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College as the Default

Posted: 29 Nov 2022, 20:44
by Hannah Hampton
How did everybody feel about Rusk criticizing college as the default option for young adults? Do you think he supported his argument that a college degree is not necessary to live a full and successful life?

Re: College as the Default

Posted: 01 Dec 2022, 01:41
by Hubre De Klerk
I agree with this, there is nothing wrong with going to college, but going just because it is expected, that I don't agree with. I know a lot of successful people that didn't go to college and unsuccessful people that did. It all depends on what your will is made of and what your aspirations are in life. If you have the will and belief to make a success of yourself, then you can. You don't need college to be a success.

Re: College as the Default

Posted: 01 Dec 2022, 18:58
by Kelsey Roy
I don’t think Rusk criticized college as an option, only as a poorly thought out default, which seems to be the norm today. I have multiple college degrees and work in healthcare. Rusk acknowledged that some jobs need college and for good reason! But I wholeheartedly see his point that someone can live a successful and financially secure life without a college degree! I personally have seen this to be true, and have seen many people my age graduate with degrees simply to find a job that doesn’t require one.

Re: College as the Default

Posted: 02 Dec 2022, 01:36
by Kendal Low
I agree with Rusk. I believe he was more saying that it shouldn't be the default. I also think that it is a very privileged mindset to have. Not every parent can afford to send their child to college after high school, and most kids certainly can't pay for themselves.
There are plenty of examples that prove college is not a main ingredient in the recipe for a successful life/career.

Re: College as the Default

Posted: 02 Dec 2022, 01:48
by Marie Chalupová
For some people collage might be waste of time and money. They go to collage just because it's expected, so they might just pick subject that seems easy or that might turn profitable or whatever their parents want then to do. It's not necessary bad thing to go but with different mindset these people might instead pursue right away what interests them. Instead, they realise that only after when they are already under massive debt. Also, collage is suppose to be this prestige education, highest education. If everyone attends though, the quality of education is being pushed down.

Re: College as the Default

Posted: 02 Dec 2022, 01:54
by Kendal Low
Marie Chalupova wrote: 02 Dec 2022, 01:48 For some people collage might be waste of time and money. They go to collage just because it's expected, so they might just pick subject that seems easy or that might turn profitable or whatever their parents want then to do. It's not necessary bad thing to go but with different mindset these people might instead pursue right away what interests them. Instead, they realise that only after when they are already under massive debt. Also, collage is suppose to be this prestige education, highest education. If everyone attends though, the quality of education is being pushed down.
I agree. I know someone who went to college just because it was what his parents expected of him. He chose some random course he had no interest in. So not only were his parents down in tons of money, he also wasted years of his young life not learning about himself or what his true interests are.

Re: College as the Default

Posted: 03 Dec 2022, 01:06
by Sharill Rasowo
I agree with Rusk that college should not be the default. The cost of education increases each year so people cannot afford to make a careless decision regarding this issue. It used to be that one could attend college just because they loved learning. However, today it has become more utilitarian and people have to consider the return on investment of their degrees.

Re: College as the Default

Posted: 05 Dec 2022, 14:11
by Precious Amarachi Nzeakor
There are so many default settings in life. Education is probably one of them. But should education really be made a choice? Especially if it can be afforded.

Re: College as the Default

Posted: 05 Dec 2022, 14:14
by Precious Amarachi Nzeakor
Well, I guess the sole fact that it isn't free predisposes it to be a commodity. Still, regardless of which path we choose, there will always be some form of learning. College is only more structured and maybe more rigid.

Re: College as the Default

Posted: 06 Dec 2022, 18:45
by ThankGod Onyishi
I think he was talking about changing the default. Most people go to college as the default option that follows High school and not because they really have passion for a particular degree. Going to college should be necessary if it aids the fulfilment of one's goals.

Re: College as the Default

Posted: 07 Dec 2022, 04:45
by Aisha Yakub
People cannot afford to make a hasty choice because the cost of education rises every year. One used to be able to go to college just because they like learning. Today, however, it has grown more pragmatic, and people must take their degrees' ROI into account.

Re: College as the Default

Posted: 07 Dec 2022, 07:18
by UcheNduka
I agree with Rusk because I believe he is only trying to clearly point out why people should not solely depend on college for success.
There are varieties of ways to be successful but we need a clear goal and vision to achieve it. College or no college.

Re: College as the Default

Posted: 07 Dec 2022, 22:32
by Ntokozo Joy Ndlovu
We live in a world full of opportunities and college should not be viewed as the only path. I liked Ken Rusk's argument and felt more people should be exposed to this kind of education before they make their decisions. With that said, however, I still believe going to college and earning a qualification is not supposed to be undermined as a path. It has proven over and over to provide successful careers.

Re: College as the Default

Posted: 08 Dec 2022, 15:18
by Blessing Chi Peculiar
I genuinely concur with Rusk. I think what he really meant to say was that it shouldn't be the default. Additionally, I consider it to be a rather privileged worldview. Most teenagers can't pay for college on their own, and not every parent can afford to send their child to one after high school. Numerous instances demonstrate that attending college is not a prerequisite for having a good life or job.

Re: College as the Default

Posted: 10 Dec 2022, 14:02
by José Cortez
I concur that a college degree is not necessary to lead a wonderful life. While it may be a life goal for others, it should not be something that is deemed necessary for happiness. I believe everything has a right to do what works for them.