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Re: Favorite and least favorite aspects of using artificial intelligence in everyday life

Posted: 02 Mar 2023, 09:31
by SweetSourSalty AndSpicy
What I liked best about the AI was its well-organized system, which provides convenience and comfort. What I disliked was the lack of privacy and independence.

Re: Favorite and least favorite aspects of using artificial intelligence in everyday life

Posted: 02 Mar 2023, 14:39
by Okorji98
My favourite part of living with artificial intelligence is definitely how it alleviates your workloads and assists you in carrying out some specific intellectual tasks. My least favourite part of living with artificial intelligence is definitely that it threatens to push more and more people out of the labour market.

Re: Favorite and least favorite aspects of using artificial intelligence in everyday life

Posted: 05 Mar 2023, 13:13
by MsTri
While I'd love AIs to make my life easier, like the ones that serve coffee, if they're taking away my decisions, like deciding what I'll eat on any given day, then that's going a bit too far!

In my real life, I've yet to find a use where I wouldn't be comfortable with them... Yet.

Re: Favorite and least favorite aspects of using artificial intelligence in everyday life

Posted: 06 Mar 2023, 08:43
by Ben Madeley
I certainly liked the idea of a house bot and any aspect of AI that makes life easier and more convenient, I'm certainly going to be a fan of, but I definitely wouldn't like anything telling me what I can or can't eat.

Re: Favorite and least favorite aspects of using artificial intelligence in everyday life

Posted: 07 Mar 2023, 02:21
by FunkyFlowerLady
My fav parts from the ones used in the book are- the transportation system they maintained in that world. It sounds amazing! The fridge a.i and the dating a.i are not too bad if they take into account the owner authority more into decision making. the dating a.i is kind of present in real world as dating apps i.e. choosing partners based on preferences input into an app. but they did annoy me a lot when the choices and decisions were against the wishes of the owner, which is wrong.

Re: Favorite and least favorite aspects of using artificial intelligence in everyday life

Posted: 07 Mar 2023, 18:56
by Dauria04
I liked the idea of having a housebot but not the part about being unable to choose what food to eat every day. Overall, AI would make all of our lives easier but it would end up controlling our every move, and that terrified me.

Re: Favorite and least favorite aspects of using artificial intelligence in everyday life

Posted: 09 Mar 2023, 09:45
by Aisha Yakub
The food is undoubtedly my least favorite part of having AI. I would never permit a machine to decide what meals I consume. The transit network is my favorite feature. No jousting or snatching of other people's spots is taking place, and everything is in order.

Re: Favorite and least favorite aspects of using artificial intelligence in everyday life

Posted: 10 Mar 2023, 20:17
by Roderick Voss
Some of the benefits of using AI in everyday life include efficiency, medical advancements, safety, and personalization, while some of the disadvantages include privacy concerns, dependence, job displacement, and bias. Overall, the advantages and disadvantages of AI in everyday life are determined by how it is used and regulated.

Re: Favorite and least favorite aspects of using artificial intelligence in everyday life

Posted: 11 Mar 2023, 01:46
by Vivian Writes
My favorite thing about the AI is the orderliness with which everything was done. The transportation system was especially great. But tbh, the bad parts like excessive control, unnecessary punishments, and suppression, definitely outweighed the good of AI in that society.

Re: Favorite and least favorite aspects of using artificial intelligence in everyday life

Posted: 12 Mar 2023, 22:03
by Hazel Mae Bagarinao
My favorite is also the convenience of the transportation system and the least is losing the freedom to choose what I eat, so it's about the AI fridge. Also, the public Chit Chat of your whereabouts.

Re: Favorite and least favorite aspects of using artificial intelligence in everyday life

Posted: 13 Mar 2023, 11:35
by Chinazo Anozie
Yasmine M wrote: 08 Dec 2022, 07:13 My favorite aspect of living with artificial intelligence is the order they try to maintain such as in the transportation system, etc. However it should never be allowed to control our fridges and what we eat, this was too extreme.
What are your favorite and least favorite aspects of using artificial intelligence in the protagonists' daily lives?
I actually liked the controlling fridge part. I mean, it's actually suggesting healthy foods to eat (even though, granted, tofu is rather dull to eat). But really, I'd actually like a fridge that recommends and provides healthy foods to eat since it can be such a hassle to maintain a healthy lifestyle. My least favourite was definitely the TV programs and the clothing.

Re: Favorite and least favorite aspects of using artificial intelligence in everyday life

Posted: 23 Mar 2023, 15:23
by britcott30
My favorite will be definitely the food!! I hate cooking and every day I have to think about what I have to cook. I got bored with what I cooked and of course, if something will cook for me, it would spare my time to do other things that I love.

Re: Favorite and least favorite aspects of using artificial intelligence in everyday life

Posted: 23 Mar 2023, 15:25
by britcott30
And my least favorite will be the part where AI starts to control my life. I can't stand if every move I make would be controlled by AI.

Re: Favorite and least favorite aspects of using artificial intelligence in everyday life

Posted: 25 Mar 2023, 00:06
by Friederic Schröder
Yasmine M wrote: 08 Dec 2022, 07:13 My favorite aspect of living with artificial intelligence is the order they try to maintain such as in the transportation system, etc. However it should never be allowed to control our fridges and what we eat, this was too extreme.
What are your favorite and least favorite aspects of using artificial intelligence in the protagonists' daily lives?
Yes, it is definitely the transportation system and duty assignment given to society that is the merit of artificial intelligence but when it comes to food we eat, and the water we take in and use, I don't think that AI has to be in control of that.

Re: Favorite and least favorite aspects of using artificial intelligence in everyday life

Posted: 25 Mar 2023, 10:13
by Sara Nóbrega Bartolomeu
I would love to have a housebot! I also like VR events with friends but not as all your social life interactions. Maybe just when we need to chat about something but we are far away. I would definitely not like my fridge to choose my food though. Kale and quinoa + microwave .. Bah!