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Re: Can a single person stop corruption in an organization?

Posted: 25 Oct 2022, 10:40
by Henry Patrovic
Honestly? I don’t think so. Maybe in a small organisation, but not in an international one. Books and movies often show that it is possible, but I simply don’t think it’s true. Sorry if I’m being pessimistic, but that’s just my opinion.

Re: Can a single person stop corruption in an organization?

Posted: 25 Oct 2022, 14:37
by Agbugba Chinedu Leslie
Sarah J Callen wrote: 11 Aug 2022, 19:51 You raise such good questions that I was considering as I was reading. I'm too pessimistic to believe that one person can change an entire corrupt organization, but I do think it's worth trying in some situations. I believe our actions do matter and can make a difference, but I think widespread corruption like the book describes takes more than just one person to dismantle.
One man cannot change the world alone. He needs the co-operation of several people in order to be able to effect real change

Re: Can a single person stop corruption in an organization?

Posted: 26 Oct 2022, 04:43
by Chinasa Deborah
Being exceptional on one's own is a difficult decision.Eliminating corruption from his organization will be a very challenging challenge. Even though I believe Steve will find it difficult to do that, I believe that staying in the system and not giving up is the best course of action because I believe that one day he will succeed.

Re: Can a single person stop corruption in an organization?

Posted: 26 Oct 2022, 07:35
by Amanda simmon
The influence of one person can create a revolution that can change the world and stop corruption but this influence will create an change in people and the actions that they take also helps in the stop of corruption so is it really one person or is it everyone influenced by them.

Re: Can a single person stop corruption in an organization?

Posted: 27 Oct 2022, 18:16
by Nina Vanderbilt
Corruption is a systemic issue, and I have little faith that a single individual can eradicate it. :/

Re: Can a single person stop corruption in an organization?

Posted: 28 Oct 2022, 03:14
by Kendra Jone
A single person can not stop corruption alone because I believe that for corruption to be stopped it has to be done by the majority. The effect of stopping corruption by a single person will be engulfed by the ignorance of the corrupted majority.

Re: Can a single person stop corruption in an organization?

Posted: 28 Oct 2022, 03:15
by Kendra Jone
A single person can not stop corruption alone because I believe that for corruption to be stopped it has to be done by the majority. The effect of stopping corruption by a single person will be engulfed by the ignorance of the corrupted majority.

Re: Can a single person stop corruption in an organization?

Posted: 29 Oct 2022, 08:59
by Blessing Chi Peculiar
Corrupt practices can be altered by one person. However, it is possible if the individual has the necessary attitude and strength. The most crucial thing is to persist in your efforts to persuade others to see their wrongdoing and stop it.

Re: Can a single person stop corruption in an organization?

Posted: 29 Oct 2022, 18:10
by Chris Alex Powell
Personally, I do not believe that it is possible for a single individual to end corruption in an organisation. However, it is worth the try, and with dedication, it could be possible. A person could also try to slowly influence other members to join their fight for change in an organisation.

Re: Can a single person stop corruption in an organization?

Posted: 30 Oct 2022, 02:59
by BruceP
Fighting corruption in an organization where man people are corrupt isn't easy. This is evident from this story. Giving up isn't a good decision. It is very possible for a single person to stop corruption in a huge organization. However, the person should be prepared to face challenges.

Re: Can a single person stop corruption in an organization?

Posted: 30 Oct 2022, 13:30
by Mayang Bature
Yes, depending on the person's position in the organization, they can stop corruption. In the case of Steve, though, he actually didn't succeed in stopping the corruption; the FBI did. Steve was a tremendous help, but without him, the FBI still would have cracked down on the police department's crimes.

Re: Can a single person stop corruption in an organization?

Posted: 30 Oct 2022, 19:36
by Ratzone_El
There are cases where one will need to leave the system. On one end, I think the effect of one's effort is dependent on the organisation's size. It is a difficult thing to change the tides and stop corruption in an organization, but I believe that it can be achieved.

Re: Can a single person stop corruption in an organization?

Posted: 31 Oct 2022, 09:41
by Bettny Andrade
Definitely a single person can not stop corruption anywhere and even less a person who does not have any kind of experience or knowledge in anything, this is one of the things that did not convince me of the book. However, the fact that he only looks for a way, look for contacts, look for help, that seemed correct to me.

Re: Can a single person stop corruption in an organization?

Posted: 31 Oct 2022, 10:06
by Ebere Mark Joe
It's not impossible to achieve that goal. And with Steve it's very possible. It just takes your determination and courage to achieve it.

Re: Can a single person stop corruption in an organization?

Posted: 31 Oct 2022, 20:21
by Julie Gebrosky
I think a person has the ability to change an organization under certain circumstances. It can start with a single person, but it can’t end with a single person or else the efforts will be in vain.