement outside the US

Posted: 02 Jul 2022, 10:56
by Salah bourouba
In my country. We all have the same retirement plan. A certain amount of money getd deducted from ur salary every month untill the age of 60 then u can retire and get ur retirement money in sections every month as a retirement salary from the government

Re: Reconfigurement outside the US

Posted: 02 Jul 2022, 11:55
by Sabahat Kamran
From someone living in the UK, I definitely think the lessons in this book could be applied outside of the US. The idea of retirement and doing what you love for a living are universal concepts, so despite the book being geared towards Americans, I do think everyone can get something out of it.

Re: Reconfigurement outside the US

Posted: 02 Jul 2022, 15:14
by Sara Scott
I feel that we Canadians are pretty close to American culture and ways of thinking.
This is certainly helpful for those of us up North!

Re: Reconfigurement outside the US

Posted: 02 Jul 2022, 16:30
by Mbali Qalinge
The lessons can be applied in my own country. Financial literacy isn't so encouraged around us; many retirees have no plans and are very dependent on others.

Re: Reconfigurement outside the US

Posted: 02 Jul 2022, 17:30
by Jennifer Coxon
From what I have read of the book, if you substitute the names for the methods of saving for retirement (e.g. 401k for company pension), it is still very applicable to the UK and I would have thought wider, although I appreciate different cultures have very different approaches. In general though, the points made can be read across and used for retirement planning outside of the US.