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The title of the book

Posted: 08 Dec 2022, 07:19
by Yasmine M
"Terms of Service: subject to change without notice", how well does this title reflect the content of the book?

Re: The title of the book

Posted: 09 Dec 2022, 05:52
by Izzy Kruger
I think it fits the content of the book very well since from the first moment we receive the terms of service, and throughout, there are constant updates sent out to Kim regarding updates (thus changing without notice).

Re: The title of the book

Posted: 09 Dec 2022, 13:31
by Tara D Morgan
The title "Terms of Service: subject to change without notice" suits this book very well. The first thing you come to in the book is a list of all the Terms of Service that must be adhered to in this dystopian world. Also, the rules are changed throughout the book, adding to Kim's frustration with her life.

Re: The title of the book

Posted: 09 Dec 2022, 21:21
by Samantha Barnes 3
The title fits perfectly with the story. After reading the book and reflecting, I think the title, Terms of Service, is very clever.

Re: The title of the book

Posted: 10 Dec 2022, 03:05
by B Sheila Holt
I feel the title is perfectly chosen for this book.
The way the rules keep changing, helps to keep the story interesting for the readers.

Re: The title of the book

Posted: 10 Dec 2022, 04:41
by Grace Elkana
It was a perfect title, especially the subtitle. I noticed that there were some things that happened that weren't expected according to the original Terms of Service posted at the beginning of the book. This validates the clause that the terms are subject to change without notice,

Re: The title of the book

Posted: 11 Dec 2022, 22:45
by Kelsey Roy
I think the author chose a fitting title. Every aspect of the book relates back to these ambiguous terms and the “Company’s” ability to change them whenever they wanted. This is heavily seen when Kimberly is searching for “cult” members on the transportation system. The Company was able to change the rules daily to suit their needs and there was nothing anyone could do about the change.

Re: The title of the book

Posted: 12 Dec 2022, 05:51
by Aditii Mehta
The title is perfect for this book. In the beginning all the Terms of Service are given. The rules also keep changing in this book.

Re: The title of the book

Posted: 12 Dec 2022, 13:05
by Emily Meadows
I liked the title of the book because the arbitrary nature of the weekly searches/raids. This week we're looking for turnstile jumpers! This week we're looking for people holding hands! It felt random and very punitive. Oof!

Re: The title of the book

Posted: 12 Dec 2022, 14:35
by OTrain Disene
I think the book is very fitting. It is tempting and once you read it, you kind of nod and understand why it was titled this.

Re: The title of the book

Posted: 12 Dec 2022, 15:32
by Odala J Phiri
So far the book is touching different areas that if you read it in a hurry, you can never marry different nuggets in it.

Re: The title of the book

Posted: 13 Dec 2022, 05:47
by Salah bourouba
I think it's a very interesting approach to book titles. it sums up what the book is all about. meaning with AI you have no control over what could happen to your life. which is true

Re: The title of the book

Posted: 14 Dec 2022, 07:51
by Natasha Hlongwane
The title is very fitting. It is justified from the first chapter of the book. The author demonstrates how highly controlled Kim's everyday routine is.

Re: The title of the book

Posted: 14 Dec 2022, 11:56
by Chinemezu Okafor
The title actually depicts what the book is all about. Everything about it is perfect. There's nothing that needs to be removed or added.

Re: The title of the book

Posted: 14 Dec 2022, 13:07
by readingswithsoso
At first, I thought the author was just not creative. However, after reading the book I could not wish for any other title.
You get this constant discomfort that you are just a number and you must fit within a box or you will be seen as an error. You either followed the Terms of Service or you didn't. I just simply love the title.