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Re: Freda the rabbit

Posted: 20 Mar 2023, 12:21
by Smrithi Arun
Delvin and Freda shared the purest bond in the story, it could be especially because Freda belonged to Borlock before, and we know how much Delvin worshipped Borlock. She also ended up playing an integral part in the plot, so it made sense to write her into the story.

Re: Freda the rabbit

Posted: 20 Mar 2023, 22:29
by Hazel Mae Bagarinao
While Freda contributes a big part of the novel, as the pet of Delvin, it makes him find comfort in the ever-stressing journey with Princesses.

Re: Freda the rabbit

Posted: 21 Mar 2023, 12:53
by Eva Nyaburi
I believe Delvin brought Freda along as a sentimental memento because the rabbit made him think of his beloved friend and mentor Borlock, giving him some solace and familiarity in foreign lands.

Re: Freda the rabbit

Posted: 22 Mar 2023, 12:20
by Renee Pendergast
I think Freda is closure for Delvin, as well as a way to keep Borlock with him after his friend's death. Also, since he was essentially kidnapped by Jarla, Freda might be a sort of living security blanket - Delvin feels safer with Freda around.

Re: Freda the rabbit

Posted: 24 Mar 2023, 16:20
by Amy Toria
In my opinion, Delvin's relationship with Freda goes beyond her being just a part of his show. From the way he treats her, it's clear that Freda is more than just a pet to him - she is his companion and someone he trusts and relies on.

Re: Freda the rabbit

Posted: 24 Mar 2023, 16:21
by Amy Toria
It's evident that Delvin and Freda share a special bond, one that is similar to the way some people find solace and comfort in animals. Many people turn to their pets, especially dogs, when they need support and companionship, and it seems like Delvin has found that in Freda.

Re: Freda the rabbit

Posted: 24 Mar 2023, 16:22
by Amy Toria
Delvin understands the value of having a loyal companion by his side, and he knows that Freda has never failed him during his shows. In fact, he probably also recognizes that she could be of great help to him on his quest, which is why he brings her along.

Re: Freda the rabbit

Posted: 24 Mar 2023, 16:22
by Amy Toria
Maybe he sees in her the qualities that he admires and values in a friend or partner. Perhaps he feels like she understands him on a level that other humans don't. It's interesting to consider the idea that pets are more obedient than humans. Some people even believe that their pets are reincarnated forms of their deceased loved ones.

Re: Freda the rabbit

Posted: 24 Mar 2023, 16:23
by Amy Toria
Maybe Delvin feels that Freda is a spiritual companion, someone who is connected to him on a deeper level than any human could be. In any case, it's clear that Freda is an essential part of Delvin's life, and he values her presence and support.

Re: Freda the rabbit

Posted: 25 Mar 2023, 10:59
by Francis Ignacio
Every one knew how close Freda was to Delvin. The cute little rabbit was an integral part of the story and it's no surprise that Delvin decided to it on that trip. I love Freda the rabbit by the way.

Re: Freda the rabbit

Posted: 26 Mar 2023, 05:00
by Tamara Bengesai
Delvin considered Freda to be important to the show and also the connection with Borlock. The reason might be that animals are more loyal than the friends he found.

Re: Freda the rabbit

Posted: 28 Mar 2023, 00:18
by John Kingsley Ken
The connection between Delvin and his pet Freda is the complete definition of companionship. Animals are somewhat a means of comfort for people who love pets.

Re: Freda the rabbit

Posted: 28 Mar 2023, 07:33
by Jakub Bystrowski
They have a bond and he loves the pet. There is also the sentimental reason that is how close Freda and Borlock were. Delvin see Freda as his last link to Borlock.

Re: Freda the rabbit

Posted: 28 Mar 2023, 11:39
by Stephanie Cameron
I think Delvin wanted Freda to come along because the rabbit is like a pet and a part of his family. He has grown fond of his rabbit; maybe the pet reminded him of Borlock. I loved Freda in this story and was glad she got brought along.

Re: Freda the rabbit

Posted: 01 Apr 2023, 11:52
by Zainab Wasif
Delvin trusted and relied on Freda for emotional support. She was neither friends with Jarla nor Fionella. Pets are non-judgemental and offer better understanding than humans, at times.