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Were there any characters you wish had been developed a bit more?

Posted: 21 Mar 2023, 23:21
by J Bishop
I ask because my favorite character was Grybald. I liked his personality and little eccentricities, like how he would always correct people when they called him Grimbolt. The one thing I wanted more of, though, was backstory for the character to make his arc feel more rounded out. Were there any characters you felt similar about?

Re: Were there any characters you wish had been developed a bit more?

Posted: 22 Mar 2023, 08:46
by Olga Markova
I would love to have more of Freda, Delvin's rabbit - in the story she is only a mostly caged animal Delvin carries everywhere and protects her from soup bowls and casseroles. But it all being magic everywhere, it would be fun to read what her take was on the events unfolding around her and maybe even her very rabbity advice to Delvin on what he should and should not do - even conspiring with Delvin on his pranks maybe...:)

Re: Were there any characters you wish had been developed a bit more?

Posted: 24 Mar 2023, 09:02
by Laura Ismajli
J Bishop wrote: 21 Mar 2023, 23:21 I ask because my favorite character was Grybald. I liked his personality and little eccentricities, like how he would always correct people when they called him Grimbolt. The one thing I wanted more of, though, was backstory for the character to make his arc feel more rounded out. Were there any characters you felt similar about?
I also loved Grybald! I felt like he had so much potential. Thinking about it though, the only character we really get any backstory on is Delvin. I would also have liked to see why Princess Jarla became so fierce. I think backstories add layers to the characters' decisions, giving us a bit more clarification as to their motivations. I think Grybald certainly would have been an awesome character to learn more about!

Re: Were there any characters you wish had been developed a bit more?

Posted: 24 Mar 2023, 16:35
by Amy Toria
I think the author did well in character development. However, sometimes I wish I could get more from Freda. A bit more concentration and action in Freda's role would have made a lot of difference and this will give a unique touch to the storyline.

Re: Were there any characters you wish had been developed a bit more?

Posted: 25 Mar 2023, 10:56
by Francis Ignacio
For me it'll be Borlock. Even though he died in the course of the story, I'd have wished that more background story was given of him. He was my favourite character in the book.

Re: Were there any characters you wish had been developed a bit more?

Posted: 28 Mar 2023, 07:20
by Jakub Bystrowski
It is a coin toss betweek Borlock and Jarla for me. I would have to go with Jarla as she had so much untapped potential. I believe the author has great plans for her in the subsequent books.

Re: Were there any characters you wish had been developed a bit more?

Posted: 03 Apr 2023, 01:24
by Abdul-Malik Hassan
I like Delvin's encounter with Princess Jarla. Those are two of my favorite characters. As far as character development is concerned, I think Grybald could have played a bigger role. His character had so much potential in the storyline.

Re: Were there any characters you wish had been developed a bit more?

Posted: 03 Apr 2023, 03:53
by Ekaete Bruno
Mine would most definitely by Borlock. I didn't feel like he needed to die like that. I wished he had stayed longer before dieing and ghat we got to see more of him.

Re: Were there any characters you wish had been developed a bit more?

Posted: 03 Apr 2023, 16:42
by Abiodunakinola
Sincerely, the author did well in characters development, but I felt Grybald need a little inprovement.

Re: Were there any characters you wish had been developed a bit more?

Posted: 05 Apr 2023, 22:14
by Ophiohonren Hiram
I think that characters like Grimbolt and Borlock would have had really interesting developments, but I can't help but feel as though they could steal the protagonist spotlight.

Re: Were there any characters you wish had been developed a bit more?

Posted: 12 Apr 2023, 13:51
by Allison Beard Vion
Yes! I agree with you about Grimbolt, though I thought in terms of character quirks he was one of the better developed characters. I could really get a sense of his personality and his responses always felt authentic.

I honestly wish all of the characters had been developed more, especially Delvin. As the main character I felt he fell short. He was a sweet, optimistic chap but, beyond that, pretty drab. Perhaps I wish he would have been more thoughtful and intelligent. He always felt a step behind, and not in the way that books often make you, as the reader, feel a step ahead. It’s not that I felt a step ahead, it’s that he felt behind - like he was just a leave on the surface of a swift stream. It made me feel disappointed consistently, and in the end a little bored.

Re: Were there any characters you wish had been developed a bit more?

Posted: 12 Apr 2023, 14:29
by Carlos Mata Saenz
J Bishop wrote: 21 Mar 2023, 23:21 I ask because my favorite character was Grybald. I liked his personality and little eccentricities, like how he would always correct people when they called him Grimbolt. The one thing I wanted more of, though, was backstory for the character to make his arc feel more rounded out. Were there any characters you felt similar about?
I agree 100%. And I really hope it will happen in a future. It's the kind of character that could also have its own book.

Re: Were there any characters you wish had been developed a bit more?

Posted: 12 Apr 2023, 15:33
by Oceegee Chika Oroke
Yeah, I did feel Delvin was developed to meet certain personal comditions and taste of mine. And just right now, you just brought my attention to the character Grybald. I like Grybald's personality, and I think I have similar expectations from him as you.

Re: Were there any characters you wish had been developed a bit more?

Posted: 12 Apr 2023, 22:00
by Park Cherri
Like you just said, Grimbolt seemed to be a minor character. I would have loved that the author fully developed Fionella. She was displayed as a pretty damsel in distress. We didn’t know where she came from and all of that. She was just part of the team.

Re: Were there any characters you wish had been developed a bit more?

Posted: 17 Apr 2023, 02:46
by Flourish Sunday
I like how Delvin meets Princess Jarla. Two of my favorite characters are those two. In terms of character growth, I believe Grybald might have had a bigger part. His potential as a character in the plot was enormous.