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Re: If you feel depressed, what is your coping mechanism?

Posted: 10 Aug 2023, 05:07
by Moray_001
Cristina Chifane wrote: 03 Aug 2023, 06:06 I usually keep myself busy enough to keep depression at bay. Being active, reading, listening to music, dancing, or taking a walk are very good coping mechanisms.
Being active is a good coping mechanism to take your mind off things. Just try not to exert your energy till burn out.

Re: If you feel depressed, what is your coping mechanism?

Posted: 10 Aug 2023, 05:46
by Moray_001
Varsha Porwal wrote: 05 Jul 2023, 13:43 I don’t think it is a healthy one, but my coping mechanism is to just avoid my problems and binge eat.
Sometimes ignorance is bliss but the problems you're ignoring would still be there waiting for you to address them.

Re: If you feel depressed, what is your coping mechanism?

Posted: 10 Aug 2023, 05:47
by Moray_001
Selena R Romero wrote: 16 Jul 2023, 04:38 I do different things when I notice I'm depressed or down. First I try to internally motivate myself by reminding myself of the good things I have in life, family, love and friendships. I also express myself better with art so I draw different works and come up with beautiful paintings. I also take walks at night; it's so therapeutic.
I like your approach, it reminds of the song 'Count Your Blessings' I find it very uplifting when I feel discouraged.

Re: If you feel depressed, what is your coping mechanism?

Posted: 10 Aug 2023, 07:20
by Dalia Chf
Honestly, it may sound cliché, especially in this forum, but whenever I feel sad or I want to plug off, my coping mechanism is definitely reading. diving into another world and forgetting about my problems is the best solution. Obviously, I try not to do that too much, especially when I'm feeling down, because I think it would be detrimental, but it is always a good solution in my opinion.

Re: If you feel depressed, what is your coping mechanism?

Posted: 10 Aug 2023, 17:57
by Blackstenius
Well, for me, there are several ways I try to handle depression when it tries to pull me down. First, I take a nature walk to just relax. I might also read or decide to pen down something as a way to let out what feels burdensome. Or go play a game of amateur football or just some type of soorting activity—exercising always uplifts both my mind and body. Or listen to my favorite music. Or watch my favorite film or series. Just something to take my mind out of negative thoughts during such times. Or I go talk to a close one, just to vent or to seek advice.

Re: If you feel depressed, what is your coping mechanism?

Posted: 13 Aug 2023, 09:02
by Zippy Kerubo
Talk to someone close or a therapist... Its will be the best choice before it worsen

Re: If you feel depressed, what is your coping mechanism?

Posted: 15 Aug 2023, 02:20
by Rocky Ellery James Tumbelaka
My coping mechanism is, unfortunately, eating. When feeling depressed or having a lot on my mind, I would eat a bag of cookies drench in a bowl of milk. I have to say it was very relieving, but also only momentary.

Re: If you feel depressed, what is your coping mechanism?

Posted: 15 Aug 2023, 02:23
by Jenipher Owino
Try to stay out of many upcoming stress and listening to music and doing some exercises to make myself busy and healthy

Re: If you feel depressed, what is your coping mechanism?

Posted: 17 Aug 2023, 14:50
by Christopher Sublett
Humor and laughter, are my best coping mechanisms whenever stressful situations arise. Life is too short not to possibly enjoy every moment that is within your control. Things or situations beyond my control that may cause stress, I laugh about it and keep pushing forward.

Re: If you feel depressed, what is your coping mechanism?

Posted: 19 Aug 2023, 12:53
by Abiodunakinola
If I feel depressed, I just consult God in prayer and pour my concerns into him. I then sleep, wake up to eat, and start another activity.

Re: If you feel depressed, what is your coping mechanism?

Posted: 21 Aug 2023, 17:44
by Sheen Jenny
I try to focus on the things that bring me joy and comfort. I call my sister and talk to her at length. I read my favorite book, or listen to music. Sometimes i just call my boyfriend. Just talking about how we're feeling make a big difference.

Re: If you feel depressed, what is your coping mechanism?

Posted: 28 Aug 2023, 11:31
by Thera reads
I don't think it's the right thing but I play games to take away stress. I've been doing this for years and it works everything.

Re: If you feel depressed, what is your coping mechanism?

Posted: 28 Aug 2023, 12:14
by RJ Reviews
My immediate reaction is to step away from the situation. However, that may not always be possible. In those cases, I prefer to get lost in the world of books. They're the perfect escape route!

Music lightens the mood too. A cup of steaming honey-ginger tea helps me shift focus. The point is to stop dwelling in the situation that is causing me distress.

Re: If you feel depressed, what is your coping mechanism?

Posted: 29 Aug 2023, 15:57
by Meghan Soderholm
I always find someone I can talk to that I trust 100%, not only to vent out and invite them to share their thoughts with you to find common ground, but to have someone who'll listen. Sometimes, we only need someone who will listen and not give random advice.

Re: If you feel depressed, what is your coping mechanism?

Posted: 03 Sep 2023, 06:03
by Zainab Wasif
To cope my depression, I get involved with those who love me. I give them time, listen to their problems and what’s going on in their lives. It lets me forget my own problems.
I also get close to nature.