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Review by Griselda Gray of "In It Together: The Beautiful Struggle Uniting Us All" by Eckhart Aurelius Hughes

Posted: 14 Oct 2022, 11:54
by Griselda Gray
In It Together: The Beautiful Struggle Uniting Us All, by Eckhart Aurelius Hughes, is a nonfiction book that makes you the reader question yourself, your beliefs, and the beliefs of others in a way that isn’t harsh or judgmental.

When I started reading this book it immediately resonated with me, in so many ways. It is an extremely easy book to get into and start reading. Not the type of book where you have to go and re-read what you just read two minutes ago. I have always thought I was a generous person always thinking of others but when the author, Eckhart Aurelius Hughes talks about starving children it made what I think of myself come into question.

I have recently struggled with the notion of having enough, wanting more, can I do more, am I enough? Reading this book, I was able to stop the harsh judgmental thought of myself and others and just take a moment to breathe and be at peace with myself, my thoughts, and others. What I like about the book is that it doesn’t do it in a way that turns you off but rather in a very soft, caring, you-know-these-things-already type of way. While I like to think of myself as a religious person this book for me pointed out that you don’t necessarily have to be a religious person, or someone who attends church every day to be able to evaluate your life in a way that is honest to yourself and who you really are.

I admit that when I first started reading the book it didn’t immediately feel that way, I was judging the author for being too direct. Why is he telling me that I am not doing enough for starving children? What is he doing about the problem? I had to sit with my thoughts for a couple of minutes and continue reading with an open mind. By doing so I realized what he was trying to hone in and make us understand, provide us with a feeling of unity, peace love, and acceptance.

This book is a must-read for individuals struggling with life right now, with understanding the purpose of life and why and how we co-exist with others. I for one found it extremely helpful after losing my sister two months ago. There is nothing like questioning your existence and your life after seeing a loved one struggle for so long and pass away. I enjoyed the feelings I experienced after reading this book and understood that I am enough and to stop being so hard on myself. This life is tough; we shouldn’t make it tougher.

I rate this book 4 out of 4. This is one of those books that you recommend and pass along to family members and friends. For me, I will be passing it along to family members who are around my age group and not really my younger family members.

The book was well-edited and proofed.