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Comfort, Peace, and Freedom as goals

Posted: 05 Nov 2022, 14:45
by Marsha JJ
In Blue Collar Cash the author shares in the beginning of the book that "a life of comfort, peace, and financial freedom is the ultimate goal." Do you agree with the author that this should be one's ultimate goal, or would you substitute some other goals instead?

Re: Comfort, Peace, and Freedom as goals

Posted: 05 Nov 2022, 17:43
by Alice Fu
I would agree that that is one of the most important ultimate life goals. However, I would also add on that the most important things would be to find the right circle of people as well

Re: Comfort, Peace, and Freedom as goals

Posted: 05 Nov 2022, 18:26
by Emily Meadows
We need happiness in there somewhere. Or joy. He talks about choosing to be happy - and I couldn't agree more. We all know people who choose to be unhappy, or bitter, or mean - and the impact of those people's negativity is far too wide. Said another way, if you put good happy energy out into the universe, you get it in return (hopefully!).

Re: Comfort, Peace, and Freedom as goals

Posted: 06 Nov 2022, 10:35
by Brenda Creech
I agree with the author that comfort, peace, and financial freedom are the most important. You indeed don't find all three when you work for someone else! Comfort and peace will come by not having someone always looking over your shoulder as you work. You are only accountable to yourself!

Re: Comfort, Peace, and Freedom as goals

Posted: 06 Nov 2022, 22:02
by Sydney Ash
I agree that the ideas stated should definitely be included. However, I do not believe these are the only factors that go in to a happy life.

Re: Comfort, Peace, and Freedom as goals

Posted: 06 Nov 2022, 22:18
by Kelsey Roy
After pausing to think about what emotions are really encompassed by comfort, peace, and financial freedom, I agree with the author that these are the three most important goals in life. When I think of a comfortable/peaceful life, I think of love, friendship, absence of stress, and fulfillment. Without financial freedom, stress negates almost any situation. Many people mention the importance of happiness, but in my opinion, emotional comfort and peace equals happiness. I hope one day to achieve/choose all of these in my life.

Re: Comfort, Peace, and Freedom as goals

Posted: 07 Nov 2022, 05:57
by Julie Gebrosky
I think those are good goals, but comfort is subjective. I think sometimes pushing yourself out of your comfort zone is critical. The author does discuss this in the book though.

Also, I think having a positive impact on others should be a goal. I can have all the comfort, financial freedom, and peace that I want, but if I trample on others to do it, that would not bring me happiness. I think it's important to make the world a better place. Though I suppose one could argue that I would not have peace if I was taking advantage of others!

Re: Comfort, Peace, and Freedom as goals

Posted: 07 Nov 2022, 13:17
by Amy Luman
I do think that these are worthy goals and peace should be ranked right up there. The others, while nice, shouldn't be ultimate goals. I think they'll be a byproduct of working hard and believing God will do what he says he will.

Re: Comfort, Peace, and Freedom as goals

Posted: 09 Nov 2022, 08:00
by Lindiwe Chakhala
Marsha JJ wrote: 05 Nov 2022, 14:45 In Blue Collar Cash the author shares in the beginning of the book that "a life of comfort, peace, and financial freedom is the ultimate goal." Do you agree with the author that this should be one's ultimate goal, or would you substitute some other goals instead?
I agree with the author. I would also add joy. The ability to find joy in the little things everyday is not easy because we focus on responsibilities which are no fun. Where people differ is on what those things look like in their lives and how they attain them.

Re: Comfort, Peace, and Freedom as goals

Posted: 09 Nov 2022, 15:34
by Jennifer Coxon
Lindiwe Chakhala wrote: 09 Nov 2022, 08:00 I agree with the author. I would also add joy. The ability to find joy in the little things everyday is not easy because we focus on responsibilities which are no fun. Where people differ is on what those things look like in their lives and how they attain them.
I agree with your addition Lindiwe. It is important to be able to find joy in the little things. However, I think having comfort, peace and financial freedom does allow space for that.

Although, I did like what Rusk said about the buckets and filling the 5th gallon with positivity. I feel this is also something that would allow us to find the joy in the little things as we have space for it.

Re: Comfort, Peace, and Freedom as goals

Posted: 10 Nov 2022, 17:17
by Mbali Qalinge
I agree, we all strive for comfort, peace, and financial freedom, and I think these goals are inclusive of other goals. If one has comfort and peace, it's safe to assume that that person is happy and may have love in their life too.

Re: Comfort, Peace, and Freedom as goals

Posted: 14 Nov 2022, 17:12
by Alexandur Gicov
Financial independence and peace of mind cannot be included in the same sentence! Not only because one is impossible with the other and vice versa, but also to get to one or the other, you cannot have any of them. Either you have peace of mind, but you're in an average financial situation, or you have a lot of money but you don't have peace of mind. Money is not made with peace of mind, and peace of mind does not come with a lot of money!

Re: Comfort, Peace, and Freedom as goals

Posted: 17 Nov 2022, 16:17
by Cheryl Erickson
I like those three goals. But I would add faith, love, happiness, family, and friends to the list.

Re: Comfort, Peace, and Freedom as goals

Posted: 18 Nov 2022, 09:14
by Francis Odhiambo Comorenos
I agree with this 100%, and also from every angle, I see that comfort and peace are by-products of financial freedom. So to me, the ultimate goal of leaving a life that one desires is to have financial freedom.

Re: Comfort, Peace, and Freedom as goals

Posted: 18 Nov 2022, 17:34
by Stephanie Cameron
After reading the book, I do believe the concept is very simple but effective. No one wants to live their life just to work. People should find a job that they enjoy and can make a living off of. Yes, I think everyone's goals should be comfort, peace, and freedom.