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Re: Weird Relationship Dynamic; Was Steve Throwing His Life Away for Roxy?

Posted: 30 Aug 2022, 06:26
by Effie Cherotich
First of all, Steve was not as ambitious as Roxy. Steve had initially chosen to go to law school because of 2 main reasons: to please his father and because he felt he didn't have anything else to do. He did not care much about the fancy life that he would have gotten from a good law career. He was more interested in making the world a better place. That is why when he was challenged to join the police to change the system, he could not resist the opportunity. Moreover, Roxy wasn't totally supportive of the idea of Steve joining the police department. Working at the police department was deeply rooted in him. He was definitely determined to accomplish his mission there. Yes, Steve did make some decisions about his career in alignment with Roxy's life such as choosing the location of law school. However, it is very clear that he did not choose Providence PD over law school because of Roxy.

Re: Weird Relationship Dynamic; Was Steve Throwing His Life Away for Roxy?

Posted: 01 Sep 2022, 03:18
by Gabriella H
Honestly, I felt Steve was throwing his life away for Roxy at different points in the book. As a friend, I would've advised him to go to law school. If not for anything, but the fact that he would be better equipped to fight the corruption and defend those trampled upon by the Providence PD than as a cop subordinate to the corrupt higher-ups in the force. At least, as a lawyer, he wouldn't have had to endure as much of their bullying even though it gave him insider access. Plus, it didn't sit right with me that Roxy was pursuing her dream while she encouraged him to remain with her at the expense of his going to law school, then proceeded to get on his case for being a cop and even had the nerve to turn on him. Well, at least he was able to uncover something and get some corrupt people arrested.

Re: Weird Relationship Dynamic; Was Steve Throwing His Life Away for Roxy?

Posted: 02 Sep 2022, 09:10
by Kendrixxavier18
I think Steve really wanted to go to the Police Department because of his zeal to make a change. But he stills adds Roxy in mind as decided to make up his mind on staying with her finally.

Re: Weird Relationship Dynamic; Was Steve Throwing His Life Away for Roxy?

Posted: 07 Sep 2022, 14:35
by Dauria04
I think Steve was definitely throwing his life away for Roxy, and although she didn't ask for this, she also didn't tell him not to until the very last moment. I believe their entire relationship is reflected in this situation.

Re: Weird Relationship Dynamic; Was Steve Throwing His Life Away for Roxy?

Posted: 07 Sep 2022, 20:39
by Cherrie Rosaldo
I think it is Steve's decision to join the police force. Roxy is appalled but supported him. They are growing to be mature man and woman. It's natural to grow apart and drift apart but they still find their way back to each other. They might agree to disagree on many things but that's part of relationship dynamic.

Re: Weird Relationship Dynamic; Was Steve Throwing His Life Away for Roxy?

Posted: 08 Sep 2022, 04:07
by Bombasticsideeye
If Steve we're my friend I would advise him to follow his dreams and do what makes him happy and not try to bend backwards to please someone else. However if pleasing Roxy is what completes him, then he can go right ahead.

Re: Weird Relationship Dynamic; Was Steve Throwing His Life Away for Roxy?

Posted: 13 Sep 2022, 06:15
by Nessa Taylor
I don't feel like he threw his life away for her. It's true that a lot of decisions he made were centered around his love for her, but he decided to join Providence PD for himself. He believed in what he was doing and fought for it.

Re: Weird Relationship Dynamic; Was Steve Throwing His Life Away for Roxy?

Posted: 18 Sep 2022, 09:45
by FunkyFlowerLady
In the beginning, I read Steve as a determined fellow without a goal to work towards. At the start of the book, his only goal in life was to love Roxy and be there for her, but later on, he found himself gravitating toward creating a difference in his surrounding, however difficult that may be. When things got tough in Police Academy, he still didn't give up until he brought a change.

Re: Weird Relationship Dynamic; Was Steve Throwing His Life Away for Roxy?

Posted: 19 Sep 2022, 10:39
by Izzy Kruger
I think the statement "throwing his life away" is quite harsh. Unfortunately in any relationship there are 2 people, with different dreams and ambitions through their lives. Thus there will always be a necessary amount of compromise. And the fact that he didn't even go and study law after quiting the police force shows that it wasn't really his dream.

Re: Weird Relationship Dynamic; Was Steve Throwing His Life Away for Roxy?

Posted: 22 Sep 2022, 03:11
by Oluchii
Steve was actually throwing his life away for Roxy, he put his plans for law school on hold to be close to her, but she on the other hand pursued her dreams to be a doctor.

Re: Weird Relationship Dynamic; Was Steve Throwing His Life Away for Roxy?

Posted: 22 Sep 2022, 15:29
by Niyi Briggs
I won't really fault Steve. There are sacrifices you make for love. Some people even go to the extent of pausing their own lives for the people they love. He might have staked too much of his pursuit for Roxy. I believe everything done for love is worth it.

Re: Weird Relationship Dynamic; Was Steve Throwing His Life Away for Roxy?

Posted: 22 Sep 2022, 20:59
by Claire Twy
I felt that most, if not all, of Steve's decisions were entered around Roxy and pleasing her. She was his whole life, and even when he found out he was cheating, he blamed himself for it and willingly took her back. If I were really his friend, I would advise the noble idiot to live his own life and make his own decisions. I would encourage him to realise his own self-worth and not do things just to please a girl.

Re: Weird Relationship Dynamic; Was Steve Throwing His Life Away for Roxy?

Posted: 27 Sep 2022, 04:12
by Hubre De Klerk
I think it might have started that way in the beginning, but Steve pulled himself through in the end while everything and everyone was against him. He continued to be consistent in his choice to make a difference any way he can by being directly involved, instead of just moving on with his life and his original plans to go to law school.

Re: Weird Relationship Dynamic; Was Steve Throwing His Life Away for Roxy?

Posted: 06 Oct 2022, 16:16
by Obi Egbuniwe
I don't think was throwing his life away for Roxy. He made his decisions factoring her into consideration. But I do agree on a very imbalanced power dynamic between the two.

Re: Weird Relationship Dynamic; Was Steve Throwing His Life Away for Roxy?

Posted: 08 Oct 2022, 08:34
by Fajarr
I don't think he was throwing his life away for Roxy. I do not see how his actions benefited Roxy.