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What Makes Magic

Posted: 13 Mar 2023, 09:28
by alexsbookhoard
I have not finished The Magician's Secret, yet, but the introduction of the magic system as I currently understanding it - through Delvin wishing for something to happen and that thing happening - reminds me a lot of the concept of manifestation. I've seen an increasing trend in belief that mindset changes circumstance, and that a person who thinks and wishes for a change or an outcome is more likely to achieve it. It follows along with the statement I have seen many times that goes along the lines of "Those who are looking for opportunities will find more opportunities; those looking for struggles will find more struggles."

What this book so far has me thinking about is what 'makes' magic? In a fantasy context, I think of magic as a power wielded by certain groups of people who have the ability to directly influence the world around them with a non-human power. Yet this book is making me consider whether people in reality have a type of magic. Not in the "hold a wand, say an incantation, and presto" kind of way, but I never gave much consideration that mindset can be its own kind of power.

What do you think? Is manifestation a real world example of a power in line with the fantasy concept of magic? Or is it purely the perception of change without the power behind it?

Re: What Makes Magic

Posted: 13 Mar 2023, 18:39
by Stephanie Runyon
No, I believe that magic in real life is best defined optical illusion. If I can get a crowd to focus on one thing, the real trick is done at the same time in a place the audience is not looking at.
Manifestation: "If you speak it into existence, it will occur." The way Delvin has visions that you mention are precursors to something happening, however he doesn't see the entire picture in the vision.
Fantasy books are whatever the writer imagined them to be. Magic can be controlling people, elements, protection, etc.

Re: What Makes Magic

Posted: 14 Mar 2023, 08:39
by Anna_Hernandez
I do think manifestation is an example of power in line with the fantasy concept of magic. This is why it eludes so many people. To manifest and succeed, one must have faith in oneself and one's capabilities, as well as belief in the idea being brought to life. Unfortunately, many people let their imagination fade away into nonexistence as they become adults. As a result, they may perceive those who manifest and succeed as crazy or lucky, without recognizing the hard work and magic behind it. Our imagination is another source of power that children are not taught to handle. As people learn to control their imaginations and shape it to their will, they can manifest their desires and achieve success, which is the true magic of life. I think the magic creates or attracts the series of circumstance necessary to achieve success.

I am not sure if that makes since but A) I never thought of this before and B) find it difficult to put magic into words, for it's like faith, something that will never materialistically be, it will only live within each of us in different ways at different levels.

Re: What Makes Magic

Posted: 14 Mar 2023, 11:17
by Patty Allread
Your comments and questions are quite astute! What we call "magic" in the fantasy sense seems to have an unknown 'something' that is the catalyst to make things happen. Why does the magic wand work? What difference does the incantation mean? I believe the special something is a power every one of us has and can regain the ability to use it. It has been called the "power of positive thinking," or some refer to it as "affirmations," and I go with the term "postulates." I found there is something to know about these postulates, how they work, and how to make them stick.

I like your term "mindset." It makes me think about our reaction to our own magic. When we succeed in making something happen, some say it's "dumb luck," others say it is "God's miracle," or we might call it coincidence. My point is that we rarely take any credit for the magic we create in life.

Re: What Makes Magic

Posted: 14 Mar 2023, 14:23
by Olga Markova
For me, magic is anything that makes me wow - unusual, surprising, unexpected, and unimaginable. My immediate association of the word magic is with Harry Potter's series, especially The Philosopher's Stone. But in this book's context, I think magic is the superhuman abilities Delvin discovered in himself when he got the stone of Borlock. Magic is also the superhuman abilities of other members of the Magicians' Guild.

Re: What Makes Magic

Posted: 19 Mar 2023, 09:38
by Abdul-Malik Hassan
I think manifestation is just a perception of change that doesn’t necessarily have to rely on power. We manifest thoughts, and thoughts become our perceptions. The concept of change determines a particular outcome. Mindset is most likely our attitude towards something. So depending on how an individual might perceive the world around them, whatever he wishes for is determined by the nature of that particular outcome.

Re: What Makes Magic

Posted: 19 Mar 2023, 17:58
by Jerry Spencer
Well, it depends but it has to make some sort of effect on the target. The purpose of magic performed is what defines it. A street magician wouldn't need much to make "magic" but a sorcerer would need spells, potions and sacred items.

Re: What Makes Magic

Posted: 25 Mar 2023, 06:40
by Shedrack A
I'm a huge believer in the manifestation concept and I love that this statement- those who are looking for opportunities will find more opportunities; those looking for struggles will find more struggles.

Re: What Makes Magic

Posted: 25 Mar 2023, 10:51
by Francis Ignacio
I am a believer also of the manifestation principle. I feel like we usually attract what we want by speaking it into existence. As for the magic of Delvin, it is magic for the purposes of the book. But in real life, there is no such thing as magic.

Re: What Makes Magic

Posted: 26 Mar 2023, 04:40
by Tamara Bengesai
I do believe in manifestation notion. But on the other hand, I think it depends also for common street magicians and those deep into like sorcerers . The Sorcerers it seems do need an extra power to do or manifest what they do.

Re: What Makes Magic

Posted: 27 Mar 2023, 00:53
by John Kingsley Ken
I always have a belief that there is a spiritual version of this physical world, which goes in accordance with the common saying "the spiritual controls the physical ''. However, magic exists and can be evil or good depending on who yields it.

Re: What Makes Magic

Posted: 28 Mar 2023, 07:27
by Jakub Bystrowski
For me, magic is anything that cannot be explained by science. Anything that makes me wow. It can be scientific or not. It just has to give you a feeling of euphoria.

Re: What Makes Magic

Posted: 28 Mar 2023, 18:50
by OTrain Disene
I think yes magic is made by the power of manifestation we all possess in ourselves. But aside from that, magic is the ability to imagine what's more than ourselves.

Re: What Makes Magic

Posted: 29 Mar 2023, 15:03
by britcott30
For me, magic in real life is something that is not expected. For example, when we are very sure that something will not happen, turns out it happen.

Re: What Makes Magic

Posted: 03 Apr 2023, 04:06
by Ekaete Bruno
I agree with your points about magic being part of a manifestation. It's like rubbing a smooth part of your face when there's obviously not a pimple there, what are you looking for? Soon after that a pimple grows and that's the concept of you get what you wish for.