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Re: A man's job is a hint for how he views the world; do you agree?

Posted: 21 Sep 2023, 06:23
by Rishaunda Lynnette Britton
Well, I hate to generalize. When it comes to job, certain factors play out. There are people who just go for the hob because of the pay and not necessarily because they are into it and there are people who pick up hobs that suit their passion. But then, generally speaking, one's job can give some hints about their personality.

Re: A man's job is a hint for how he views the world; do you agree?

Posted: 23 Sep 2023, 13:05
by Bettny Andrade
It is true that there are nuances in everything, I think that the job you have is not necessarily how your life goes, but certainly in many cases (and it depends on each person) it can vary.

Re: A man's job is a hint for how he views the world; do you agree?

Posted: 29 Sep 2023, 12:02
by Nele Ma
Yes, I agree to some extent. A person's job can often provide insights into their worldview, values, and priorities. The type of work someone chooses or excels in can reflect their interests, skills, and the way they perceive their role in society. However, it's important to remember that a person's job doesn't define their entire perspective, and individuals may have multifaceted views of the world that go beyond their professional life.

Re: A man's job is a hint for how he views the world; do you agree?

Posted: 30 Sep 2023, 07:05
by Malthide Jones
No, I do not agree with that statement. A man will do anything to put food on his table. He might not even love his job.

Re: A man's job is a hint for how he views the world; do you agree?

Posted: 09 Oct 2023, 00:07
by Buikem Kasia
I highly disagree. Men will just do whatever they have to, just to get by and provide for their families. They shouldn't be viewed as such.

Re: A man's job is a hint for how he views the world; do you agree?

Posted: 11 Oct 2023, 17:33
by Terrine Wild
Nope. It might be true for some men but can't be true for all me. We all have different experiences that make us take different choices.

Re: A man's job is a hint for how he views the world; do you agree?

Posted: 13 Oct 2023, 03:40
by koffi Malay
To an extent, I beleive that this is true. However, this might not be entirely true and it may be hard to prove it. Most mene just do what they have to do to make ends meet.

Re: A man's job is a hint for how he views the world; do you agree?

Posted: 14 Oct 2023, 07:43
by ViviVivid
A person's view on life may not always be a result of the kind of job they do. It is not something that can be generalized. It will depend on a lot of factors. For instance, if that person does not have a life outside of their work environment, they may not know much about how life and the world work. They will typically have a narrowed perception of life. However, if the person is very active and puts life on priority, they may have a completely different view of life, no matter what their job is.

Re: A man's job is a hint for how he views the world; do you agree?

Posted: 28 Apr 2024, 13:03
by Princewill Uchenna
This is not true at all. Men get random jobs just to get money and feed their families. It doesn't mean that that's how they view the world. It is false and they just do what they have to do to make sure their families are happy.