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Overall rating and opinion of "When No One Else Believed" by Ron Tripodo

Posted: 01 Sep 2022, 00:06
by Melisa Jane
This is a discussion topic for the September 2022 Book of the month, When No One Else Believed, by Ron Tripodo.

What is your overall opinion of the book? What do you like most about it? What do you like least? What did you think of the writing style? What genre is the book? What genres are woven into the text? What did you think of the cover and title? What was the greatest lesson you learned from the book? Will you recommend the book to other people? Why or why not?

Please remember to add your actual rating using the book's page on: Bookshelf.

Re: Overall rating and opinion of "When No One Else Believed" by Ron Tripodo

Posted: 01 Sep 2022, 02:27
by devdipta biswas
I personally think it is a great book but it may not be appropriate for everyone. As it is a spiritual book, it can be very easily manipulated if given the chance. Though for a people with an open mind and heart, it is a boon.

Re: Overall rating and opinion of "When No One Else Believed" by Ron Tripodo

Posted: 01 Sep 2022, 02:29
by pheagane
I liked the patient that Ron had, having ADHD must not have been easy for him but he was still optimistic. I rate this book 4 out 4 stars because I liked everything about it , it was inspiring. Ron just wrote his feelings in the back he was not formal in writing it which helped the readers to connect to the story which I liked. Eventhough this book talks a lot about God I think everyone will enjoy it.

Re: Overall rating and opinion of "When No One Else Believed" by Ron Tripodo

Posted: 01 Sep 2022, 03:17
by Eze Michael
The book revolves around the life and ordeals of the author's wife. I love the author's style, and I was able to learn a thing or two from the author's perspective. The journey to recovery isn't easy, but it is possible. The cover and the title of this book is in sync with the contents, and I learned about determinatio, perseverance, and love. My rating for this book is 4 out of 4 stars.

Re: Overall rating and opinion of "When No One Else Believed" by Ron Tripodo

Posted: 01 Sep 2022, 03:29
by Pauline Parnell
The book is inspiring. Everyone will have trials but how one reacts to it will make the difference. Some crumbles under the weight of hardships while others believe for the impossible. The author did the latter and he was rewarded for it. I rate this book 4 out of 4 stars.

Re: Overall rating and opinion of "When No One Else Believed" by Ron Tripodo

Posted: 01 Sep 2022, 04:08
by Valeria Rotaru
It is not until we; ourselves have to endure a tragedy and come through it to the other side. There is a lot of power in prayer. Many people can attest to that. Some have dealt with it first hand; as is accounted for in this book.
One man's love for God, and his wife; telling the story of their journey. From tragedy to the miracle of recovery, and a new beginning.

Re: Overall rating and opinion of "When No One Else Believed" by Ron Tripodo

Posted: 01 Sep 2022, 05:29
by Nyam Bura
I am interested in the cover picture and the title. They are appealing. The first time I saw the book, I knew faith would be a theme in the book. I believe there wouldn't have been a better cover than the one the author chose.

Re: Overall rating and opinion of "When No One Else Believed" by Ron Tripodo

Posted: 01 Sep 2022, 08:11
by maycherono91
This book is a breath of fresh air. In a world where every human interaction is transactional, the book shows that unconditional love is possible.

Re: Overall rating and opinion of "When No One Else Believed" by Ron Tripodo

Posted: 01 Sep 2022, 11:43
by Cristina Corui Mihailescu
In the writer's words, I am teetering on the fence, tending to become a real believer as I get older. Witnessing such a miracle makes one believe, but reading a religious book is quite difficult. However, this one is written fairly simply, for each reader to be able to understand. The cover is suggestive of the content, so well chosen, and so is the title. I was happy to see that there are men who can truly love.

Re: Overall rating and opinion of "When No One Else Believed" by Ron Tripodo

Posted: 01 Sep 2022, 13:39
by Leslie Kunde
I have not read the entire book yet. I am about a third of the way into it. So far, I have cheered for him getting help with his ADHD, laughed at his humor about writing the book and cried for his marriage. The spiritual faith he has is inspiring. I can not wait to finish the book.

Re: Overall rating and opinion of "When No One Else Believed" by Ron Tripodo

Posted: 01 Sep 2022, 17:53
by Ifesi
I feel that God wanted to show Tripodo who He is. I love that doctors were not able to comprehend the miracle that happened. In all circumstances, follow the creator.

Re: Overall rating and opinion of "When No One Else Believed" by Ron Tripodo

Posted: 01 Sep 2022, 18:15
by Hager Salem
It looks like a book with a lot of insights. a loyal husband should be saluted, and I'm glad he had the faith that helped him through the crisis.

Re: Overall rating and opinion of "When No One Else Believed" by Ron Tripodo

Posted: 02 Sep 2022, 02:12
by Madu Abigail
Tripodo’s faith in God is the most amazing thing about this book. I also Love how he endured and stood by his wife while she was sick because taking care of a sick spouse for a long while is not easy. The book cover is nice too. Congratulations on BOTM.

Re: Overall rating and opinion of "When No One Else Believed" by Ron Tripodo

Posted: 02 Sep 2022, 04:37
by Pauline Parnell
The book is inspiring. Everyone will have trials but how one respond to it will make the difference. Some crumbles under the weight of hardships while others believe for the impossible. The author did the latter and he was rewarded for it. Faith in God can move mountains. I love the cover of the book. I would recommend this book as it will encourage others along the path of life.

Re: Overall rating and opinion of "When No One Else Believed" by Ron Tripodo

Posted: 02 Sep 2022, 04:48
by Cwaganagwa Dorothy
The book is a good read. I loved the cover because it shines a light on what to expect, if you are to read the book and it inspires us to always go on with life no matters the challenges, and that miracles are possible.