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Posted: 01 Jul 2022, 15:38
by Owuamanam Eberechukwu
The author emphasized on retirement for the employed.

What if you are an entrepreneur.

Should entrepreneurs also retire?

Re: Self-Employed.

Posted: 01 Jul 2022, 16:19
by bishop_444
Absolutely! I think entrepreneurs just have to do a bit more planning than people working as employees at a company. Also, entrepreneurs need to do more research to find a retirement plan that best suit their lives. But all-in-all, it is completely doable and should be done at a younger age so there will be more to work with in the end.

Re: Self-Employed.

Posted: 01 Jul 2022, 17:17
by Oyedeji Funmilayo
Yes self-employed too should retire. In as much as we see retirement as a period of resting but still being useful. The self-employed too can do this . Not closing up or being far away. But being involved in a non-tasking way than before. We all need rest.

Re: Self-Employed.

Posted: 01 Jul 2022, 17:33
by Marsha JJ
To answer your question, here's an idea. What if "retirement" is an outdated concept? If your work is really enjoyable, why ever stop? Some of the people in the world with the longest lifespans (such as in the Blue Zones), stay active in some form of work (such as farming, or gardening), and researchers have found that the sense of "community" their provides helps them to stay healthy and happy. So, I would say that whether you have a job, or are self employed, or are doing unpaid volunteer work or a working on a creative pursuit, as long as you enjoy it, why stop?

Re: Self-Employed.

Posted: 01 Jul 2022, 19:03
by Judith Donald
I think they can still retir but in their case, I do not think it is easy. Entrepreneurs have to do a lot of checks and balances and at the end of the day, a manager's services may be required. Finding a good one is another task.

Re: Self-Employed.

Posted: 01 Jul 2022, 19:26
by Peace Chux
Yes of course! Entrepreneurs are workers too, and at some point they should also retire. So, just as the employed plans ahead for retirement, the entrepreneur should do the same.

Re: Self-Employed.

Posted: 01 Jul 2022, 21:38
by Vine Michael
Entrepreneurs are part of the labor force and should enjoy the benefits or perks. I know to some retirement is not a perk. I believe entrepreneurs that want to retire have to do more critical thinking and planning. And for some they have to start planning years before. I also know some entrepreneurs never truly retire.

Re: Self-Employed.

Posted: 01 Jul 2022, 22:05
by Jen Nghishitende
Yes of course you can’t work forever even if you work for yourself! More planning and probably more discipline is required for this one though!!

Re: Self-Employed.

Posted: 02 Jul 2022, 02:41
by Parth Vasave 2
Of course! I think the self-employed people require a bit more planning than the employed folks. Also, I think self-employed people might find it hard to leave the job that they love.

Re: Self-Employed.

Posted: 02 Jul 2022, 03:38
by Vidhi Adhikari
I don't believe that there's a right or wrong answer to this question. Choosing to retire is a subjective matter. If you still have the zeal and energy to keep working or you feel that you're not finished, then by all means keep working. But not to the point of burning out.

Re: Self-Employed.

Posted: 02 Jul 2022, 06:00
by Christabel Egbeama
I do think more than anyone self employed people should really retire. You have been in charge of strategically planning the future of your business, independently or not. During early years, a plan for the future should be put in motion where you can plan on your retirement how you see fit.

Re: Self-Employed.

Posted: 02 Jul 2022, 07:26
by ankundachloe
Entrepreneurs never retire completely, they just reduce their workloads with an aim of training someone to take over from them. however there is need for such individuals to prepare enough for such a time when they are nolonger actively involved in the daytoday activities of the business.

Re: Self-Employed.

Posted: 02 Jul 2022, 10:41
by Leasa Ana Maria
The moment you choose to be an entrepreneur, the definition of retirement has some more lines added to it. You need to look and find the right plan for you and the best way to contribute to your retirement. It involves a little more work for you, but I believe it is worth it. Many choose stability to the detriment of their happiness. I prefer happiness.

Re: Self-Employed.

Posted: 02 Jul 2022, 11:51
by Sabahat Kamran
I don't think retirement is something everyone is going to want to do. If you genuinely love what you do and it fulfils you like nothing else in your life you should continue doing it until you want to stop. However, I think there needs to be a work/life balance and you should explore other things that bring you joy.

Re: Self-Employed.

Posted: 02 Jul 2022, 14:59
by Ebi Robert
Sure. An entrepreneur should retire someday. But it should be from active work. Such a person can still be sharing and using ideas to create products.