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Re: How often do people lose their faith in God after a traumatic experience?

Posted: 30 Nov 2022, 07:40
by Pretty Nicholas
People lose their faith at every slightest challenge they face. Coming to having faith in God, can only be achieved by reading the Holy Scriptures. From Tripodo did a whole lot of spiritual therapies that built his faith and gave him confidence.

Re: How often do people lose their faith in God after a traumatic experience?

Posted: 30 Nov 2022, 07:45
by Chika Eleanor
Most people tends to lose their faith in God during traumatic experience, when what they are hoping on is not something that is coming speedily the way they expected. Sometimes, it could be as a result of losing a loved one that has gone through a terrible sickness even when every measure of faith was experessed.

Re: How often do people lose their faith in God after a traumatic experience?

Posted: 30 Nov 2022, 08:33
by Chika Eleanor
As a Christian challenges are bound to happen, but most times we tend to face some that shake our faith in God. Traumatic experience like losing a loved one, fire outbreak etc

Re: How often do people lose their faith in God after a traumatic experience?

Posted: 30 Nov 2022, 08:56
by Pretty Nicholas
In these modern days, I think there are still people who still exercise rugged faith like Ron Tripodo. This is also applicable to Christians who know God and what He is capable of. I wish I can be that optimistic and strong in challenges like this.

Re: How often do people lose their faith in God after a traumatic experience?

Posted: 30 Nov 2022, 13:25
by John Ikenwanze
Hardly do Christians lose their faith because of life difficulties. They stand firm and hold on to faith as a means to survive the trying times. Of course this is the basis of the Christian faith.

Re: How often do people lose their faith in God after a traumatic experience?

Posted: 01 Dec 2022, 01:03
by Abdul-Malik Hassan
I am a Muslim by conversion. As someone who was born and raised in a Catholic family, I can relate to the experiences Christians undergo as a result of their faith. I do believe that faith has the power to make someone overcome a traumatic experience. Tripodo's faith is a good example of how faith manifests. God is there for a purpose. I think we encounter challenges for a reason. They make us grow and evolve as individuals in some form of adaptation.
Having experienced the loss of a loved one at some point in my life, I had to turn to religion to seek guidance. Faith is a major component of religious belief. And I do believe that it's the key driving force on the journey to recovery.

Re: How often do people lose their faith in God after a traumatic experience?

Posted: 01 Dec 2022, 06:22
by Anna_1203
I've heard that people often lose their faith after a traumatic experience, although this is probably an individual thing because I've also heard of people sticking with their faith to survive after trauma.

Re: How often do people lose their faith in God after a traumatic experience?

Posted: 03 Dec 2022, 02:15
by James Fx
I think people loosing or holding into their faith depends on how strong they were before the loss and how strong they are to recover. We have people who loses their momentarily, in the heat and pain of that moment, especially those who might have fasted and prayed a lot.

It’s rare to see people still holding strong to their faith like Tripodo here.

Re: How often do people lose their faith in God after a traumatic experience?

Posted: 03 Dec 2022, 06:35
by Online Concept
Tripodo's faith and every other christian who stick with God even after experiencing souch trauma is an extraordinary one because so many people backslide because of the challenges they face. When they pray and it seems like answers are not coming, they lose their faith in God. Only few stick with God after going through so much and this is why they find stories like this worth sharing and even acting in other to encourage others.

Re: How often do people lose their faith in God after a traumatic experience?

Posted: 03 Dec 2022, 10:44
by Aivy Daylig
When faced with a circumstance where they felt so helpless and things didn't turn out the way they expected them to, some people have a tendency to lose faith. They even frequently hold God accountable for all the tragedies they have experienced. We merely desired a target to lay blame upon. It is difficult for individuals to maintain their faith when things don't turn out the way they expected them to because faith is based on things that are unseen.

Re: How often do people lose their faith in God after a traumatic experience?

Posted: 07 Dec 2022, 03:35
by Park Cherri
Most people has always known God as their anchor throughout their entire. So, when difficulties and storm appears, they still held onto God. It doesn’t mean they are better and they face any less. Our faith is stronger than each other. And we have different enduring strength.

Those that loses their faith too aren’t bad. They just couldn’t continue. There’s no one to blame for their loss, except God. Some would later come through the pain and come back to God while some become atheist.

Re: How often do people lose their faith in God after a traumatic experience?

Posted: 15 Dec 2022, 22:49
by kim farrell 1
I am not sure if you can answer this mathematically probably more than a person would want to admit. Until I was pregnant with my son I believed their couldn't be a God and then I was blessed with my son and I knew there was I denied he existed because of my pain. I knew I was wrong even if everything you read is not true or provable the world is too full of amazing beauty to not acknowledge some kind of power greater than ourselves. I'm not sure if it faith in God we lose or faith in the power we lose when we have no power, no control over events. That we are only human and bring human we want everything the way we think it should be and if we can't it must be someone else's fault. Just like a father to a child we may not like everything he says. He may not like everything we do but he loves us unconditionally. That is an amazing thing. It really is.

Re: How often do people lose their faith in God after a traumatic experience?

Posted: 19 Dec 2022, 17:32
by Candice 1984
I believe it's a 50\50 chance. There are those who become even closer to God because it got them through that difficult time. Some who come to Christ thinking that they couldn't make it through without believing in a higher power.
Next there are those who lose faith and those who completely denounce God all together because the God they are taught about says that God's plans are for your good. How can that be when you have suffered extreme violence, disease, rape,or the death of a loved one?

Re: How often do people lose their faith in God after a traumatic experience?

Posted: 29 Feb 2024, 04:27
by Dianë Godwill
think that perhaps the reason you’ve seen many stories about people maintaining faith after a loss is uncommon, and when it’s experience, it’s documented. Speaking from personal experience: my husband was raised Catholic