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Re: Is Steve a hipocrite?

Posted: 03 Oct 2022, 10:52
by Chrity Edwin
I would say he is a hypocrite considering how he his actions. Though it didn't affect his aim in anyway.

Re: Is Steve a hipocrite?

Posted: 03 Oct 2022, 10:54
by Kirimi254
I would not call him a hypocrite. The view of drugs like weed are different with the younger generation

Re: Is Steve a hipocrite?

Posted: 03 Oct 2022, 18:26
by Bef Ozo
He was not a hypocrite although it seemed so. I believe that Steve just had a way which suited well with him in tackling the issues.

Re: Is Steve a hipocrite?

Posted: 04 Oct 2022, 09:20
by Agbata Donald 1
Steve was not a hypocrite. Frankly speaking, I will do what Steve did if I was in his shoes. Besides, i commend Steve's effort to protect his love

Re: Is Steve a hipocrite?

Posted: 04 Oct 2022, 13:22
by Vine Michael
In Steve’s position most people would act the same. As humans we would do literally anything to protect those we love and that’s exactly what he did.

Re: Is Steve a hipocrite?

Posted: 04 Oct 2022, 16:34
by Ayomidekenny2
Well to me, Steve wasn't hypocritical, however, what I think is that Steve want to flow well with his peers that's is the main reason for his actions

Re: Is Steve a hipocrite?

Posted: 05 Oct 2022, 06:51
by Onumere
I think Steve was in a dilemma and mostly in a complex situation. if we observe his situation very well, we will see that he wanted to make a difference but was been met with what was beyond him. i think his being a hypocrite was justifiable. I understand that even if he would achieved his purpose, it will take time.

Re: Is Steve a hipocrite?

Posted: 06 Oct 2022, 08:21
by Obi Egbuniwe
A hypocrite is too harsh a word to describe some of his wrongs. What Steve portrayed was simply human weakness and imperfection. I don't consider him a hypocrite for that.

Re: Is Steve a hipocrite?

Posted: 07 Oct 2022, 01:08
by Michael Valentine
I don't think he was an hypocrite because I would have done the same thing he did If I were in the same circumstances. I would have done anything to protect the love of my life.

Re: Is Steve a hipocrite?

Posted: 07 Oct 2022, 13:53
by 759alex
He was not a hypocrite in my eyes. If indeed he was  he could also have become corrupt while he was in the police force, but we are all human beings and we cannot be perfect. He had to also use that opportunity to protect the person he loves.

Re: Is Steve a hipocrite?

Posted: 07 Oct 2022, 15:19
by Ceeco2002
Despite the fact that I am a great proponent of setting an example, I wouldn't exactly describe Steve as hypocritical. He wasn't supposed to become a saint just because he tried to fight off corruption.

Re: Is Steve a hipocrite?

Posted: 08 Oct 2022, 05:21
The hypocripsy comes due to his sentimental attachment to Roxy. His abuse of drugs is due to his addition that gone over the time. That means that Roxy and drugs were his weaknesses.

Re: Is Steve a hipocrite?

Posted: 08 Oct 2022, 08:32
by Fajarr
I think it depends. Smoking dope while illegal isn't that serious of a crime and while he's a police officer, he's a human being first and will at times need to have a life outside of uniform and so I wouldn't say he's a hypocrite, I would say he's just human.

Re: Is Steve a hipocrite?

Posted: 10 Oct 2022, 02:50
by Bezekasia23
He was a bit biased when it came to people he loved. I don't blame him for that, it's our human nature to care for our loved ones. I don't think he was hypocritical.

Re: Is Steve a hipocrite?

Posted: 10 Oct 2022, 14:10
by alexeliaski
I don't think he was a hypocrite, rather he needed to fit in with his friends and especially in the police department if at all he wanted to succeed in making things right.