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Re: How Can Bullying Be Addressed?

Posted: 20 Jul 2023, 10:50
by Storm+
I liked how the administration at Mary Grace's school handled the bullying. While they did approach the situation with empathy and sympathy for all parties involved, including the bullies, they also dealt with the situation harshly and seriously. For the elementary age group, I felt they dealt with bullying very well.

Re: How Can Bullying Be Addressed?

Posted: 25 Jul 2023, 06:28
by Pauline Parnell
Bullying is never funny. As many victims go on to commit suicide, it can be extremely risky for the victim. Therefore, my recommendation is to arm the victims, who are most susceptible. Boost your students' self-assurance in who they are as persons. Encourage them to defend themselves. Make sure kids are aware of whom to contact in case they are bullied.

Re: How Can Bullying Be Addressed?

Posted: 29 Jul 2023, 03:36
by Thera reads
Bullies are weak. The moment you stand up against them, you win the battle. After that, the bullies should go into full counseling.

Re: How Can Bullying Be Addressed?

Posted: 29 Jul 2023, 13:42
by Susan Sadiq
I feel that bullies should always be punished. They should also get to see how badly their bullying affects the other party. Parents should be active in their children's life and teach them against such things.

Re: How Can Bullying Be Addressed?

Posted: 30 Jul 2023, 01:05
by Aditii Mehta
I think the best way to address bullying is by counselling and talking to the bullies. Punishment will only increase the chances of them getting angrier and it never solves any conflict.

Re: How Can Bullying Be Addressed?

Posted: 01 Aug 2023, 10:07
by Rupali Mishra
Bullies need to be stopped in their tracks, either by replying to them straight away (in a polite manner) or by remaining silent.

Re: How Can Bullying Be Addressed?

Posted: 01 Aug 2023, 12:07
by Jennifer Coxon
I think it is important to understand the driver for why the person is bullying in the first place, as they did in the story. This often will determine what the best course of action is, and it may be providing the bully with some help they either couldn't or didn't know how to ask for.

Re: How Can Bullying Be Addressed?

Posted: 03 Aug 2023, 09:58
by Nisha DSouza
Counseling and trying to understand what is causing the bully to behave that way is crucial because only then the root cause of the issue will be addressed. Many times the bullies themselves are going through something traumatic or are in a situation where they have no control. They vent out by taking it out on their victims and trying to gain some of that control back.

Re: How Can Bullying Be Addressed?

Posted: 05 Aug 2023, 19:02
by Sheen Jenny
There are a number of ways that bullying can be addressed. One way is to educate both bullies and their victims about the negative effects of bullying and the importance of treating others with respect. Schools can implement anti-bullying policies and programs to help reduce the incidence of bullying. Parents can also play a role by teaching their children to treat others with kindness and respect, and by being alert to signs that their child may be either a victim or a perpetrator of bullying. In addition, communities can work together to create a culture that rejects bullying and encourages empathy and inclusion.

Re: How Can Bullying Be Addressed?

Posted: 08 Aug 2023, 09:17
by Mikespice Mike
But makings a daily awareness of the bad effects and what bullying can course to individuals

Re: How Can Bullying Be Addressed?

Posted: 09 Aug 2023, 00:58
by Melody Otieno
Calling on awareness and education to everyone about effects of bullying and it's consequences

Re: How Can Bullying Be Addressed?

Posted: 29 Aug 2023, 10:08
by Not available anymore
Bullying should be addressed by Anonymous reporting, like it was done in the book, that's a method, another one is to put in place severe punishments and allow more ideas to allow the victims speak up.

Re: How Can Bullying Be Addressed?

Posted: 02 Sep 2023, 14:22
by Clauson Justin
John Owen wrote: 15 May 2023, 01:41 But before that, the fight against bullying starts with you as a person. You could start by standing up to them and refusing to be intimidated. Then, take it up with the relevant authorities.
This is the most effective approach for me. Bullies only keep bullying a person who lets them. Yes, they may be bigger or even stronger but I always tell my kids, the first step is to look them in the eyes and refuse to be bullied. If you get hit, no matter how hard, hit back, and the bully will be shocked. It always works. I would love to read about other suggestions too.

Re: How Can Bullying Be Addressed?

Posted: 04 Sep 2023, 10:00
by Melody Otieno
It should be taught in school In order for childrens to know the negatives effects of bullying while young. Creating awareness can help alot

Re: How Can Bullying Be Addressed?

Posted: 07 Sep 2023, 23:02
by Nganyi Humphrey
I agree that counselling and punishing the bully is a good way of dealing with bullies. I think it's also important to include the parents of the bully to know their stand on the act of bullying.