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Re: Comfort, Peace, and Freedom as goals

Posted: 19 Nov 2022, 23:35
by Aditii Mehta
The author did a great job by explaining the importance of comfort, peace and freedom in one's life. Success is also linked to these 3 goals.

Re: Comfort, Peace, and Freedom as goals

Posted: 21 Nov 2022, 22:00
by MsTri
Mbali Qalinge wrote: 10 Nov 2022, 17:17 I agree, we all strive for comfort, peace, and financial freedom, and I think these goals are inclusive of other goals. If one has comfort and peace, it's safe to assume that that person is happy and may have love in their life too.
I 33% agree. I think that having peace = having happiness. I'm not sure about comfort, as many celebrities have financial freedom and comfort, yet they still feel they need drugs or whatever, so something - peace - is still missing.

Re: Comfort, Peace, and Freedom as goals

Posted: 25 Nov 2022, 03:52
by Pauline Parnell
I agree with the author that comfort, peace and financial freedom are goals that we all should aspire for. None wants to live in a perpetual war and strife with others and also not able to pay ones' bills at the end of the month. I would encourage persons also to make a difference in another person's life, or in the community one resides. Lets remove the focus on self and seek to do good to others.

Re: Comfort, Peace, and Freedom as goals

Posted: 27 Nov 2022, 19:14
by Krista Kirby-Dempsey
Yes and no. Life is boring without a journey and some struggles. If things were good all the time and things were comfortable all the time a lot is taken for granted.

Re: Comfort, Peace, and Freedom as goals

Posted: 29 Nov 2022, 18:12
by Chiwelite Obioma Mgbeoji
These are actual goals that should be top priorities. I believe the author is right. Other factors should come second to this. Finding peace and comfort in whatever we do in life is a top goal, and financial freedom contributes a lot to finding comfort. Having fewer worries would lead one to a happier life.

Re: Comfort, Peace, and Freedom as goals

Posted: 29 Nov 2022, 20:40
by Hannah Hampton
Although I think comfort, peace, and financial freedom are all fantastic things to aim for, there are certainly people who live a satisfactory and content life in different ways. Rusk does make it very clear that success looks different for different people, though, so although I disagree that everybody would be content with these three facets, overall I still agree with his message.

Re: Comfort, Peace, and Freedom as goals

Posted: 01 Dec 2022, 01:52
by Hubre De Klerk
I agree 100% with this! I have always said that I don't want to be rich, but I want to be able to pay my debt and expenses without worry, I want to be able to say yes when I get invited to join someone for drinks or eating out or an outing, and I want to be able to say yes to my child if he would like to get ice cream or milkshake, or go to the zoo, without worrying if I do this, how will I pay my car, etc. I believe with financial freedom, comfort and peace follow.

Re: Comfort, Peace, and Freedom as goals

Posted: 02 Dec 2022, 02:03
by Kendal Low
I agree with the author. While it sounds sad, I believe that financial security is definitely a major key to happiness. I know that life is not worth much if you're not living it with people who bring you joy and comfort. However, I think it is a massive privilege to say that "money can't buy you happiness," as most of the people who say that have never had to live without it.

Re: Comfort, Peace, and Freedom as goals

Posted: 03 Dec 2022, 09:01
by Ilze Herholdt
After pausing to think about what emotions are really encompassed by comfort, peace, and financial freedom, I agree with the author that these are the three most important goals in life. 

Re: Comfort, Peace, and Freedom as goals

Posted: 03 Dec 2022, 09:01
by Ilze Herholdt
After pausing to think about what emotions are really encompassed by comfort, peace, and financial freedom, I agree with the author that these are the three most important goals in life. 

Re: Comfort, Peace, and Freedom as goals

Posted: 06 Dec 2022, 18:53
by ThankGod Onyishi
I did not need to think much about this since these are things I have mapped out for a while now. What is the use of a life goal that doesn't afford you comfort or peace or financial freedom? The author is correct.

Re: Comfort, Peace, and Freedom as goals

Posted: 07 Dec 2022, 04:48
by Aisha Yakub
I believe these objectives are inclusive of other objectives and that we all strive for comfort, peace, and financial freedom. It is safe to assume that a person is happy and may even have love in their life if they are at peace and comfortable.

Re: Comfort, Peace, and Freedom as goals

Posted: 07 Dec 2022, 05:39
by UcheNduka
Francis Odhiambo Comorenos wrote: 18 Nov 2022, 09:14 I agree with this 100%, and also from every angle, I see that comfort and peace are by-products of financial freedom. So to me, the ultimate goal of leaving a life that one desires is to have financial freedom.
You're absolutely right about financial freedom.
However, if your love life is in shambles or you have an incurable ailment, I don't think peace or comfort will be available to you, or what do you think?

Re: Comfort, Peace, and Freedom as goals

Posted: 07 Dec 2022, 05:48
by UcheNduka
Well, that is completely true. Achieving peace, comfort and financial freedom is the ultimate goal for most people.
It may sound easy but there are so many obstacles to achieving this, ranging from poor health to global meltdown.

Re: Comfort, Peace, and Freedom as goals

Posted: 07 Dec 2022, 22:36
by Ntokozo Joy Ndlovu
The way the author described and defined the goals of comfort, peace and freedom I think this would be a worthy vision to adopt. I think the definitions sort of expanded the aspects to include most other aspects anyone can think of.