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Re: Favorite/Most Applicable Suggestion

Posted: 16 Nov 2022, 21:41
by Surabhi Rani
The first one, 'Be honest. Let go of denial...' is the most applicable suggestion for me. It talks about the basics of spirituality and is good for beginners on the spiritual path. I sometimes contemplate the point that I am a beginner on the spiritual path.

Re: Favorite/Most Applicable Suggestion

Posted: 17 Nov 2022, 13:10
by Damian Keyes
Suggestion #5 spoke to me because I can easily let go of what happened, but to forgive a person wholeheartedly has been difficult. The author is correct in his assessment that I will never reach inner peace if I don't forgive myself and move on.

Re: Favorite/Most Applicable Suggestion

Posted: 25 Nov 2022, 08:24
by Izzy Kruger
For me it was “Let go of restlessness and overcommitment. Do less, better.”. I have this past year been in a situation where I changed my career, and in having more time to spend with my family and loved ones, I have experienced massive personal growth and an increase in happiness. This was a big adjustment after 15years of working overtime, persistently missing important events, and being too tired to really enjoy life. I would say for me it was "Do less, be happier."

Re: Favorite/Most Applicable Suggestion

Posted: 02 Dec 2022, 01:58
by Hubre De Klerk
The below few spoke to me:

1. “Be Honest. Let go of denial, delusion, and self-deceit.” (Pg. 153) - this isn't always easy as it is not easy to admit when we are wrong or just not cut out for something. Instead of living in a delusion and placing the blame on other people and things, accept that it might just be you or you made a mistake and come to terms with it.

2. “Let go of trying. Accept the unchangeable.” (Pg. 158) - this is very personal to me as I came out of a destructive relationship, but we still had some very good times and for way longer than I should have, I kept trying to "fix" our relationship, "fix" his temper and just be a more quiet and complying person. I am embarrassed to say it took me too long to let go, stop trying, and accept the unchangeable. This one goes with being honest and accepting what is.

5. “Let go of resentment, hate, and unforgiveness towards others, including your past self. Accept their choices, and accept them as they are.” (Pg. 169) - This one also spoke to me personally towards myself and others. You can't move forward if you are filled with resentment, hate, and unforgiveness.

8. “Embrace discomfort. Let go of comfort addiction.” (Pg. 182) - you can't experience new things or adventures, new doors that can open if you don't leave your comfort zone and try things that might scare you or make you uncomfortable. You will never know what you are truly capable of otherwise.

11. “Just Love Everything and Everyone” (Pg. 207) - this one is sometimes hard and I am a very happy and friendly person. Some people are just rude and unnecessary, but you never know what they might be going through, trying to cope with, or struggling with.

Re: Favorite/Most Applicable Suggestion

Posted: 03 Dec 2022, 11:30
by Leasa Ana Maria
This suggestion is my favorite, and it suits me the best: "Let go of false idolization of positivity and superficial happiness. Accept the shadow of all things including yourself. I had a period in my life when I was trying to achieve the perfect me until I realized that I was doing it for others and not for myself. Only when I accepted all the shades of the world that surrounded me, I could finally breathe.

Re: Favorite/Most Applicable Suggestion

Posted: 04 Dec 2022, 10:58
by Rob White
I love "Be honest," because if I am n ot honest with myself about "the way I've put it together," then I cannot let any of my misjudgments go.

Re: Favorite/Most Applicable Suggestion

Posted: 06 Dec 2022, 09:35
by Blessing Chi Peculiar
Being hurt has become the norm. I really need to focus on the fifth one. I've battled with forgiving all of my life. Whether I must forgive myself or others is immaterial. I suppose it's so simple to hold on to the pain rather than taking the necessary steps to move on since I've been wounded a lot.

Re: Favorite/Most Applicable Suggestion

Posted: 06 Dec 2022, 09:59
by Rob White
I have found that the most difficult thing for human beings to notice is when they've "lost themselves." They notice when they've lost their wallet, and get very upset about that, but we can lose ourselves for a lifetime and not even notice. "To lose oneself" is to pretend to be someone we're not in order to get the approval of others.

Re: Favorite/Most Applicable Suggestion

Posted: 27 Feb 2023, 22:25
by Maggie Johnson 2
For me it is number 10. I find a lot of things interesting, so I tend to take on a lot at once. Then, when I don't make as much progress as I'd like, things tend to fall off. Around the time I read this book I'd started to have the idea that maybe I would be better off by focusing on only a few things at a time, but the idea of doing less always felt a little wrong and counterproductive. When I read this suggestion, the idea that you can actually accomplish more by doing less suddenly made a lot more sense.

Re: Favorite/Most Applicable Suggestion

Posted: 13 Mar 2023, 13:36
by Chinemezu Okafor
For me, "Let go of resentment, hate, and unforgiveness towards others, including your past self. Accept their choices, and accept them as they are" was my favorite. This is not entirely easy, but this is what I really need to apply in my life.

Re: Favorite/Most Applicable Suggestion

Posted: 15 Mar 2023, 09:26
by Not available anymore
“Let go of resentment, hate, and unforgiveness towards others, including your past self. Accept their choices, and accept them as they are" (Page 169) This my favourite, and it speaks to me at this point of my life, it reminds me I need to forgive myself of the things I try to condemn myself of.