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Re: What was your favorite quote?

Posted: 26 Oct 2022, 12:05
by Lauren Hanna
Silvo wrote: 07 Oct 2022, 09:47 "You are not a human being having a spiritual experience; you are a spiritual being having a human experience," by Dr. Wayne Dyer. This quote just overturned my thinking and self-perception.
This is one of my favorite quotes too! It puts things into a different perspective.

Re: What was your favorite quote?

Posted: 26 Oct 2022, 12:11
by Lauren Hanna
There were several quotes in the book that I loved. My favorite was “A calm and modest life brings more happiness than the pursuit of success combined with constant restlessness” by Albert Einstein.

Re: What was your favorite quote?

Posted: 26 Oct 2022, 12:56
by Maryam Newman
My favourite quote is, "Silly ego, choices are for spirits."

To me, this is the most powerful bit of information in the entire book, because that is precisely how you free yourself: to realise that your thoughts and feelings are not who you truly are and do not determine your path. That you are free, always and in every situation, to choose to act or not act, to choose which action to take or not take. It displays perfectly and succinctly that most revolutionary idea: To be at peace, just stop fighting.

Not to mention the fact that I'm a serious Kill Bill fan :lol2:

Re: What was your favorite quote?

Posted: 26 Oct 2022, 22:41
by Silvio Omutsiambo
Lauren Hanna wrote: 26 Oct 2022, 12:05
Silvo wrote: 07 Oct 2022, 09:47 "You are not a human being having a spiritual experience; you are a spiritual being having a human experience," by Dr. Wayne Dyer. This quote just overturned my thinking and self-perception.
This is one of my favorite quotes too! It puts things into a different perspective.
Yeah, 100℅ :)

Re: What was your favorite quote?

Posted: 26 Oct 2022, 23:33
by Keshelton
I also love that quote. It’s so important to keep in mind as you encounter all kinds of people every day going through different struggles. Some hide it perfectly, but some can’t help but let it show. We all deserve some grace.

Re: What was your favorite quote?

Posted: 27 Oct 2022, 08:35
by Asma Aisha Ansari
"To accept death as much as birth is liberating."

I love this quote because I've always been fascinated with birth and death. It's natural to take birth and die. They (Birth and Death) happen to all of us. We don't remember how we were born and probably don't know how we died.

Re: What was your favorite quote?

Posted: 28 Oct 2022, 08:19
by Wale Tobi
To be sincere, I can't actually pinpoint my favourite quote in this book. When I thought I have read the most insightful, I come across another striking one. So I would say there are many amazing quotes in this book. However, I would say that the title of this book: "In It Together: The Beautiful Struggle Uniting Us All" is one of my best lines in this book.

Re: What was your favorite quote?

Posted: 29 Oct 2022, 07:33
by Michael Adam Glidden Forteski
Ruthhagar Tsikata wrote: 06 Oct 2022, 12:07 Favorite quote is :"truth is something that can be revealed not something that can be done". Truth is not an act but something that is always there and no matter how hard you might try to work around it, it will never change.
Might update as I continue reading 😃😃
This definitely the best quote of the book. When you consider all of the misinformation today, this gives me hope that facts and truth can survive.

Re: What was your favorite quote?

Posted: 31 Oct 2022, 04:05
by Lindiwe Chakhala
Bertha Jackson wrote: 01 Oct 2022, 12:34 There are many quotes in this book that give the reader a lot to think about. My favorite was "Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle," by Rev. Dr. John Watson. This quote made me think about the rude person I may encounter in a store, or the rude customer service representative who appears short tempered and unconcerned. What is going on in their lives that may be affecting them? What was your favorite quote?
This was also my favorite quote. I have a few other favorite quotes. One is by Dr. Wayne Dyer, "You are not a human being having a spiritual experience; you are a spiritual being having a human experience." This quote aligns with my cultural beliefs. The second is the Serenity Prayer, "Lord, please grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference." Applying this wisdom in our lives will definitely help us to achieve peace.

Re: What was your favorite quote?

Posted: 31 Oct 2022, 09:55
by Yulisa Sanchez
AkshiP wrote: 08 Oct 2022, 15:16 My favourite quote was: "Do not take anything personally" by Don Miguel Ruiz. It is so simple but made me think about how what people do is a reflection of their lives and emotional state.
This is my favorite quote as well, because it is so simple, yet very true. There have been way too many times when I overcomplicated situations or blamed myself for things that had nothing to do with me at all. By just not taking things personally, one can save themselves so much extra drama or hassle.

Re: What was your favorite quote?

Posted: 01 Nov 2022, 03:51
by Shillah Andeso
Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle is also my favorite. This quote has motivated me to take up psychiatric studies as a sub speciality. I'm happy i came across this quote in this book.

Re: What was your favorite quote?

Posted: 01 Nov 2022, 20:16
by Pauline Parnell
There are many quotes from the book that I like. This one "The battle is mostly, if not entirely, inside" is truthful. If we can conquer the mind and things that enter therein, we can conquer the world and change humanity!

Re: What was your favorite quote?

Posted: 02 Nov 2022, 03:53
by AvishaJain_13
My favourite quote is the one about truth being something that can be revealed not something that can be done. It resonated with me deeply.

Re: What was your favorite quote?

Posted: 06 Nov 2022, 07:26
by Laney K
Pauline Parnell wrote: 01 Nov 2022, 20:16 There are many quotes from the book that I like. This one "The battle is mostly, if not entirely, inside" is truthful. If we can conquer the mind and things that enter therein, we can conquer the world and change humanity!
I also really liked this quote! The internal self is such an important struggle that most people have to deal with.

Re: What was your favorite quote?

Posted: 07 Nov 2022, 15:03
by Hannah Jones 8
My favourite quote is from In It Together "the greedy always starve, damned to a living hell that is their own insatiability". I feel this affords the reader the opportunity for self-introspection or simple observation of others.