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Re: Weird Relationship Dynamic; Was Steve Throwing His Life Away for Roxy?

Posted: 17 Feb 2023, 22:55
by Prodigy5
I think that Steve is a selfless person wanting to give back to society. So I do not think he is throwing his life away.

Re: Weird Relationship Dynamic; Was Steve Throwing His Life Away for Roxy?

Posted: 21 Feb 2023, 08:29
by Chris Rich Nwaka
I concur. As Roxy was his first genuine girlfriend, I believe he felt a little insecure about their relationship and constantly feared losing her. His desire to stick near to Roxy was a factor in his decision to join the Providence. Also, he feared that Roxy would find another shoulder to weep on and stop needing him if he left. However, Roxy and Steve both had dynamic personalities. Over time, they both grew up and eventually went their separate ways without ever losing touch.

Re: Weird Relationship Dynamic; Was Steve Throwing His Life Away for Roxy?

Posted: 24 Feb 2023, 23:14
by Ruba Sabban
I definitely think Steve threw his life away for Roxy , all his decisions were made in the hopes of winning her or keeping her. Even when she had a boyfriend or when she cheated on him, he was still trying to win her back! I believe he was blindly in love with her, so much that he did this all to himself, and still Roxy wasn't satisfied.

Re: Weird Relationship Dynamic; Was Steve Throwing His Life Away for Roxy?

Posted: 28 Feb 2023, 09:53
by Ajibola Gabriel
I think the time he spent trying to please Roxy could have been used to get into law school. She was at the forefront of every decision he made. However, his decision to join the police paid off.

Re: Weird Relationship Dynamic; Was Steve Throwing His Life Away for Roxy?

Posted: 26 Apr 2024, 02:12
by Daberechi Precious
No he was not, but Roxy was really expecting much from him.