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Re: What is the best lesson you learned from Mark's life story?

Posted: 13 Mar 2023, 22:51
by Lucy Vera
I just discussed this in another topic. I think the greatest take away for me is the authors relentless side. Mark is an Optimist who teaches me that I can do anything I want to. With the right amount of resilience and persistence I am good to go!

Re: What is the best lesson you learned from Mark's life story?

Posted: 15 Mar 2023, 02:36
by Zainab Wasif
I was inspired by his persistence and self-belief. The publishers rejected his books 144 times. They were not convinced by the title of the book. He changed his marketing strategy but did not change the title of the book because both the authors coined it and it was close to their heart. Never give up even after failing multiple times and never let anyone shake the belief you have in yourself!

Re: What is the best lesson you learned from Mark's life story?

Posted: 16 Mar 2023, 01:05
by Helen Akoth
The greatest lesson I obtained from this book was, if you're persistent enough in whatever you do, soon you realize your dreams. Being relentless is the key to unlocking your heart desires.

Re: What is the best lesson you learned from Mark's life story?

Posted: 16 Mar 2023, 15:25
by Not available anymore
From Mark's life I learnt the importance of perseverance, persistency and not giving up.

Re: What is the best lesson you learned from Mark's life story?

Posted: 20 Mar 2023, 21:20
by Nqobile Mashinini Tshabalala
To be relentless in all I pursue. He showed me that life is unfair at times and unpredictable but whatever it throws your way, use it to your benefit.

Re: What is the best lesson you learned from Mark's life story?

Posted: 21 Mar 2023, 23:20
by FunkyFlowerLady
To keep going!! Regardless of what happens, just trust the fact that time will pass and good times are just around the corner. Believe in yourself; you are capable and can succeed.

Re: What is the best lesson you learned from Mark's life story?

Posted: 22 Mar 2023, 16:34
by Joyjim
It is clear that good habits can be learned only if we persevere. Mark's relentless spirit opened the way to success.

Re: What is the best lesson you learned from Mark's life story?

Posted: 28 Mar 2023, 05:59
by Yasmine M
From this book I have learnt that being persistent pays off. It is also important to know how to grab opportunities and to be around the right circles of people.
When you spend time with successful people and results driven people, you end up not only emulating their behavior but, they can be helpful when needed. Like when you need an advice or to be introduced to someone who can really assist you in your career. Basically you need to be around like-minded people.

Re: What is the best lesson you learned from Mark's life story?

Posted: 05 Apr 2023, 02:47
by Eva Nyaburi
I learned the value of being persistent. Even when no one believes in you, you just have to push and keep working hard

Re: What is the best lesson you learned from Mark's life story?

Posted: 09 Apr 2023, 00:45
by Kenneth Onyenwe
Every life has challenges, to succeed, we have to keep pushing through difficult times. I learned from Hansen that grit is a necessary tool for success.

Re: What is the best lesson you learned from Mark's life story?

Posted: 10 Apr 2023, 04:05
by David Chijindu
Constantly keep going. Regardless of what is being thrown at you right now or how bad the storm is, it will pass and the sun will shine once again. Believe in yourself; you are capable and can succeed.

Re: What is the best lesson you learned from Mark's life story?

Posted: 12 Apr 2023, 15:52
by Oceegee Chika Oroke
There are many lessons to be learned from Mark Victor's story, but the most pronounced, for me, is to never give up no matter how bleak the moment or the future might appear. Another thing is being visionary.

Re: What is the best lesson you learned from Mark's life story?

Posted: 12 Apr 2023, 17:13
by Maileyrom
Each step in life builds the personality of each individual. For Mark the episode of the bicycle was key as it taught him the value of earning each penny. Later on life he used his persistence to achieve everything he wanted to. From this book I have learned the power of being positive and willing to help others.

Re: What is the best lesson you learned from Mark's life story?

Posted: 23 Apr 2023, 22:54
by Claire Twy
Olga Markova wrote: 16 Feb 2023, 12:30 Reading Relentless, I found it a very educational book, both personally and professionally. I was enjoying the lessons of Mark's hard-working career and of his personal failures and success. As an example, for me as an introvert, my biggest professional weakness is sales - the complete taboo :hand: . So I was astounded by the advice Mark's mother gave him when he was starting to sell greeting cards: "I am earning my own bicycle selling Gibson greeting cards. Would you like one box or two?" What is the best lesson you learned from Relentless ?
This is a fantastic book that perfectly shows the rewards of perseverance. Life is never easy and sometimes it's hard to keep going, but I think Mark's story is a lovely reminder that our labour will bear fruit. So chin up, and keep going! There is light at the end of the tunnel.

Re: What is the best lesson you learned from Mark's life story?

Posted: 02 May 2023, 08:48
by Andrada Madalina
The best lesson I learned from Mark Victor Hansen's life story was the power of perseverance. I was impressed by his ability not to give up searching for a publisher for his book after being rejected more than 100 times. Also, I loved that the author taught me a valuable lesson about philanthropy and that he encouraged me to follow my dreams.