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Did you like Ron’s personality?

Posted: 03 Sep 2022, 11:38
by Anne Lucas
Did you like the personality of the author of this book, Ron a Tripodo?
I liked him a lot. More for his genuine love and care for his wife, and optimism for her healing, than his vouch for faith in God.

Re: Did you like Ron’s personality?

Posted: 04 Sep 2022, 15:49
by Oluwasogo Familusi
Yes. His compassionate love for his ailing wife is captivating, not to talk of his unparalleled faith. Ron's personality portrays love, faith and perseverance.

Re: Did you like Ron’s personality?

Posted: 05 Sep 2022, 01:07
by Jankal
A man basing his faith absolutely in God and has a genuine affection for his wife, Ron was definitely a likable person.

Re: Did you like Ron’s personality?

Posted: 05 Sep 2022, 07:01
by Lawrence+2
Ron Tripodo is a perfect example of how good husbands should be. It is quite amazing that he stood and fought this challenge, and also conquered it. He knew leaving her to die wasn't the best.

Re: Did you like Ron’s personality?

Posted: 05 Sep 2022, 07:49
by Ammarah Azhar Khan
I like his personality very much because the character portrayed how one could love and care for family despite the hardships, which is not easy to accomplish. There are many people that become bitter and move away from God and indulge in sins when they face problems. So his character is an inspiration for me.

Re: Did you like Ron’s personality?

Posted: 05 Sep 2022, 08:10
by Chikapeter+110
I liked his kind of personality he could have given up so easily but still, he persevered, kept on hoping and trusting God for a miracle.

Re: Did you like Ron’s personality?

Posted: 05 Sep 2022, 12:54
by Sydney Ash
I did like Ron's personality. He stuck by his wife when times were at their hardest. He also trusted in God's plan and put his full faith in him, which I really respect.

Re: Did you like Ron’s personality?

Posted: 05 Sep 2022, 15:35
by Ian Muchiri
Yes, I was amazed by the compassion he had for his wife.

Re: Did you like Ron’s personality?

Posted: 05 Sep 2022, 16:22
by Jennifer Coxon
I think Ron is a likeable person. His love for his wife and his devotion to do what is right are both winners in my book. Although it does seem he was taken advantage of a couple of times for not being willing to bend his morals, but he came through better for it.

Re: Did you like Ron’s personality?

Posted: 05 Sep 2022, 16:24
by Teresa Emmanuel
I admired Ron’s eagerness and persistence in his struggles. Despite facing hardship, Ron never stayed down. He kept on pushing. That fighting spirit is very uncommon.

Re: Did you like Ron’s personality?

Posted: 05 Sep 2022, 18:36
by Fams Pee
I like his personality. If only we can have more families with true enduring love like that of Ron for his wife, we won't have to battle with the issue of broken homes that is rampant nowadays.

Re: Did you like Ron’s personality?

Posted: 05 Sep 2022, 19:50
by pedro333
I really like his personality, determination and faith as strong parts of him make me appreciate him.

Re: Did you like Ron’s personality?

Posted: 06 Sep 2022, 03:12
by Amarachi Nwankwo03
Ron was an epitome of a faithful husband and Christian. He showed unparalleled love for his wife despite her condition. He encouraged her and continued in faith and prayer for her healing. His character is definitely worthy of emulation.

Re: Did you like Ron’s personality?

Posted: 06 Sep 2022, 03:39
by ThankGod Onyishi
I liked how he persevered in the book. Perseverance in times of trials is a quality worthy of emulation. I also loved how he was able to maintain his faith in God.

Re: Did you like Ron’s personality?

Posted: 06 Sep 2022, 04:52
by Shadreck Rogers
Being a Christian, I like that Ron is a man that sticks his faith to God. He is a good example.