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Drug and alcohol use in the book.

Posted: 06 Dec 2022, 03:58
by Izzy Kruger
Did anyone find the alcohol and drug use in the book excessive? I read in someone's review that they didn't enjoy that part of the book.

In my opinion, drug and alcohol use was instrumental in creating the whole scene for the "emotionless" human heard that the AIs and companies basically controlled. So yes, there was a lot of drug abuse, but if you had to go out with someone that a computer program chose for you, you would need to have a certain amount of mind-numbing substances on board. And given the fact that all of Kim's food was selected for her and controlled by the AIs, isn't it strange that she had such free access to Vodka? The AIs wouldn't stop a human from drinking herself into a stupor that makes her easier to control.

Your thoughts?

Re: Drug and alcohol use in the book.

Posted: 09 Dec 2022, 14:02
by Tara D Morgan
I think many humans turn to alcohol and drugs when they are unhappy, so the use makes perfect sense to me. I was not keen that this often led to drug and alcohol-fuelled sex. It was the sex that I found too much, it bordered on erotica, and I didn't feel the need for it.

Re: Drug and alcohol use in the book.

Posted: 09 Dec 2022, 21:25
by Samantha Barnes 3
I thought the use of drugs and alcohol made sense. Many people are unhappy in this society, but by allowing the common people to use substances as an outlet, the people in power can maintain order.

Re: Drug and alcohol use in the book.

Posted: 14 Dec 2022, 08:10
by Natasha Hlongwane
I see drug and alcohol use as another ploy by The Company to control society. It kept everyone in a numb, unfeeling state while interacting with potential romantic pursuits.

Re: Drug and alcohol use in the book.

Posted: 14 Dec 2022, 11:41
by Chinemezu Okafor
I think the drug and alcohol use in the book created a whole new effect, if you get what I mean. To me, it made a lot of sense. I even learned a lot from it. The author really took his time with this book.

Re: Drug and alcohol use in the book.

Posted: 14 Dec 2022, 13:14
by readingswithsoso
Yes, it was excessive. However, it fits the book thematic. It is mentioned in the book that it is an escape and that Kim should slow down her drinking. They are aware that it is not ok.
As for the drugs, they say that they need it to endure the emptiness of the relationships. They do say that they feel lost and see no other solution.

Re: Drug and alcohol use in the book.

Posted: 14 Dec 2022, 19:26
by Rocky Ellery James Tumbelaka
I don't agree with the use of drugs and alcohol in general. But I agree that in this book that it could be the AI plot to keep human under their control. It made sense, although personally, I don't enjoy that much reading such graphic details of drug and alcohol use.

Re: Drug and alcohol use in the book.

Posted: 15 Dec 2022, 06:36
by John Ikenwanze
Most people rely on drugs and alcohol to distract themselves from difficult situations. I, however, found its use by AI excessive. I believe AI should have deployed a more healthy way to pull one out of such situations.

Re: Drug and alcohol use in the book.

Posted: 16 Dec 2022, 14:41
by Kelsey Roy
I agree with your perspective that the drug and alcohol use was instrumental in the storyline. It seemed to me like vodka was the only Kim could escape her monotonous life and club drugs were the only way she could ignore her sexual attraction preference that was illegal in this society.

Re: Drug and alcohol use in the book.

Posted: 18 Dec 2022, 14:42
by Cheryl Erickson
I was uncomfortable with the alcohol and drug use. I was surprised that Kim was even allowed to drink so much vodka at the end of every day. I think it added to her unhappiness.

Re: Drug and alcohol use in the book.

Posted: 20 Dec 2022, 04:38
by Hubre De Klerk
I do believe it was a bit excessive, but it did fit into the plot. The humans had to numb their own emotions to fit into the society created and it also helped the AIs stay in control I believe.

Re: Drug and alcohol use in the book.

Posted: 23 Dec 2022, 15:24
by Amelia-Lily
Chinemezu Okafor wrote: 14 Dec 2022, 11:41 I think the drug and alcohol use in the book created a whole new effect, if you get what I mean. To me, it made a lot of sense. I even learned a lot from it. The author really took his time with this book.
I agree with you. That is a nice addition to the story, it adds content and helps to steer the plot in ways that the readers cannot easily anticipat.

Re: Drug and alcohol use in the book.

Posted: 26 Dec 2022, 02:54
by Atieno Magero
I thought it was strange that the AI's allowed alcohol and drug abuse, yet they were so strict about the kind of food people ate. It seems like it allowed them control over the humans. Plus, it allowed people like Kim a way of numbing their pain and coping with the kind of life she was living.

Re: Drug and alcohol use in the book.

Posted: 30 Dec 2022, 18:16
by Amy Luman
I did find the drug use excessive. I do understand, however, that some was necessary. The characters in the book seemed to use a mind-altering substance at every opportunity.

Re: Drug and alcohol use in the book.

Posted: 30 Dec 2022, 19:45
by Precious Amarachi Nzeakor
Books shouldn't be read with so much sentiment. I say, take what is important and leave the rest. The drug and alcohol use was pivotal to the plot.