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Re: Is tolerance for war decreasing with each generation?

Posted: 22 Oct 2022, 09:03
by SunVixen
Marsha JJ wrote: 03 Aug 2022, 17:35 In Wild World, one of the characters pointed out that his father's generation (including World War II vets) were more accepting of the Vietnam War than his generation (who were staging protests). Do you think that our tolerance for war is decreasing with each generation? Is it possible to completely eliminate war someday?
Some scientists think it's possible. For example, Steven Pinker has written several articles and books about how tolerance for violence (including wars) is indeed decreasing.

Some people may retort to me (and to Steven Pinker too) that wars still exist. However, there are fewer wars. The modern world may seem scary, but the ancient and medieval world was even scarier.

Re: Is tolerance for war decreasing with each generation?

Posted: 22 Oct 2022, 22:19
by Temi Book
War is not as rampant as the Vietnam days. I think more countries are trying to adapt the diplomatic approach to quarrels. It’s not possible to fully eliminate the possibility but it’s not quite as much.

Re: Is tolerance for war decreasing with each generation?

Posted: 24 Oct 2022, 00:11
by Henry Patrovic
Completely eliminating war is impossible in my opinion. Human greed will always cause conflict. I do think that tolerance for war is decreasing with generations. Most of our lives are a lot better than they used to be. I think, the bigger the contrast between daily life and the horrors of war, the less tolerant people become of war.

Re: Is tolerance for war decreasing with each generation?

Posted: 24 Oct 2022, 09:01
by Natasha Hlongwane
Yes. We are progressively becoming more concerned with self and thus less likely to self-compromise for the sake of fighting for the country we live in. Communication is also being encouraged more as the generations pass, and that may be a more ideal way that leaders will use to solve problems rather than bloodshed.

Re: Is tolerance for war decreasing with each generation?

Posted: 24 Oct 2022, 09:06
by Chandelier Eden
If I have to choose, I'll ask for wars to never come again, the stories are too horrific. Steve tried hard to stand in and fight, it was very heroic of him.

Re: Is tolerance for war decreasing with each generation?

Posted: 25 Oct 2022, 09:44
by Ophiohonren Hiram
Yess. These days people prefer to fight with words and not shed blood with guns or bombs.

Re: Is tolerance for war decreasing with each generation?

Posted: 25 Oct 2022, 14:34
by Agbugba Chinedu Leslie
bishop_444 wrote: 04 Aug 2022, 10:25 I don't think war will ever be eliminated; too many people want power and to take over the world. I believe our tolerance is sort of a roller coaster. That being said, there have been plenty of wars that have happened in the last few years that either no one knows about, or they don't bat an eyelash about. So, unless the media tells people to be outraged, how many of us really look outside of our own lives and take notice of the situations in the rest of the world?
It is impossible to eradicate wars but I believe as humans evolve, the reasons for war will get complex and in turn lead to lesser wars.

Re: Is tolerance for war decreasing with each generation?

Posted: 26 Oct 2022, 07:25
by Amanda simmon
Due to past events and consequences from past wars people have seen the effects of war and try their very best to limit the outcome especially if the cause is something little.

Re: Is tolerance for war decreasing with each generation?

Posted: 27 Oct 2022, 17:13
by Mercy Sos Christopher
It's indeed a great question which needs great pondering. To me, there is no way to eliminate war. And I think our tolerance for war isn't actually decreasing, rather I think people are just too busy trying to get their lives together than caring about causing a war.

Re: Is tolerance for war decreasing with each generation?

Posted: 28 Oct 2022, 03:06
by Kendra Jone
War is a bad thing, and I believe that the idea of war can not be erased or stopped. The tolerance for war is not decreasing with each generation because the past wars like World War II and many others are feared and discouraged from reoccurring.

Re: Is tolerance for war decreasing with each generation?

Posted: 31 Oct 2022, 10:13
by Ebere Mark Joe
It'll be very hard for war to be completely eliminated. But I believe it'll surely reduce if we keep doing what's right.

Re: Is tolerance for war decreasing with each generation?

Posted: 31 Oct 2022, 16:08
by MahimaS
I don't think we can ever eliminate war, as it is our most primitive nature. But we are gaining more and more awareness about the horror of it, so I think we'll see it less.

Re: Is tolerance for war decreasing with each generation?

Posted: 01 Nov 2022, 14:23
by Khasheem
I don't think war can be eliminated completely. But, two world wars have been fought, and we've been taught about the horrific effects of war in school. Knowing the impact, I would say tolerance for war reduces with each generation.

Re: Is tolerance for war decreasing with each generation?

Posted: 02 Nov 2022, 23:00
by Peace Ella 1
I concur that social acceptance of war declines with each passing generation. We are able to examine the consequences of conflict spanning thousands of years. I do not believe that conflict will ever completely disappear. Ultimately, individuals who desire power will turn to the most surefire means of obtaining it—violence and physical dominance.

Re: Is tolerance for war decreasing with each generation?

Posted: 03 Nov 2022, 03:20
by Uyo ojo Grace
Yes, I believe that with each passing generation, we are becoming less tolerant of actual war. I believe that warfare in this world is already evolving. For instance, it no longer takes place physically but rather through technological and natural resource competitions.