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What was the exact feeling that you've experienced right after finishing "Wild World"

Posted: 16 Aug 2022, 22:39
by Riya Bodhak
"Wild World" ends on a positive note, where Steve busted out the corruption inside the police department. I am satisfied with the ending because I liked how Steve realized that making an impact would be a realistic choice rather than trying to be a one-man-army. So what was your thought right after finishing the book?

Re: What was the exact feeling that you've experienced right after finishing "Wild World"

Posted: 20 Aug 2022, 08:42
by MorganMatthews
As I finished reading the book, I was happy. It inspired me to always do the best I can so that my goal can be achieved

Re: What was the exact feeling that you've experienced right after finishing "Wild World"

Posted: 20 Aug 2022, 10:18
by Amiczy Heaven
I was glad Steve succeeded. All he went through was worth it, except he did not get an award for his bravery.

Re: What was the exact feeling that you've experienced right after finishing "Wild World"

Posted: 20 Aug 2022, 15:49
by Radhika Nair
The ending was poetic and very soothing after all the excitement that preceded it. I cannot say it did not make me smile, but I suspect that was more a smile of being done with the book than of being pleased with it. I'm glad you brought this up though, because this book made me think and feel a lot of contrary things as I went through it. Now I'll try to collect my thoughts together to write a review.

Re: What was the exact feeling that you've experienced right after finishing "Wild World"

Posted: 21 Aug 2022, 05:35
by Jennifer Coxon
I agree that the ending is positive that Steve was able to make an impact. Although I was a little disappointed that he has gone away and experiencing it only through newspaper cuttings.
I was also left a little bereft. I know that this is the end of Steve's participation in uncovering the corruption, however, it is only the beginning of the story for the change he fought for. I wanted to know, what's next?

Re: What was the exact feeling that you've experienced right after finishing "Wild World"

Posted: 21 Aug 2022, 07:05
by Tara D Morgan
I had a number of feelings both during and after reading this book, I am in the UK but obviously have heard about the events in the book. I couldn't get over how brave the character's were to fight for a future they wanted to live. Steve in particular has a lot to lose but he risks it to try and make the world a better place for not only his generation but the following. I was sad that the few who try to fight the system for the greater cause are soon forgotten, humans never learn from their mistakes and the world is basically no different.

Re: What was the exact feeling that you've experienced right after finishing "Wild World"

Posted: 21 Aug 2022, 21:50
by Muna Chizzy
After reading the book I pondered on the themes of the book which include love, war, corruption and so on. I was happy Steve Logan was able to achieve the great feat of changing a corrupt system. I felt if we should all emulate Steve and try to stop corruption in our society then the world will be a better place.

Re: What was the exact feeling that you've experienced right after finishing "Wild World"

Posted: 21 Aug 2022, 22:35
by jomana_3
I, too, found the ending satisfying and was pleased by Steve's success in reaching his goal. However, I felt like the ending was a bit rushed.

Re: What was the exact feeling that you've experienced right after finishing "Wild World"

Posted: 23 Aug 2022, 18:05
by Emmanuel Odoemena
I felt the author rushed the ending of the book. It was more like a summary. But ultimately, seeing what happened to those corrupt cops, in the end, gave me a delightful feeling.

Re: What was the exact feeling that you've experienced right after finishing "Wild World"

Posted: 24 Aug 2022, 01:43
by Blessing O 2
I felt relieved and happy that Steve got what he wanted and that he would be going to met Roxy soon in a safe atmosphere.

Re: What was the exact feeling that you've experienced right after finishing "Wild World"

Posted: 24 Aug 2022, 05:43
by Ruthwriter
I had the feeling that life is about sacrifice. one must be ready to sacrifice wherever one finds himself. it is just a simple necessary law of life.

Re: What was the exact feeling that you've experienced right after finishing "Wild World"

Posted: 25 Aug 2022, 09:24
by Avidreader888
I felt satisfaction. Steve was on a mission and actually achieved what he set out to do. He did not get entrapped in the corruption nor did he turn a blind eye to what was going on, as many officers did. I liked that despite the challenges faced, he persevered. I also felt disappointment. It was clear that after all Roxy had done, Steve still loved her. Maybe it's my personal bias, but I don't think she was a good fit for Steve and I wished that he would have let her go, the same way she was ready to move on without him.

Re: What was the exact feeling that you've experienced right after finishing "Wild World"

Posted: 25 Aug 2022, 13:33
by Mandy Males Cole
As a friend and relative of many police officers, I couldn't get over how the officers were all corrupt, lazy, or bullies with no regard for the law. It was an unfair, unrealistic depiction.

Re: What was the exact feeling that you've experienced right after finishing "Wild World"

Posted: 29 Aug 2022, 11:32
by Eruore Ekpoh
After reading Wild World, the exact feeling I experienced was relief and happiness. I was happy that Steve accomplished all he did despite leaving the police department. I felt relieved because he had finally left Roxy and was discovering a new direction for his life.

Re: What was the exact feeling that you've experienced right after finishing "Wild World"

Posted: 29 Aug 2022, 22:30
by LS Daniyal
Though it was a happy ending, it wasn't necessary satisfying. I remember going "meh" after reading the last sentence. To me it was a good book with an underwhelming ending.