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Re: Do you have a special collection?

Posted: 11 Jul 2023, 03:31
by Catalina Isabel
I love to collect birthday cards that I've received over the years and also photos. I do the same for my kids too, and will even feel bad if I throw away their drawings! I also collect souvenirs from around the world. I find that having little treasures and memories makes life more colourful.

Re: Do you have a special collection?

Posted: 18 Jul 2023, 16:14
by Catherine Radford
I keep small things throughout my life - concert stubs, pictures from weddings but nothing of value to someone else like marbles.

Re: Do you have a special collection?

Posted: 20 Jul 2023, 10:44
by Storm+
I collect books and manga, and as I read them, I collect interesting quotes from them in a Google Doc. I have been doing this for years now, and my collection has grown to include movies, articles, podcasts, shows, and pretty much anything you can read!

Re: Do you have a special collection?

Posted: 07 Aug 2023, 10:13
by TebogoM
I like collecting quotes so I don't know if this will sound like I took it from the first comment I like collecting motivational videos to.

Re: Do you have a special collection?

Posted: 08 Aug 2023, 15:08
by Mikespice Mike
Yeah book collection, movie and even songs I think am the best when choosing collection at home... Everyone always asks for my collection

Re: Do you have a special collection?

Posted: 15 Aug 2023, 08:31
by Carly Sprout
Brenda Creech wrote: 08 May 2023, 00:05 I have two collections. As a retired nurse, I collect nursing figurines. I also collect lighthouses. I love pictures of lighthouses, so I started collecting different ones I would run across in various stores, and my daughter always brings me a lighthouse when she goes on vacation anywhere near the ocean!
I must admit, I'm quite envious. Your collection of lighthouse ornaments/figurines/crafts sounds absolutely fascinating. Regrettably, lighthouse-themed ornaments are a rarity in my area, or perhaps I simply haven't come across them yet. In the meantime, I've found joy in collecting mini ceramic figurines, each with its own special spot adorning my bookshelf.

Re: Do you have a special collection?

Posted: 15 Aug 2023, 18:20
by Sarah Zain
Fashion changes every day, and some time ago I began to love keeping different pieces of things that may no longer be used or may be old, but due to time they have become rare. It has grown into a habit, but I try to control it.

Re: Do you have a special collection?

Posted: 25 Aug 2023, 02:27
by WildThings
I have two collections that are very special to me. One is the coin collection. I have very old coins and I'm fascinated by them as they hold so much history. Another collection I have is of seashells. Every time I go to a new beach, I start looking for shells washed up on the shore. So I have a unique collection of seashells from every beach I have ever been to.

Re: Do you have a special collection?

Posted: 02 Sep 2023, 09:36
by Oluwa Tomisin
May sound funny bit my special collection is my favourite clothes from my childhood.

Re: Do you have a special collection?

Posted: 11 Sep 2023, 08:46
by Samina Moiyadi
My sister had a coin collection. I too wanted to imitate her in some way but I was too preoccupied with myself when I was a kid to actually do something about it.

Re: Do you have a special collection?

Posted: 23 Sep 2023, 11:54
by Jacob Mamman
Unfortunately no I don't have

Re: Do you have a special collection?

Posted: 04 Nov 2023, 14:10
by Chinazo Anozie
I've never actively had or kept a collection, but when I was younger, I remember I had many sea shells which I painted different colours using poster colours. That was a fun memory!

Re: Do you have a special collection?

Posted: 16 May 2024, 20:08
by Badger Martin
I really do not have any collections currently and I am not sure I had any while growing up.