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Re: What would you do if your children cherry-bomb your favourite birdbath?

Posted: 03 May 2023, 03:32
by Andrada Madalina
I would assertively explain to the children the logical and natural consequences of their actions if they ever had the idea to play pranks or endanger their own safety or that of those around them. And if they didn't listen to me the first time, I would try to give them examples of pros and cons depending on their behavior and the context in which they were. I think I would be more upset if they didn't understand their behavior the second time after I explained; I wouldn't necessarily be upset about the act itself that they would do.

Re: What would you do if your children cherry-bomb your favourite birdbath?

Posted: 06 May 2023, 01:28
by Jesse Shon Voyamba
First of all, I would sit them down and educate them on the implications of their action. I will also enlighten them on safety tips so that they don't repeat what they did. Most importantly, I would look for a way to discipline so that they don't repeat the same mistake. Disciplining them will instill in them the mindset, there are repercussions and consequences for every action.

Re: What would you do if your children cherry-bomb your favourite birdbath?

Posted: 28 May 2023, 18:35
by Cheryl Erickson
I would have my boys apologize to me for ruining my favorite birdbath and clean up the mess. Then I would confiscate the rest of the cherry bombs. I would sit them down for a talk about safety and the fact that they were fortunate that no humans were injured in the incident. Then they would do extra chores to save up for a replacement birdbath.

Re: What would you do if your children cherry-bomb your favourite birdbath?

Posted: 01 Jun 2023, 16:14
by Maileyrom
I will probably forgive them in the end as the birdbath is just a material thing, but I would try to re-educate them until those kinds of things won't happen again. I will try to give them examples of a similar situation with things that matter to them so they can picture it.

Re: What would you do if your children cherry-bomb your favourite birdbath?

Posted: 02 Jun 2023, 04:34
by Naghma Qureshi
As a reader, that was hilarious to read. But yes, as a parent, I think I would also behave almost in the same way as Mark's parents did, and also would have a talk with the kids. That is because, the moment the birdbath burst into pieces, the kids actually got the lesson. They wanted to see how the bomb would explode underwater, which they did, but they also saw what it did to the birdbath. That was an experience in itself about how different objects are. And that is how kids learn. By doing and observing. So, as a parent, I would first hold my husband accountable for buying such a bomb without thinking about what it can do and then letting the kids go unsupervised.

Re: What would you do if your children cherry-bomb your favourite birdbath?

Posted: 01 Jul 2023, 19:52
by Kebun Bunga
If my children were to cherry-bomb my favorite birdbath, I would handle the situation by staying calm and initiating a conversation with them. I would listen to their perspective and explain the consequences of their actions, emphasizing the damage caused to the birdbath and the potential impact on the birds. Encouraging responsibility, I would involve them in repairing or replacing the birdbath if appropriate. I would also use this incident as an opportunity to teach them about respect for others' belongings and setting boundaries. Implementing suitable consequences, such as apologizing, performing extra chores, or temporarily losing privileges, would help them understand the seriousness of their actions. Ultimately, I would aim to use this incident as a teachable moment to promote growth and learning while maintaining a loving and supportive environment.