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Posted: 11 Nov 2022, 09:58
by Abby-Young
How do you learn to love yourself? How do you learn to be kind to yourself? To be kind to others, to understand what makes You you? In It Together: The Beautiful Struggle Uniting Us All by Eckhart Aurelius Hughes shows us how to do just that. How to find inner peace. What inner peace is. A kind book about loving yourself and others, about how loving yourself has many different terms, expressions, and actions. Loving others can take many different forms, some of which will have an impact on you. A book about life and living. About goals and how perfection doesn’t exist. There will always be another mountain to climb; there will always be other goals, and the grass will always be greener on the other side, but never green enough. A reality check that not everything on social media is true, and that only the perfect pictures are ever shown.

Overall, I think that this book should be read by everyone at least once in their life. It's a great reminder that we are all human. In a world driven by trends and going viral, we all need a reminder that the most you can do, that the best that you can do, is to simply be yourself. As simple as it sounds, as old-fashioned as it sounds, it's the truest thing I've heard in a long time. I’ve worked in public long enough to know that people do not want to take responsibility for their own actions or lack of actions. This book highlights the importance of taking control over your own life, that no one else will make decisions for you, and that you have to live with the ones that you make, whether right or wrong, good or bad, you have to live with that. I think people need a reminder that they are adult human beings, not unconscious zombies.

I wasn’t a fan of how repetitive it was. He seemed to hit the same points over and over again in each chapter, which was nice for a little while. But when he talked about it the first time, he listed a bunch of examples, which I really liked. Everyone could find an example that pertained to them, but by the end of the book, I was getting tired of reading about the same things, again, just in less detail. There were parts in it that were new, but when you talk about self-discipline at the beginning and then again 100 pages later, I feel like you could have used that time to find another approach with a different point. Like how your actions affect others, not just how your actions affect you.

Overall, I rate this book 4 out of 4 stars. It was an interesting read and full of things that people needed to hear. A great college book, or senior year of high school.

I think that everyone who is in their 20s and everyone who is in their 40s should read this book. This is a great way to see the world and yourself when you are leaving the nest. This is a great reminder for those who are going through a midlife crisis that they are not the only ones on this planet and that other people are going through things too, not just them.

Re: Review

Posted: 28 Nov 2022, 20:24
by Kat Hall 2
I agree about the repetitiveness, but yes, pretty much everyone should read this book.

Re: Review

Posted: 02 Dec 2022, 01:20
by Hubre De Klerk
Your review and summary of the book are perfect. I also believe there isn't something as perfect, as there will always be something a little off or just out of your reach at that exact moment. We are all human, and that should also make us realize to be a bit softer towards other people. I believe we can be too harsh sometimes and not even realize how we are busy hurting others.

Re: Review

Posted: 07 Dec 2022, 22:08
by Blessing Chi Peculiar
Kindness and love are the key elements in happy living. I agree with you on this review. This book has been my best book ever, I will also advise everyone to read it because they must undoubtedly learn a lot from it. Scott did an excellent job in this book. He didn't just write an error-free book but was educational, informative, and captivating.