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Re: The title of the book

Posted: 02 Jan 2023, 13:03
by Julie Gebrosky
I think the title is perfect. Everything is about the terms and how they change without notice. The plot couldn’t unfold without the regimented world in which Kim lives.

Re: The title of the book

Posted: 02 Jan 2023, 23:48
by Maduabuchi Okwiya N Eze
Tara D Morgan wrote: 09 Dec 2022, 13:31 The title "Terms of Service: subject to change without notice" suits this book very well. The first thing you come to in the book is a list of all the Terms of Service that must be adhered to in this dystopian world. Also, the rules are changed throughout the book, adding to Kim's frustration with her life.
Exactly. The contents fit the title well. However, the title is just unpredictable untill one goes through the book. That's a great effort and creativity coming from the author.

Re: The title of the book

Posted: 03 Jan 2023, 15:24
by Amina Grobbelaar
I think the title is quite fitting, and clearly shows the amount of control over the people. Without notice, things can be changed and changed again, for they are in control. It is the perfect title.

Re: The title of the book

Posted: 03 Jan 2023, 17:53
by MichelleYong
At first I thought that the name was weird. I even thought "subject to change without notice" meant that the book name will change :lol2: After reading the book though, the title came across as ingenious!

Re: The title of the book

Posted: 04 Jan 2023, 02:00
by Monale Bariyima Ueh
The title is captivating. When I first it, it intrigued me. But it reflects the contents of the book perfectly. It describes the operations of Kim's life and the rules she had to follow. Also, the Company could change the rules anytime to suit their needs.

Re: The title of the book

Posted: 04 Jan 2023, 02:16
by Alex Reeves
The title fits exceedingly well with the contents of the book. This is a very creative skill of authors, to give excellently matching titles to their books.

Re: The title of the book

Posted: 04 Jan 2023, 22:55
by Chris Alex Powell
The book title literally explains what happened in the book. There are so many terms at the beginning and the way the rules are changed without notice. That's the exact name of the book. I think from the word go, the title portrayed the book.

Re: The title of the book

Posted: 05 Jan 2023, 11:42
by Patty Allread
I think the book's title is perfect! It caught my interest in the book. The "terms of service" are how the AIs communicate their control in society. We're all familiar with "terms of service" as a set of rules you must abide by and agree with, or else you can't be a part of something. Even my gas and water utility companies make me agree with their TOS before I can pay the bill online. In this story, the communication of TOS and the way it keeps changing, and the arbitrary targeting of certain users is also somewhat familiar, i.e., things we have seen on certain social media platforms! The author has projected the concept of TOS into a future dystopia in which no one is exempt and where counter-opinions are nearly impossible, yet individuals keep trying to fight back. It's brilliant!

Re: The title of the book

Posted: 05 Jan 2023, 13:38
by Grace Lee Rose
What I think about the title? My opinion about is is that it is excellent and perfectly fits the storyline. The characters in the narrative are held together by the terms of service they are to diligently adhere to.

Re: The title of the book

Posted: 06 Jan 2023, 09:05
by Wilkister Inzai Avagalwa
The title of the book fully represents the content of the book. There's nothing out of the title to expect from the book.

Re: The title of the book

Posted: 06 Jan 2023, 14:31
by Favour Amarachi Mgbeoji
The title appears to fit the entire context of the story. Initially, I didn't know what to expect from the book because of the title. When I was done with the book, I don't think there is another title that would suit the book this well.

Re: The title of the book

Posted: 06 Jan 2023, 17:10
by Maduabuchi Okwiya N Eze
For me, the title fits well. Readers get to find out more about the title while reading the book. Other people may have their objection about the title but it might be the author's favourite catch. So, I'm okay with this.

Re: The title of the book

Posted: 13 Jan 2023, 11:18
by Aloe Crane
Yasmine M wrote: 08 Dec 2022, 07:19 "Terms of Service: subject to change without notice", how well does this title reflect the content of the book?
I think it serves it quite well. By the end of the book, we realize that Kim's entire life is upheld by a terms of service. If she can't fit in, the government will likely kick her out or do something to her. They can do whatever they want because of their clause, that the terms are able to change.

Re: The title of the book

Posted: 13 Jan 2023, 23:38
by Abby-Young
I think it fits incredibly well. The rules are always changing, your position is always changing. The AIs watch your every move and choose weather or not to alert you to your wrongdoing or to let you continue making mistakes that would earn you a more severe punishment.

Re: The title of the book

Posted: 17 Jan 2023, 04:36
by Annas Felix
The title of the book was perfect. Having to work under an AI company with crazy rules is crazy. Kim epitomizes the need to break out of the rules.