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Can a single person stop corruption in an organization?

Posted: 10 Aug 2022, 05:15
by Victoria Ukamaka
Steve tried to do the right things and to make his colleagues do the right things at work. But he is a one-man-squad and his efforts are being frustrated. His life and job were even being threatened. In a case like this, do you think the person should just leave the system? Or can a single person stop the corruption in such a huge organization?

Re: Can a single person stop corruption in an organization?

Posted: 11 Aug 2022, 14:21
by Shillah Andeso
I think it can happen. A single man like Steve, with the right mindset, can be able to tackle matters of corruption effectively. Although it may be hard work and also frustrating, if the work smart they will ultimately be there.

Re: Can a single person stop corruption in an organization?

Posted: 11 Aug 2022, 14:41
by NancyDrew12
I think a single person can change corruption. But I think the person has to have the right mindset and immense strength to do so. The most important thing would be to not give up and try to make others see the wrong their doing.

Re: Can a single person stop corruption in an organization?

Posted: 11 Aug 2022, 14:45
by Ohna Martin
I would say yes if that person is dedicated enough to his cause. Just do it very quietly and discreetly.

Re: Can a single person stop corruption in an organization?

Posted: 11 Aug 2022, 19:51
by Sarah J Callen
You raise such good questions that I was considering as I was reading. I'm too pessimistic to believe that one person can change an entire corrupt organization, but I do think it's worth trying in some situations. I believe our actions do matter and can make a difference, but I think widespread corruption like the book describes takes more than just one person to dismantle.

Re: Can a single person stop corruption in an organization?

Posted: 11 Aug 2022, 20:12
by Soshell Williams-Witter
I honestly think that one person cannot stop corruption in an organization as big as the police force. In Steve's case especially, where he is just a low ranking officer, I do not think the one man squad would be effective. I think after trying so hard with no success, he should just leave the system and try finding another way to effect the change he wants.

Re: Can a single person stop corruption in an organization?

Posted: 11 Aug 2022, 20:15
by Caroline Elizabeth 1
A single person cannot stop corruption in an organization but he can influence a few who can join him in fighting corruption which is always at a cost.

Re: Can a single person stop corruption in an organization?

Posted: 12 Aug 2022, 00:07
by Timothee22
It won't work with only him fighting this battle. He needs support. It will only take a miracle for him to win this case.

Re: Can a single person stop corruption in an organization?

Posted: 12 Aug 2022, 01:01
by Avishi
If I were in Steve's situation, I would just follow my instincts and my heart. If I believe I can change the corrupted system, I will do everything it takes, regardless of the difficulties or results.Whatever sorrow occurs in the process of creating a better world, we may be certain that the better will come to us later.
It is impossible to be a one-man army and change the world in our corrupted environment. But it is worthwhile to strive to achieve something in which we have a strong belief, even if it fails in the end. In my opinion, it is the process that is most important, not the outcome.

Re: Can a single person stop corruption in an organization?

Posted: 12 Aug 2022, 01:50
by Alexander C Schmoock
I don't think the person should give up. At some point, some other people with a living conscience will see the need to join in advocating for a change in the system.

Re: Can a single person stop corruption in an organization?

Posted: 12 Aug 2022, 05:20
by Essy moonlight11
It takes a lot sacrifice. Most of the time you'll be silenced or eliminated before you can even make any meaningful impact. I can say it depends on luck... Or fate.

Re: Can a single person stop corruption in an organization?

Posted: 12 Aug 2022, 07:14
by Oluwatosin Balogun
A single person can not stop corruption in an organisation, but the person's actions can motivate others to join forces and stop it together.

Re: Can a single person stop corruption in an organization?

Posted: 12 Aug 2022, 07:39
by Missing Person
I think a government employee in a government organization can only stop one instance of systemic corruption before losing his or her job. I think Steve did the best he possibly could to stop one instance of police corruption: the political corruption scandal about the housing crisis in south Providence. But I also think that Steve could have easily avoided all drug raids and not gotten his hands dirty in the process of fighting police corruption.

I think if Steve was more persistent he could have joined the FBI and used the FBI resources to root out corruption in police departments across the US. What I think is really impossible is solving corruption in the organization you work for more than once. I think it would have been possible, according to the logic of the narrative, for Steve to fight police corruption while being an FBI agent. But being an FBI agent would have made it nearly impossible for Steve to fight the political corruption within the FBI agency.

On the other hand, Steve may have been able to accomplish more as a civil rights and consumer rights lawyer than as an FBI agent. But the narrative never provides any information for us to compare the activist potential of a lawyer to an FBI agent or regular police officer.

Re: Can a single person stop corruption in an organization?

Posted: 12 Aug 2022, 08:32
by mercasa
It's a hard task to achieve mostly when it's a one-man job. If along the way people support what he stands for then by all means it would be possible.

Re: Can a single person stop corruption in an organization?

Posted: 12 Aug 2022, 09:16
by Laney K
I don't think a single person can cause that level of change on their own, but they can attract the attention of others that could lead to a significant change.