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Re: Is tolerance for war decreasing with each generation?

Posted: 05 Dec 2022, 07:40
by Onyeso Njoku
Yes, I think that tolerance for war is decreasing, because nowadays there are more calls for dialogue than war In all over the world.

Re: Is tolerance for war decreasing with each generation?

Posted: 07 Dec 2022, 04:02
by Park Cherri
I think our tolerance for war is waning in this present age. Countries now use more of diplomacy than war.

Re: Is tolerance for war decreasing with each generation?

Posted: 07 Dec 2022, 13:05
by Not available anymore
Yes, I actually think that our tolerance for war is decreasing with each generation and it is possible to completely eliminate war someday, if we work towards it.

Re: Is tolerance for war decreasing with each generation?

Posted: 07 Dec 2022, 14:35
by Onyeso Njoku
Tolerance for war is decreasing in my perspective from one generation to another, but I don't think that war can be eliminated.

Re: Is tolerance for war decreasing with each generation?

Posted: 09 Dec 2022, 09:25
by BenjaminFrank
Kenneth Onyenwe wrote: 04 Aug 2022, 17:17 I don't think it is possible to completely eliminate war someday. Since humans will always look out for selves before others, there will always be unintended infringement.
I agree. Only a dreamer would believe that war can totally be eliminated. There will always be some form of war because there will always be conflict and disagreement. Maybe wars in the future may not be as deadly as they were in the past, that does not be that the very act of war can be completely eliminated. Conflicts arise due to many reasons. As long as we are human and exhibit the traits that we do today, friction and conflict can never be eradicated.

Re: Is tolerance for war decreasing with each generation?

Posted: 11 Dec 2022, 03:29
by Chandelier Eden
Reading_Jack wrote: 04 Aug 2022, 07:00 I won't say that it's possible to eliminate war. Even Steve, himself tried to fight in his own way. The only thing is that the past war and tales of it is so horror that people don't want to witness it again.
But even with that, there is still a few wars liter around in our time. I hope it's totally wiped out.

Re: Is tolerance for war decreasing with each generation?

Posted: 12 Dec 2022, 07:51
by Emeka Emordi
I am certainly sure that war cannot be eliminated. But tolerance for war is reducing with each generation because we have more knowledge about the outcome of war.

Re: Is tolerance for war decreasing with each generation?

Posted: 12 Dec 2022, 08:14
by Prince Oyedeji Oyeleke Jayeola
I want to believe that this generation is more concerned with luxury than war. I for one have read a lot of disheartening occurrences caused by War and won't want to experience such. War can't be totally reduced but the tolerance for it is reducing.

Re: Is tolerance for war decreasing with each generation?

Posted: 29 Dec 2022, 05:21
by Neora Wish
No, instead of decreasing it is increasing. in the past youths will be ready to leave their education and families to be on the battlefields. youths of today just protest.

Re: Is tolerance for war decreasing with each generation?

Posted: 29 Dec 2022, 05:57
by Flourish Sunday
I won't claim that conflict can be completely avoided. Even Steve himself made an effort to combat the situation. The main issue is that people don't want to see another war because the stories of the last one are so horrifying.

Re: Is tolerance for war decreasing with each generation?

Posted: 05 Jan 2023, 23:06
by Melissa Best
I don't think war is necessarily on its way to disappear, but as technology has evolved, the need for death has decreased. Combined with the increase in social media and public knowledge, it could be viewed as a decreased tolerance.

Re: Is tolerance for war decreasing with each generation?

Posted: 08 Jan 2023, 20:38
by Azuka Jessica
Sadly, that is the truth. No young person today wants to go into war. It seems as though the years of peace has gotten into them and we are now used to it.

Re: Is tolerance for war decreasing with each generation?

Posted: 09 Jan 2023, 13:54
by Unique Mary Iloakasia
Tolerance for war is decreasing. It is a good thing and hopefully one day, we wouldn't be fighting amongst ourselves.

Re: Is tolerance for war decreasing with each generation?

Posted: 09 Jan 2023, 17:51
by Blessing Otuokere
I believe that if we have leaders who have the welfare of the people at heart, we can put an end to conflict and create a peaceful world in the future. On the other hand, it could seem challenging because people tend to prioritize their own interests over those of others, but if we all did so, the world would be a better place.

Re: Is tolerance for war decreasing with each generation?

Posted: 12 Jan 2023, 04:55
by Monkeymoney
I agree that we cannot be completely eliminated, but I can say that it's tolerance I greatly decreasing.