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Re: Have You Ever Been Bullied?

Posted: 12 Jun 2023, 11:00
by Chimomaebuka Ejimchi
Yes, I was bullied when I was young. I think I was nine then. The girl would always take my things and my seat in class. I got sick of it one day and did to her half of the things she did to me. This made her stop bullying me.

Re: Have You Ever Been Bullied?

Posted: 13 Jun 2023, 06:41
by Eva Nyaburi
Yes, I was bullied in school. There were two boys who would force me to bring them some money every single day. I had to steal some from my mom's purse sometimes if I didn't have any. When my parents found out, I was transferred to a private school because I couldn't cope with public schools again.

Re: Have You Ever Been Bullied?

Posted: 13 Jun 2023, 07:25
by Salah bourouba
I am not sure if this was considered bullying, but this guy that I think either liked me and didn't know how to express it or was jealous of me for whatever reason, use to slap my butt every time he passed by me, he kept doing that until I reported him.

Re: Have You Ever Been Bullied?

Posted: 13 Jun 2023, 18:20
by Dennis Kiage
Yeah! The most obvious is at school. I still don't understand why some children had to be so mean. There were just several children who seemed to take pleasure out of it.

Re: Have You Ever Been Bullied?

Posted: 13 Jun 2023, 18:22
by Dennis Kiage
Also, bullying is quite common even as an adult. The moment someone berates you, verbally abuses you, judges you based on your sexual preferences, political stand, religious affiliation, or gender that's also bullying.

Re: Have You Ever Been Bullied?

Posted: 13 Jun 2023, 18:25
by Dennis Kiage
Sharill R wrote: 31 May 2023, 02:48 Luckily for me, I have never been bullied. This may also be due to the fact that in the schools I went to, people were so busy with academics that it would have been amazing if they actually had time to bully others. We also had other chores such as taking care of the school gardens and attending mass or assembly almost daily which meant that all our time was accounted for.
I'm glad for you too. However, bullying doesn't end with school. In fact, it's a normal occurrence everyday dressed up as racism, homophobia, gender discrimination, and so much more.

Re: Have You Ever Been Bullied?

Posted: 14 Jun 2023, 19:56
by Agbata Charles
I have never had a bullying experience tho, because my school kicked against it. Tho av saw several occasions where people were bullied in my street

Re: Have You Ever Been Bullied?

Posted: 15 Jun 2023, 16:12
by Caroline Anne Richmond
As a child I was quite lucky not to be bullied harshly, although I remember being teased about physical things that would hurt deeper than I would let on. In my experience as an adult certain people have the type of personality to bully, whether to feel in control or go cause amusement to others. I have experienced this in my professional and personal life and I always found I had to find strength and become assertive with this type of person. Some people don't realise how words can wound.

Re: Have You Ever Been Bullied?

Posted: 19 Jun 2023, 15:39
by Rosandra Hosein
Yes, I have personally experienced bullying during my time in school when I was around 7-8 years old. It was a difficult period for me as I was targeted by a boy who apparently had a crush on me. He got teased from other boys when they found out about this crush and he decided to take that out on me. The bullying took various forms, such as pulling my hair, tripping me, and even throwing stones at me. It was a distressing experience that affected both my physical and emotional well-being. As I spent a significant amount of time at my grandparents' house, they noticed the changes in my appearance and became concerned. Eventually, I confided in them about the situation. My grandfather, who strongly believed in the principle of "an eye for an eye," advised me to defend myself whenever I encountered bullying. Encouraged by his words, I began to stand up for myself, refusing to be a passive target. Surprisingly, as I started to defend myself, the bullying gradually ceased. It seemed that the bully hadn't anticipated a girl standing up to him.

Re: Have You Ever Been Bullied?

Posted: 21 Jun 2023, 08:42
by Stephen Christopher 1
Like many others here, I too was bullied at school. This was in the 1970s in Australia when there were no laws or rules about bullying, and it wasn't just my peers; I was bullied by teachers. Back then, girls were academics, and boys played sports, the fact that I was an academic that hated sports didn't sit well with the teachers of the time. I'm so glad times have changed, even though bullying still exists, it can be addressed — and punished — if needed.

Re: Have You Ever Been Bullied?

Posted: 23 Jun 2023, 06:51
by Fredrick Felix Mnjala Maneno
I was bullied when I was in primary school and it was not a good experience. Unfortunately back then things could get physical real quick and I found myself at the receiving end of a particularly knobbly fist. I did not know how to defend myself back then and what made it even worse was that no one even bothered to lift a finger to help out. I now can stand up for myself, thank God, but it still rankles.

Re: Have You Ever Been Bullied?

Posted: 24 Jun 2023, 12:56
by Limpho Mojakisane
I remember i was in grade 5, and on my way home,my friends and I met this other girl and they started throwing some comments at her, and the girl retaliated by hitting me soo many times even though i wasn't part of the people that had insulted her. I have never felt so depressed and i remember being the laughing stock because of that. Ever since then, i vowed never again will i be in that kind of situation.

Re: Have You Ever Been Bullied?

Posted: 24 Jun 2023, 13:47
by Limpho Mojakisane
While reading most of the comments here, I notice that most people were bullied at school and not at home. I wonder why this is the case, and what can be done to stop this issue as most of our kids' have lost their lives as a result of constant bullying. Some are even bullied by their own teachers, this is honestly sad.

Re: Have You Ever Been Bullied?

Posted: 25 Jun 2023, 14:05
by Okorji98
I won’t say that I have ever been physically bullied especially all through my high school so can’t particularly relate. However I have experienced mental bullying where others try to intimidate you mentally and make you feel small.

Re: Have You Ever Been Bullied?

Posted: 25 Jun 2023, 17:09
by Pauline Parnell
I am with you on that. Bullying is not only done in schools but also in homes and at the workplace. I once visited a dentist who was elderly and frail and saw, to my dismay, a customer being a bully towards him. It hurts my heart, and needless to say, I had to intervene.