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Did Steve seem weak?

Posted: 13 Sep 2022, 21:04
by Christiana Eno-obong
I thoroughly enjoyed my reading of this book, but I did notice that after Steve joins the police force he seems weak and listless. This could be due to his having to face “real world” problems and their consequences. Although he gets back his bounce by the end of the book, I feel that his weakness made the book a bit difficult and painful to read at some point. What do you think?

Re: Did Steve seem weak?

Posted: 09 Dec 2022, 05:33
by Chris Don Nwaka
Steve was not weak just that he was passing through a lot including the breakup. His action will still be the action of anyone in his shoe.

Re: Did Steve seem weak?

Posted: 11 Dec 2022, 03:52
by Chandelier Eden
It was also emotional for me too, but I am glad he bounced back in the end. That's why most people won't understand some things except they are the ones wearing the shoes.

Re: Did Steve seem weak?

Posted: 16 Dec 2022, 17:51
by Sarah Sonbol
For me, his character within the police force was realistic. He was young and new and in a very new situation which makes it hard to make a real difference. What I didn't like is his character with Roxy.

Re: Did Steve seem weak?

Posted: 28 Dec 2022, 04:34
by Mayang Bature
That's exactly correct. Going out into the big world would make you appear to be a small cat among lions. It's admirable that Steve maintained his cool and believed in himself.

Re: Did Steve seem weak?

Posted: 31 Dec 2022, 03:10
by Chris Azuka
If you were the one, you would have felt weak. A fresher trying to take down his master's in the field is enough for one to feel weakened.

Re: Did Steve seem weak?

Posted: 02 Jan 2023, 01:56
by Neora Wish
True, to some point when reading the book I will stop viewing Steve as a police, he will appear like a miserable young boy put in a prison filled with bullies.

Re: Did Steve seem weak?

Posted: 31 Jan 2023, 21:30
by Bettny Andrade
maybe you are right. I think Steve was weak but emotionally not having enough self esteem to lead his way on his own terms.

Re: Did Steve seem weak?

Posted: 17 Feb 2023, 22:58
by Prodigy5
I don't think that he is weak instead, the realization of the world works took a toll on him.

Re: Did Steve seem weak?

Posted: 21 Feb 2023, 08:31
by Chris Rich Nwaka
I will boldly say that Steve wasn't frail; he was simply going through a lot, including the separation. Anybody in his position would have done the same thing.

Re: Did Steve seem weak?

Posted: 24 Feb 2023, 15:58
by Ruba Sabban
I don't think he was weak. put yourself in his position he's barely 22 and just had his whole world turned upside down, facing things much bigger than himself and the girl he loves to death is cheating on him with his bestfriend. there is no one he can confide in completely and is beaten up and bullied everyday at work.

Re: Did Steve seem weak?

Posted: 28 Feb 2023, 06:42
by Ajibola Gabriel
I don’t think he was weak. He was young and had no experience. What I’d say is that he was unprepared. He went into their den unprepared, so what he went through was not unexpected.