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Re: Are you curious?

Posted: 12 Sep 2023, 04:43
by Hyfr Zack
Naturally, I'd say I'm interested in the idea of suicide. When I was depressed and contemplating suicide at one time in my life. I also pondered whether my issues would disappear after I passed away. It can be difficult to fight suicide ideas.

Re: Are you curious?

Posted: 18 Sep 2023, 12:51
by Chinenye Sus
I always hold onto the hope that if I observe the signs, I would extend a hand to someone and remind them that they are not alone. In my everyday life, I make an effort to smile and greet anyone I encounter, whether it's at the grocery store or elsewhere. You never know when a simple smile or a brief conversation can make someone feel acknowledged. Making eye contact with teenagers can be a bit more challenging, but the elderly often appear delighted to have someone to chat with, even if only for a few minutes.

Re: Are you curious?

Posted: 20 Sep 2023, 16:16
by Clauson Justin
I think I am more empathic and would be more concerned with the fact that I may have not done enough to protect my friend and loved one. I wouldn't be curious to know their reasons or what made them do it anyway although if they wanted to talk about it I would still gladly indulge them. I believe it will be insensitive to want to know why rather than show deep concern.

Re: Are you curious?

Posted: 22 Sep 2023, 04:19
by Bettny Andrade
I think it's a really delicate topic. For a person who may be directly involved it must be disturbing, being friends with someone with this tendency, trying to help them and not getting better in some way can create thoughts of blameworthiness when an irreversible event occurs.

This topic would have to be analyzed from many points of view to give a balanced and generalized overview that has many variants.

Re: Are you curious?

Posted: 29 Sep 2023, 06:24
by Zainab Wasif
I do feel curious and there is certain guilt if it’s somebody close that maybe I could have helped. But I never feel like inquiring people who are not close about their personal lives unless they choose to tell me.

Re: Are you curious?

Posted: 29 Sep 2023, 08:18
by Dauria04
Fortunately, I never came close to living in a situation like this, I think I would feel curious but wouldn't want to be disrespectful to that person's friends and family. I think it is important to know that when a person decides to commit suicide, it's not anyone's fault, at least not in most cases.

Re: Are you curious?

Posted: 02 Oct 2023, 06:14
by Shanesha Sammerson
It's normal to feel curious about why someone might take such a drastic step, and it's also natural to wish that you could have been there for them. Guilt is a common reaction, but it's important to remember that you can't shoulder the responsibility for someone else's actions.

Suicidal thoughts and actions are the result of a complex interplay of factors, often including mental health struggles, personal circumstances, and a range of experiences. While being supportive and attentive is important, it's also crucial to recognize that you can't control or prevent every outcome.

Re: Are you curious?

Posted: 05 Oct 2023, 16:17
by Kendal Low
I think there will always be some sort of morbid curiosity present, but I don't think I'd ever ask the person what made them want to do it, unless I can tell they're looking for someone to talk to about it.

Re: Are you curious?

Posted: 07 Oct 2023, 11:47
by Anil G
One of my old childhood friend suicide in his house only and he was living with his family at that time. I just wonder what made him do it. What was in his mind? What was he thinking that he just did it? It's just beyond our imagination of how much guts it takes to take a step for it.

Re: Are you curious?

Posted: 09 Oct 2023, 00:13
by Buikem Kasia
At some point, she has to reassure everyone that she didn't do it because of them. They shouldn't have to live with that guilt. Life is hard and it was none of their faults.

Re: Are you curious?

Posted: 09 Oct 2023, 00:27
by Abi_rami
The same thing happened with two of my classmates. I feel guilty whenever I think about them as I didn't take the time to get to know them.

Re: Are you curious?

Posted: 09 Oct 2023, 16:06
by Marie Chalupová
Sometimes it's just so hard to tell what another person goes through. You just have to be there for your friends and try to treat people you don't know the best you can in a given situation.

I really liked when Avery said "See you later" to Addison and that simple sentence means so much to her.

Re: Are you curious?

Posted: 12 Oct 2023, 19:24
by Nonny Kenneth Ezeanwu
I'm always curious to know the reason or reasons behind their attempt but later on I choose to look into the present and how they are doing rather than focusing on the past

Re: Are you curious?

Posted: 13 Oct 2023, 04:00
by koffi Malay
The guilt is real and it is something that can make people even commit suicide. They feel like they have murdered someone.

Re: Are you curious?

Posted: 16 Oct 2023, 00:16
by Witch Cavil
Yes. They all felt a sense of guilt especially her mother. It was necessary for her to put everyone at ease from that burden.