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Re: Should the teachers do this?

Posted: 05 Jul 2023, 15:57
by Helen Akoth
I think what the teacher did to help Mary Grace make a few friends in the new social environment was commendable. I think , if possible, teachers can come up with measures to help new students feel at home, for instance, by urging (assigning) fellow students to assist them do some things. In the process, they may be able to bond and make long-lasting friendships.

Re: Should the teachers do this?

Posted: 05 Jul 2023, 19:02
by Michael Valentine
I think that it is a sure way to help the child properly blend in with the class as it can be tough being a new student in a new environment. While it is arguable that it may lead to interference, I don't believe the teacher would compel the children to be friends if things don't turn out well. However, I believe that at this age, it's easier for children to connect with each other without issues.

Re: Should the teachers do this?

Posted: 12 Jul 2023, 03:05
by Atieno Magero
I think it's a nice idea because it helps new students to settle in and get to know everyone. Obviously students shouldn't be forced to friends but it's good that they welcome new students and make them feel accepted.

Re: Should the teachers do this?

Posted: 12 Jul 2023, 09:15
by Oluwasegun Timothy
I believe it is highly beneficial for teachers to actively engage students in getting to know their classmates, especially those who may be more reserved. Such efforts can greatly enhance the overall classroom environment, fostering a sense of inclusivity and warmth. Nonetheless, the formation of friendships ultimately rests in the hands of the children. It's intriguing to witness the interplay of personalities, as some may effortlessly connect while others may experience discord.

Re: Should the teachers do this?

Posted: 12 Jul 2023, 12:33
by Chinemezu Okafor
I think it's a good idea. It Could make them socialize and get accustomed to each other. But I wouldn't suggest the teachers forcing friendships on the kids. Friendship grows naturally. A teacher can't force friendship on the students.

Re: Should the teachers do this?

Posted: 16 Jul 2023, 10:19
by Blackstenius
I think what Donny's teacher did for him was awesome and I would encourage and recommend other teachers to do the same for their new students, to help them adjust and settle asap in their new schools. It would be especially helpful for students with special needs.

Re: Should the teachers do this?

Posted: 17 Jul 2023, 18:22
by Selena Romero 1
I think the intention behind the friend for a week idea was a great one and something teachers may consider doing for children who find it hard bonding in new environments or are just getting used to their new environment. The word friend may not be in the deepest form at the time but if over time they bond then they become actual friends.

Re: Should the teachers do this?

Posted: 18 Jul 2023, 16:08
by Catherine Radford
Definitely! Any child start school later than others would be at a natural disadvantage and should have as much support as possible.

Re: Should the teachers do this?

Posted: 19 Jul 2023, 21:59
by Storm+
I think this is acceptable and even helpful for younger students (although a "helper" or "guide" might be better than assigning a "friend"). However, I think that the older a child or student gets, the more artificial they will feel their relationship with their assigned friend or buddy will be. Still, I can see how doing something like this might help shy students make new friends or acquaintances, which in turn helps them acclimate to their new environment better.

Re: Should the teachers do this?

Posted: 25 Jul 2023, 06:50
by Pauline Parnell
What that teacher did is awesome. I believe many more teachers should follow suit. Some children have difficulty making friends, and this would help them to settle in and be comfortable with others.

Re: Should the teachers do this?

Posted: 26 Jul 2023, 04:08
by Yasmine M
Assigning a "friend" a buddy to assist the new student is a great idea. The newcomers will feel immediately included, and they will be able to familiarize themselves with the new surroundings much quicker. They can still make or find their real friends later. It is difficult to make friends for most people, I can imagine it is even more difficult for children with special needs.

Re: Should the teachers do this?

Posted: 28 Jul 2023, 07:20
by Zainab Wasif
It is a good way for new kids to get to know his or her classmates better. Since both Donny and Mary Grace were getting used to a lot of new things, it was a kind gesture on the teacher’s part.

Re: Should the teachers do this?

Posted: 06 Aug 2023, 09:10
by Janet Kimetto
I think it's a great idea for kids around Donny's age (5); Donny was so happy about it. Ultimately, they'll forge their own friendships.

Re: Should the teachers do this?

Posted: 07 Aug 2023, 08:33
by TebogoM
I think is not a good idea to make a friend for another person because we make friends with our personalities because we all have a different personality.

Re: Should the teachers do this?

Posted: 08 Aug 2023, 09:21
by Mikespice Mike
Sometimes it nice and good for a someone or a leader appointing a person who will give directions and how the new environment looks like, from their if friends grows naturally well and good and if not a child can choose whoever he wants but for teachers its a nice idea because a teacher knows very well each and every child in his class so choosing a friend for you he perfectly knows where you belong unless otherwise