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Re: Drug use controversial?

Posted: 02 Mar 2023, 14:50
by Okorji98
In a life where the routines, habits, and eating of the people was being regulated and controlled by AIs, I can excuse looking or turning to drugs to find a means of escape or temporary reprieve.

Re: Drug use controversial?

Posted: 03 Mar 2023, 19:08
by AnInternationalMountainMan
I think the society requires a certain ammount of drug use. Many dictatorships nowadays have unbelievably high drug use statistics, so that an order and an easy handling of the population can be achieved by the state. On the otherhand the world of escapism through drugs is another factor to consider. People living near to starvation and desperatiin tend to abuse drugs more often. Even people who are only under stress tend to also use more drugs. Jyst to keep their sanity

Re: Drug use controversial?

Posted: 05 Mar 2023, 05:46
by Amandaruth Ama
Using drugs and alcohol on humans who are controlled by AI is a complex one topic that requires a closer examination of the interplay between individual behavior and technological influence.

Re: Drug use controversial?

Posted: 05 Mar 2023, 05:46
by Amandaruth Ama
It is possible that drug and alcohol use could contribute to a sense of disconnection and apathy that could make individuals more susceptible to manipulation and control. Substance abuse could also be a way for individuals to cope with the overwhelming sense of powerlessness that comes with living in a society where everything is controlled by AI and corporations.

Re: Drug use controversial?

Posted: 05 Mar 2023, 05:47
by Amandaruth Ama
However, it is important to note that substance abuse is not the only factor that contributes to the creation of a radical society. There are many other factors at play, including social and economic inequality, the erosion of privacy and individual rights, and the increasing dominance of technology in everyday life.

Re: Drug use controversial?

Posted: 05 Mar 2023, 05:49
by Amandaruth Ama
While it is true that the AIs have a vested interest in maintaining their power and control, it is unlikely that they would actively encourage behavior that is harmful to humans. I think the intention is to control and not to destroy.

Re: Drug use controversial?

Posted: 05 Mar 2023, 05:52
by Amandaruth Ama
The notion that Kim's access to alcohol is evidence of the AIs' desire to control her through substance abuse is not necessarily supported by the available evidence. It is possible that Kim's access to alcohol is simply a result of her status and privilege within the society. Or more likely the frustration of a controlled life.

Re: Drug use controversial?

Posted: 05 Mar 2023, 06:22
by Hazel Mae Bagarinao
Holly Goncalves wrote: 07 Dec 2022, 18:11 I noticed that the official reviewer took issue with the drug use mentioned. What was your take on the drug use described in this book? Did you think it added to the story, detracted from it, or made no difference?
Though the drug and alcohol use of Kim in the book made her more miserable, in my opinion, it adds to the overall beauty of the book. The readers feel more empathy for the protagonist, and on the author's side, his writing was effective and intelligible. It catches reader's attention.

Re: Drug use controversial?

Posted: 06 Mar 2023, 08:40
by Ben Madeley
It didn't bother me too much, but I'm not sure it was necessary. The very casual nature of the drug taking surprised me a little too. It was just a stabdar part of a normal night out or date.

Re: Drug use controversial?

Posted: 07 Mar 2023, 02:53
by FunkyFlowerLady
I considered drug use to be rational. The novel's society places a significant emphasis on upholding order, and it'd be incredibly difficult with a bunch of unhappy citizens. The introduction of drugs serves as a diversion from any discomfort that people may be experiencing. And the writer showed it in such a way that it was consistent with the rest of the plot.

Re: Drug use controversial?

Posted: 07 Mar 2023, 18:42
by Dauria04
I think everyone in this society turns to drug use as a way to escape the rigid routine of their everyday life, I believe it makes perfect sense in the context of the story to read about the characters using drugs.

Re: Drug use controversial?

Posted: 09 Mar 2023, 09:30
by Aisha Yakub
For me, it's challenging to determine the value of pharmaceuticals in a society where artificial intelligence has taken over people's daily lives. On the one hand, you could understand it as a substitute for the ordered life they were required to lead. On the other hand, you'd assume that since the bots were in charge of people's diets, drug usage shouldn't have been permitted.

Re: Drug use controversial?

Posted: 13 Mar 2023, 12:08
by Chinazo Anozie
Holly Goncalves wrote: 07 Dec 2022, 18:11 I noticed that the official reviewer took issue with the drug use mentioned. What was your take on the drug use described in this book? Did you think it added to the story, detracted from it, or made no difference?
I didn't actually have any issue with the drug use in the book. I only wished the author had explained why the characters had to rely on drugs to go on dates. It seemed like a very odd thing to do.

Re: Drug use controversial?

Posted: 25 Mar 2023, 00:54
by Friederic Schröder
I find nothing to object to about drug use in this novel, I think it definitely adds up to the excitement of this novel. The clubs, drinks, and buzz is another part of this novel that contributed to unveiling unusual secrets.

Re: Drug use controversial?

Posted: 26 Mar 2023, 13:16
by CrossK
I do not think that the mention of the drug use detracted from any material or significant aspect of this story. If anything, it added quite a lot of dynamism and realism to the progression of the plot.