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#1 Best Seller in the Entire Self-Help Category | With all my heart, thank you!!!

Posted: 06 Oct 2022, 17:46
by Scott
It's surreal to have seen my book as the #1 Best Seller in the entire self-help category on Amazon. That is such a competitive category. It's a dream come true for me.

I want to take a moment right here right now to thank anyone and everyone who helped me and this book to achieve this milestone in any capacity.

I could spend all day naming people and thanking people so I will just leave it at this.

Thank you so much to each and every one of you!! I promise to do my best not only to pay it back but also to pay it forward! 😃

Re: #1 Best Seller in the Entire Self-Help Category | With all my heart, thank you!!!

Posted: 07 Oct 2022, 09:38
by Silvio Omutsiambo
The book itself deserved it. Congratulations, Sir.

Re: #1 Best Seller in the Entire Self-Help Category | With all my heart, thank you!!!

Posted: 07 Oct 2022, 10:46
by Sushan Ekanayake
Congratulations :congratualtions-smiley:

Re: #1 Best Seller in the Entire Self-Help Category | With all my heart, thank you!!!

Posted: 07 Oct 2022, 11:05
by Maduabuchi Okwiya N Eze
Congratulations, Scott. I am excited to watch this book, our book, the book for humanity, go this far. I am confident it can only get better. We are going to "head" the books on Amazon!

Re: #1 Best Seller in the Entire Self-Help Category | With all my heart, thank you!!!

Posted: 07 Oct 2022, 14:38
by Ruthhagar Tsikata
It's worth it and much more. The words of the book really speaks to the heart if only you accept the truth

Re: #1 Best Seller in the Entire Self-Help Category | With all my heart, thank you!!!

Posted: 07 Oct 2022, 17:54
by Kajori Sheryl Paul
Congratulations, Scott! I am so happy. In It Together deserves all the accolades. Way more to go!

Re: #1 Best Seller in the Entire Self-Help Category | With all my heart, thank you!!!

Posted: 08 Oct 2022, 15:01
by Akshi Porwal
Congratulations, Scott!! I am very happy for you and your book receiving such accomplishments.

Re: #1 Best Seller in the Entire Self-Help Category | With all my heart, thank you!!!

Posted: 08 Oct 2022, 18:22
by PinkRose572
Congratulations, Scott. This book deserves the possible reviews and you deserve the amazing progress this book has made so far. I know it is not ending here. We are going to top other categories. And I pray this book achieves number one in the entire Amazon books.

Re: #1 Best Seller in the Entire Self-Help Category | With all my heart, thank you!!!

Posted: 10 Oct 2022, 10:54
by Emily Meadows
Congratulations! That's so wonderful. I intend to send a copy to my sister - and am happy to leave a great review on Amazon, too.

Re: #1 Best Seller in the Entire Self-Help Category | With all my heart, thank you!!!

Posted: 12 Oct 2022, 03:50
by Asma Aisha Ansari
Congratulations to Scott and everyone who made this book a success :congratualtions-smiley:

Re: #1 Best Seller in the Entire Self-Help Category | With all my heart, thank you!!!

Posted: 13 Oct 2022, 15:32
by Marie Chalupová
Congratulations. This is an amazing achievement. The message needs to spread.

Re: #1 Best Seller in the Entire Self-Help Category | With all my heart, thank you!!!

Posted: 14 Oct 2022, 16:16
by dwalsh_527
Scott, Thank you some much for the offer to read and review your book "In It Together: The Beautiful Struggle Uniting Us All", in exchange for two book reviews for my children's book. I appreciate it so much since I know how much effort it takes to get book reviews. I spent many hours reading and then writing my review for your book. It is the first time that I have written a book review for this type of book. I just wanted to thank you for this opportunity and I am looking forward to reading the reviews for my book. Castle of Dreams and the Blue Butterfly. Thanks again and best of luck with sales, your book was well written and I found the layout easy to read, great job with the book format. (Note: I was not able to post my review on Amazon since I have not purchased enough items from Amazon to post a review for any products that I have purchased on Amazon.)

Re: #1 Best Seller in the Entire Self-Help Category | With all my heart, thank you!!!

Posted: 15 Oct 2022, 08:48
by Huini Hellen
Congratulations, Scott. I just finished reading the book for the second time and I'm ready to review the book. I cannot wait to share my thoughts about it.

Re: #1 Best Seller in the Entire Self-Help Category | With all my heart, thank you!!!

Posted: 17 Oct 2022, 12:27
by Julia DeLaney
THAT IS A HUGE ACCOMPLISHMENT!!!! CONGRATULATIONS! Very much well earned. I know many if not all of us here are super proud of all you've accomplished! I'm sure you have many more successes coming in the future as well!

Re: #1 Best Seller in the Entire Self-Help Category | With all my heart, thank you!!!

Posted: 19 Oct 2022, 03:33
by Amina Grobbelaar
Congratulations on this achievement which is well deserved. :congratualtions-smiley:

I hope and believe that this book will create a ripple of love, and is that not a great thing to be part of? The following impacted me, and I had to write it down. "Perhaps our greatest and truest pain is not the pain of the body but the pain of the spirit." I believe this book will heal some of this pain in the world.